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Curious: does/did your 9yo know how to use a squatter?


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Mine grew up in China, so it was common for them.  There were sometimes Western style toilets available, but usually marked for disabled use.


I squat down fully and stand up from a squat without using my hands as a regular part of my attempt to stay fit into old age (strength and balance).


maybe I'll get there at some point....but as of now..nope



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maybe I'll get there at some point....but as of now..nope




What I found when first I started trying to do it (recently) was that the problem was mostly lack of core strength.  My legs were strong enough but it pulled on my stomach muscles as I tried to stand up.  As I've done more yoga, it's become easier.


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What I found when first I started trying to do it (recently) was that the problem was mostly lack of core strength.  My legs were strong enough but it pulled on my stomach muscles as I tried to stand up.  As I've done more yoga, it's become easier.



I could do it.  It wouldn't be graceful at all, but yeah if push came to shove I'd do it.  I've peed in the woods.


But I often end up almost peeing on my shoes so I'm not particularly good at it.  LOL  Then again that's when the stuff runs all over the place rather than goes into a hole so maybe the hole thing would work out better.


Where exactly does the stuff go though?  Do you flush that as well?  Does it just run into some sort of sewer automatically?

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I could do it.  It wouldn't be graceful at all, but yeah if push came to shove I'd do it.  I've peed in the woods.


But I often end up almost peeing on my shoes so I'm not particularly good at it.  LOL  Then again that's when the stuff runs all over the place rather than goes into a hole so maybe the hole thing would work out better.


Where exactly does the stuff go though?  Do you flush that as well?  Does it just run into some sort of sewer automatically?


It depends.  Most Western squat toilets have a normal flush which sluices the whole basin apart from (usually) the footplates.  I've gone in compost-style ones in China and Tibet, and also ones that are a long trench with continuously running water.  Everyone faces the same way over the trench but there are partitions so you can't see the next person.  You can see their productions flowing by though.

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I'd heard of them but never seen one. Kids had never heard of one. One kid held it six hours rather than use one while we were in rural India. I can't imagine how anyone would think they are more sanitary. The ones we encountered (except in the malls) were covered in excrement, the water cup for washing (no toilet paper and no sprayer in many locations) was nasty, and most people splatter somewhat so what happens to their feet! And what about older people with knee problems or balance issues? I am still recovering emotionally from the squatty potties two years later, and I am not a germaphobe, but blech!!!


A communal washing cup? :ohmy: Oh, man. That's the stuff of nightmares. Shudder. 

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No, my dc don't know how to use one. I've used one when travelling in what was Yugoslavia 25 years ago. I use the bush when needed while running, but this is way easier as there isn't a hole you have to hit. ;) Never use a leaf to wipe, though, because having an allergic reaction down there is NOT fun.  :crying:



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I'm just trying to imagine squatting down like that (no problem), but then it's the getting back up thing I'd worry about.  LOL  I imagine one gets used to that and builds up the necessary muscle strength, but squatting down in that way isn't something I do all that often!



If they are in a room it's often a small room so people can use the walls for help if necessary. Elderly people often need someone to take them and help them balance and/or get back up. I remember taking my grandma, who could squat fine even in her eighties but needed some support getting back to standing.  :)

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Before living in Japan, no. Now, yes, they definitely can. My kids were 9 and 7 when they moved so no, I wouldn't expect kids their age to know how to do it. I think this is just a case of cultural difference. In our society, you don't come across squatty potty situations often, if at all. 

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