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Engineering & design classes

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Is there an online engineering & design classes geared toward high school students that won't break the bank? My son has an interest in engineering and I would like to let him take a class but the ones I have found have been outside our budget. There are no clubs in our area and our local district does not offer anything. TIA

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I've yet to see an "Intro to Engineering" course that was any good.  Even the one I took in college was worthless.  However, there is a free course on edX right now ... from the looks of it, it is not "design" based, but gives a history/overview of the various fields of engineering.  


To get a taste of engineering, I think working on design projects/competitions are better.  Here is a free bridge design competition that home school students can enter:  https://bridgecontest.org/.  And while I don't personally have experience with this kit, if he is interested in computers/robotics, this looks like a great beginner kit that could easily be used as the basis for an elective course:  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00WIXUF9S?psc=1


ETA:  Here's another course on edX that looks promising: Introduction to Aeronautical Engineering.

Edited by amy58103
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Don't have any idea if it's good or not yet, but my DS is doing MIT's Open Course Ware (free!) Intro to Electrical Engineering & Computer Science course next year. He's going to spread it out over all year ... and still might not get it all the way finished in one year ... but it looks good from what we can see so far.




edited for typos

Edited by Momto5inIN
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Our public school system has Design and Modeling from 7th DS took this year as part of part time enrollment and loved it. They use CAD software and build mini houses to scale and specs and other neat projects. Also the hs continues the sequence. If you don't have that option the local community college offers a robotics course and similar CAD courses that that some high schoolers take for dual enrollment so I'm sure they'd let you enroll. Our state offers funding for dual enrollment so the cost is nothing or minimal (books for homeschoolers)



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