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Help me be a nature lover!?!?!?

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I don't like to go outside. I love my little air conditioned abode:D. But, I know I NEED to take my dc outside. They are too little to go out by themselves (18month, 3.5 and 5 years old). I live in a nice suburb with sidewalks and a big lake I could walk around. I have a fenced in yard with a big wooden playground (slide, swings, clubhouse, sandbox). I have a nice table with an umbrella to sit under, but I don't like to go outside. I live in a hot climate and it is now perfect weather for outside, but I get very bored and restless. I have tried to read, but it gets too broken up from the kids constantly calling my name needing something.


Tell me how can I become "one with nature" and learn to love outside time?


Nature lovers tell me your secrete.:001_wub:

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talk on the phone

read a magazine - doesn't matter so much if you are interrupted

play with your dc


I would love to take my little ones for walks but we live on a dead end and I don't like going all the way to the end (neighbors and loose dogs) so there's nowhere to go.

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I have a nice table with an umbrella to sit under, but I don't like to go outside. I live in a hot climate and it is now perfect weather for outside, but I get very bored and restless. I have tried to read, but it gets too broken up from the kids constantly calling my name needing something.



What do you do inside that keeps you from being bored and restless?


If I had your pickle, I'd consider: bringing out a polite volumed boombox with something fun on it.

Bring my papers out to sort.

Writing out a to-do list

Getting a chatty but overdue phone call out of the way

Playing with the kids

Play ball with a dog (you can even borrow a dog for walkies) while the kids play. A good dog is a natural "upper" for me.

Start a small but tasteful container garden, even just herbs, which are easy, you can water, trim, weed easily.


You don't have to caress leaves or smell compost....do something interruptable and portable. HTH

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What do you do inside that keeps you from being bored and restless?


Uummmm...I like to be on the computer.:blush:


If I had your pickle, I'd consider: bringing out a polite volumed boombox with something fun on it.

Bring my papers out to sort.

Writing out a to-do list

Getting a chatty but overdue phone call out of the way


I'm not much for being on the phone.


Playing with the kids

Play ball with a dog (you can even borrow a dog for walkies) while the kids play. A good dog is a natural "upper" for me.


I have dogs, but they are so small they can get through the fence and then I have to chase them around the neighborhod.:tongue_smilie:

Start a small but tasteful container garden, even just herbs, which are easy, you can water, trim, weed easily.


I really like that idea. Thanks!!!


You don't have to caress leaves or smell compost....do something interruptable and portable.




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How about making some moss gardens for you to tinker with?


Get a container, fill with dirt, add moss, then add a few trinkets, like little stones, little 1 inch sculptures (like the figures that come in that tea-Red Rose tea, maybe?). You can mist the moss, rearrange it, just tinker around with it.


I get restless playing with small kids, too. I find art to be a good thing to bring outside, and water play, too. Try some painting set up on an easel, or bring the blocks outside (big ones are fun--make castles, forts, etc), or set up a couple of dishpans of water and let them bath their dolls or wash their play dishes. Set up a plastic/flannel backed tablecloth under the dishpans so they can kneel comfortably. Give them spray bottles and have them water the grass, the trees and bushes, each other...


Good luck. I hate bugs. Now it's less buggy here, I'm out more.

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I don't like to go outside. I love my little air conditioned abode:D. But, I know I NEED to take my dc outside. They are too little to go out by themselves (18month, 3.5 and 5 years old). I live in a nice suburb with sidewalks and a big lake I could walk around. I have a fenced in yard with a big wooden playground (slide, swings, clubhouse, sandbox). I have a nice table with an umbrella to sit under, but I don't like to go outside. I live in a hot climate and it is now perfect weather for outside, but I get very bored and restless. I have tried to read, but it gets too broken up from the kids constantly calling my name needing something.


Tell me how can I become "one with nature" and learn to love outside time?


Nature lovers tell me your secrete.:001_wub:


Well...a simple thing really...Pay Attention.


While you sit at the park, see how many birds you can see? Can you identify them? If not, get a simple bird guide and figure them out. During the year, I see different birds and have learned much about their habits because I watch them. Knowing more about something increases your appreciation of it.


