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incorporating the election into your studies this year?

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Any great tips for teaching about the election this year?  Particularly 4th graders....


I'm not super politically minded so it doesn't come naturally for me to just incorporate politics into daily discussions.  DH on the other hand, is very good at talking about such things.  But he's not here during the day and our nights are fairly packed.

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Thankfully our co op is planning to teach all about it. It is definitely not something that excites me so I'm happy to have them take the ball on this one! I'm not sure what curriculum they are using. I want to say one age group is doing Notgrass I think...maybe.

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"It isn't polite to talk about politics and religion. You might accidentally hurt somebody's feelings."


If my rising third grader is anxious about it, I will share memories of my own concerns about McGovern vs Nixon and his grandparents' memories of worrying that FDR might not get re-elected and remind him that these things have a way of working themselves out.


Hitler does not rule the world nor did the Soviet Union bomb us back to the stone age. This too shall pass.

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"It isn't polite to talk about politics and religion. You might accidentally hurt somebody's feelings."


If my rising third grader is anxious about it, I will share memories of my own concerns about McGovern vs Nixon and his grandparents' memories of worrying that FDR might not get re-elected and remind him that these things have a way of working themselves out.


Hitler does not rule the world nor did the Soviet Union bomb us back to the stone age. This too shall pass.


Well, no, Hitler is dead, but he took a lot of people with him. Those who have family that died in the Holocaust might not be so matter of fact about the idea that eventually all dictators and bad guys die. Sometimes they do a lot of damage before they go. 

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My DD7 is watching conventions and debates with us it's a full on family popcorn event. We will be definitely incorporating it.

How about basic ideas of platforms of each candidate, because whatever your leaning, obviously what they say matters to many ppl.

then a fun "write and deliver your own speech for the family about issues you think are important" that would be fun :))


weve been watching all kinds of coverage over many networks (bbc, pbs, cnn, msnbc, fox and more) and it's not hype when you hear people say the media is biased or trying to sway public opinion, IMO it absolutely is biased, not to mention inflammatory and fearmongering in how they choose to cover and communicate things... Which I think matters when it comes to what you choose to have your kid watch, and what info they will get from it.

SO IMO, rather than only watching news coverage for analysis, I recommend searching YouTube for "(candidate name) full speech dd/mm/yy" and just watch an actual speech because IMO you (grown ups and kids) can de clutter and understand what they are saying... And for many other reasons. Just like I prefer to read an unabridged work of literature versus the cliff notes or an excerpt I guess. Go to the source.


I've been watching the news, like I said, many networks. When they mention a speech, I pause the news. before listening to their coverage, I switch to the YouTube full unedited speech film of the event. Watch that, form my own opinion / takeaway, THEN watch what the news said the speech was about and what it meant and what they think I should think about it. .............

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