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Wedding gift ideas needed for....


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my SIL that is 50 and is marrying someone that is 65 and we haven't met him.  They are moving into her house (which is nothing fancy at all, kind of surprised me) I guess it's someone from her church.  They live an hour away, so we won't likely meet him until the wedding, which is October 1st.  She's been single for about 8 years, we'll find out a little more when we see my inlaws over Labor Day.  I don't have a clue what to get, nor is our budget huge. Any ideas?

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Gift certificate for experiences, like a generic ticketmaster credit if you find out they like shows.  


I tend to be rather sentimental, but always forget to have a place to keep track.  So a quality notebook with suggestions on keeping a couples journal.  

Either lists of specific things they like dislike, or of memories of daily life.  (http://www.thedatingdivas.com/corie/a-couples-journal/)  


Keep track of movies they like and make it a movie night collection with some popcorn, a couple types of candy and some classic movies in a popcorn tin.  


Travel journal if they like to travel or trip.  


A pretty jar with 365 days worth of questions.  http://www.happywivesclub.com/kick-off-the-weekend-with-this-awesome-activity-for-two/  

My husband commented he wished we had had this while dating or early married.  

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Ask her whether they are registered.


Maybe get them a romantic picnic basket set?


Or something useful but kind of frivolous that they are unlikely to buy for themselves, like an olive wood salt pot?


Maybe some fancy candles and candlesticks?


A gift cert. for a night at a B and B?  That's pricier, though.


Do you do crafts that are unique?  You might have enough time to make something really special because it is personal.


Or if not, you can personalize a 31 gifts tote and put in some picnic items.

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At that age, although you'd think they'd "have everything", much of their "everythings" might be pretty worn out and not-so-fancy-anymore. I know that I was helping my mom replace a lot of her basic kitchenware when she was in her 60s, as she was ready to move on to All Clad/Wusthof/etc from her basic RevereWare/etc that got her though her earlier life. She enjoyed having fancy stuff, and now she could finally afford it. The darn thing about those functional basics -- TupperWare, Pots, Knives, etc, is that it lasts FOREVER, and, ya know, Tupperware from the 70s that had been in regular use for 50 years looks a little tired, lol. (FWIW, I just sent a load of that 70s Tupperware down to college girl's house!)


I'd check to see if they are registered anywhere. If they aren't registered, then I'd treat it like any other wedding -- probably give cash if I can't buy off the registry. But, if I were to go out and buy something not on the registry, I'd make sure it was either consumable or very high end (small is fine, but really nice), assuming they already have all the basics covered.

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Our nephew just married; he and his bride both changed their names. We made personalized note cards with their new names; we did two styles with fonts we thought they would like.  We used his name first with one font and her name first with the other font.  The cards were well received.  We also gave a check.




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