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Tingly arm..

Code Lyoko

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My right arm is tingly like it is sort of asleep from my elbow all the way down the right inside part of my arm to my pinky and right ring finger. It has been that way for about two hours. Moving my hand/arm around to increase circulation is not improving the situation. Any suggestions? Anything I should be worried about? I'm in pretty good health overall, no history of heart issues or anything.

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It's probably a pinched nerve in your elbow (pinky and ring finger numbness generally comes from the elbow, thumb and forefinger numbness from the wrist).  Don't lean on your elbows and sit up straight and see how it is in a few hours (or even a day or two).

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Yes, I've been getting this the past few weeks since I've had a baby.  In my case because my hands are slightly swollen, I think.


If you are doing a lot of typing, take a long break or at least watch how you are holding your wrist.  An anti-inflammatory might help a little, or a cold compress.


If it keeps happening you should tell your doctor, you can get permanent nerve damage.

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Thanks so much for the suggestions. I do a lot of work on the computer so perhaps I have been positioning my arm poorly.


I have never been to a chiropractor but I will look into it.


Arm is still tingly. So annoying. Anyway, thanks again for suggestions. I will try them. :)

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