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Who's going to tackle Sunday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good afternoon!





fed cats



sorted laundry and started one load


To Do:

more laundry

a little school with ds

take and pick up ds (drama ministry and Christmas program practices)

tidy house

read in City of Ember for book club


Edited by mom31257
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Nobody changed the kitchen clock for Fall Back.  We were working in there all evening and at 8:45, I sent the second kid up for her shower and then put them to bed.  Funny thing, it was actually an hour early for their bedtime, and nobody noticed!  LOL.  Good, they will probably benefit from starting the week on an extra good night's sleep.  :)


They didn't finish all the work I was hoping they'd do, but we did get a start on the week.  They have 2 or 3 tests (one of the teachers doesn't give advance notice, but the kids say they're at the end of a chapter).  I just want them to have a little time to breathe on weeknights.


I am mostly done with the laundry.  Still working on my "work" work.

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