Do similar things with trees/plants/weeds or insects. Take a sketchbook and draw your children (or the birds....)


Sometimes its also a matter of conditioning....getting used to being in the heat or cold. Dress for comfort, not looks. Sometimes its a matter of choosing to enjoy being outside. Our family motto is 'you don't *have* to, you *get* to.' It applies whether you are talking about doing the dishes or traveling to Europe.


I second the playing with the kids idea, too. The time in the park is 'their' time. Focus on them and the time will speed along. You can have mommy time when you get back home. From an old mommy with almost grown up sons...these childhood days are alllllll toooooo short. Seize the moment. ;)


I'm just the opposite of you. I adore being outside, preferably with my hands in the dirt or with a critter of some sort. My family says I'm solar powered.


I hope you find the fun and enjoyment you are looking for.

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Have you seen Barb's Handbook of Nature Study blog?


Here is another nature study blog.


You could get Anna Botsford Comstock's Handbook of Nature Study, and go with the ideas on Barb's blog. Or, you don't even have to get the book - just take a look at what she's looking for every week and go find them outside and show your kids. It doesn't have to be hard. If you have something to look for, at least that will give you some purpose in being outside, right?


A couple of weeks ago we went out and found some snails. Now, I am not as a rule fond of snails - but we had a ball watching them and learning about them! They turned out to be fascinating and fun. I bet your kids would love to watch some snails crawl around on a plate for a while. You can put a glass over them to keep them from escaping.


I also found a tape worm under a rock while looking for snails. :blink::ack2::svengo::willy_nilly: That was not so good. It was striped so at first I thought it was a snake. Then I realized what it was and killed it. But, at least I did not scream.


Your 5 yo is old enough to do leaf rubbings and bark rubbings. Your 3 yo could probably do them too.


You could collect pretty leaves and iron them in wax paper now that it's fall.


You could put a bird feeder in your yard, get a bird book and enjoy learning the different kinds of birds that come to your feeder. You might be surprised how easy it is to find bird nests in trees, especially once the leaves start falling.


Try Parisarah's 100 Species Challenge. That will also give you something to look for outside. Your two older ones are probably old enough to participate.


Pick up pine cones. Make bird feeders with them.


Here is a website with 101 Things To Do This Fall. He has seasonal lists, so you will not lack for things to do - do one thing per day. Think of all the fun you could have!


Keep a nature journal. Barb also has great suggestions on her blog. This could be a fun way to show yourself how much you're enjoying the great outdoors! You could even do it digitally - take pictures of what you do and start a nature blog!


Make a fairy garden. Your kids would love it.


I bet, once you get outside and start looking around, that you will have a great time and learn to love it.

Edited by 3lilreds in NC
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Kids usually LOVE nature and the outdoors,if they havent been taught to be frightened, so can you overcome your resistance for their sake? I know its hard with little kids, but its so important for kids to see green, birds, trees, to touch the earth, to find bugs, to see shapes in clouds, to paddle in water, to feed the ducks. I cant imagine a childhood without those experiences. I feel they are just as important as all the academic stuff we get caught up in later. This is a beautiful planet we live on, that we share with many other creatures- cultivating a sense of appreciation for that - in yourself and your children- just makes life that much more beautiful and worthwhile.

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Sorry, I am not really an outdoor person. Never have been. In fact, I like staying inside in a cavelike area with no breeze. I sometimes wonder if I suffered some childhood trauma that has affected me. I don't have an actual fear or anything, just a strong preference. I guess my mom was the same way, but I used to love walking by myself for hours in the woods near our house.


I am getting a lot better. I tend to dread going out, but when I get there I enjoy it. I like the sunshine, I still like long sleeves though to keep the breeze off unless it is really warm. Having a regular time or routine to go out helps because otherwise you tend to just keep putting it off. Especially with a nice yard, having a regular time in the morning and afternoon to go out would be a good idea. Having a special project or reason to go out would help too - a plant that needs to be watered or just observed each day, though that is better for spring.


my younger son loves bugs, so it is fun to find them with him and so rewarding to see his excitement. He loves any animals, birds, and everything. my six year old loves being outside but isn't really into actual nature per se.

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