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Bed Bugs


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I just found bed bugs in my bed! We bought a used bed frame! On inspection this morning it seems there were eggs on the frame that just hatched. Tiny little bright red buggers and my arm is covered in bites. None for dh. Arghhh! 

Dh just threw away the bed frame and our mattress and quilt and rug. I've washed the rest of the bedding in scalding water and put it through the drier on high. I vacuumed, and washed the vacuum with scalding water. I cleaned the baseboards near the bed with alcohol, and plan to wipe it daily for three weeks with alcohol.

Is there anything else I should be doing? I don't know if I'll sleep well for weeks. I'll be waking up every few minutes to check for bugs.

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Go the bedbugger.com forums.  You can dust the baseboards with Diatomaceous Earth and make some DIY bed bug traps to put under the legs of the beds. If they just hatched, you more than likely caught them early. Keep sleeping in the same room as the bugs were so that you can make sure they don't spread throughout the house looking for food.

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Sympathies.   I wouldn't have thought that a bed FRAME could have them.


Oh, honey, they can be anywhere. I know somebody who found them in the hole around the screws in her office chair. A bedframe is perfect - lots of nooks and crannies, and it's close to somebody who is immobile 6+ hours every day.


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Spray with HotShot Bedbug Spray.   (I got it at Home Depot)


Start in the hallway, and spray across the doorway well (to make sure you don't just chase them out into the rest of the house, then spray around the baseboards and furniture, then a mist over the whole floor.  The spray is completely odorless and dries quickly.  


We found two bedbugs in ds' bed after he started getting bites.  We searched and found the tell-tale signs on the boxspring.  Took that outside (eventually to the dump).  Then, did everything you have done, plus sprayed the whole room as I described above.  We sprayed around the mattress, too, even though we didn't see any sign of trails or eggs.  Ds stayed out of the room for several days. 


We never saw another bedbug.  I believe we caught it early (within the first week or two of their arrival.

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