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Rod & Staff grammar questions

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I want to put my kids in the same level grammar program...and most likely writing program as well(but which writing program I haven't decided yet) and have questions about Rod & Staff.


my ds will be 7.5 next fall when we start and my dd 6. both are ahead a year in their studies and only a grade level between. So this year they are doing a grammar style workbook to let the youngest get better in writing more with hopes of starting R&S in the fall of next year.


I have looked at both level 2 and 3. I think my ds would be bored with 2 but not sure my dd would be able to do 3 after the first little bit.


be honest...is Rod & Staff an aggressive program for their levels? or dead on for the grade level? Should I do both in 2? or 3? or split them up?


sorry to be long winded...trying to answers questions some may ask me

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I agree with the pp. You could have them listen to the Grammar Rock dvd, read those wonderful "parts of speech" picture books, and maybe have them learn about capital letters and punctuation. That's all you really need right now.


Or how about FLL for a year? WWE and FFL would be a good combo.

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My ds is 8.5 and my dd is almost 7. I am just finishing level 2 with my ds. Even though he reads a Hardy Boys mystery in one day, I am very glad that we started in level 2. We started it in July and we are just starting paragraphs now (which is Unit 5). We only have one more unit after this. I feel confident that we will be able to start Level 3 soon and that it was time well spent to begin with Rod and Staff's wonderful systematic approach. We would sometimes do a whole week or more in one day, BTW. I will likely start my younger dd with Level 2 as soon as my ds gets to Level 3.



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My kids are using Rod and Staff in a class they are taking and HATE it. It makes the kids write/copy too much. I know that sounds pathetic, but they spend soooo much time copying from the book and not enough time writing their own compositions. Luckily, they are also doing IEW. I have used Easy Grammar in the past and LOVED it. I used it with an advanced group of 2nd graders no problem. Just keep it light and fun - maybe do the evens together and have them do the odds on their own. Your kids have plenty of time to get grammar. You can always add in diagramming into it later if you are worried about that.



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I am not sure how you are intending on doing it, and I havn't seen 2, but 3 and up involve a lot of writing if done as they are written. Many of us have done a lot of R&S orally in order to save those aching little hands. So if that makes a difference....


I agree with those who say wait. I think R&S is advanced rather than on grade level. My son was 9 or so when he went through book 3 and he learned more grammar than I ever did, just in that book alone! I woudl have fun and work on other things.

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My dd did R&S 3 last year - she was 8. It was perfect for her, but would have been too much for her sister who was 6.5 at the time.


If I were you, I would put them in two different levels of R&S.


This year dd9 is doing R&S 4. Dd7.5 is doing GWG Grades 1 & 2, then she'll do R&S 3 next year.



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and then begin in grade 3 with R&S English 3.


Your time with you little ones would be better served if you did more art, science, nature study, read alouds, memorized poems & songs, etc. than starting grammar that young, imho.




I totally skipped gr.4and gr.6. I stretched out gr.3 and gr. 5. IMHO, there is enough review,that this works well with R&S.


Good Luck!



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