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Could this be chicken pox? Update in post 11


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My youngest, who is 10, has not been vaccinated for chicken pox due to reactions to vaccines.  He has been sick since Tuesday.  Started out with a very sore throat.  Took him to the doctor to rule out strep, it wasn't strep.  That night he started vomiting to the point that there was blood in his vomit and we took an ER trip.  They gave him meds to help stop the vomiting.  Since then he has had a runny nose and started getting a cough last night.  He only had a low grade fever on day 2 and hasn't had one since.  Yesterday he noticed two red marks on his upper arm.  Today they are bigger and have a raise bump in the center.  They are not blisters.  He says they are itchy, but not too bad.  He has no other spots.


My first thought is could it be chicken pox.  But I was told by a nurse practitioner years ago that the rash starts on the trunk of the body and spreads, so that leads me to believe it is a different virus.  I am debating whether I should call his doctor and get it checked or if I am just overreacting.

Edited by loowit
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That doesn't really sound like chicken pox to me.  Both my kids had it a couple of years ago (April/May) and I had it as a child.  For my kids, they started out with fevers and then several blisters the next day on the chest area.  Then they spread.  Does he have more spots yet?  Each day should have more spots, if it is chicken pox.  I think my son had a sore throat with his, but my daughter did not.  They did not vomit and there was no cough with it. 


I think your son has a different virus.  

Edited by mom2samlibby
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Thanks for the replies.  I looked at the spots again and am pretty sure it isn't chicken pox.  It is now two raised bright red spots about the size of a quarter with a bump in the middle.  It is getting more itchy, poor kid.  He also is developing a croupy cough.  I did put in a call to the advice nurse to see if they want to see him. The ER said we should do a follow up appointment two days after he was seen there, I was planning to skip it since it is usually just a waste of time with them telling me that yes he is better.

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Both my kids had chicken pox.  WIth both it started with flu like symptoms, headache, low grad fever, body aches, crankiness.  When I had chicken pox at age 17 I thought I had the flu, it was mostly an achy feeling. But no vomiting or sore throat or cough. 


My sister had  a sore throat but that was when it was very clear she had chicken pox. She had a blister in her throat.  It healed up quickly though.


And with my kid, once the pox appeared, they sort of bloomed all over.  It was like I saw two flat red spots, then those developed blisters and then over the course of a couple hours they  had spots all over. I could see them develop before my eyes

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Did doctor do the rapid strep or also swab for the overnight culture? My kids tended to also vomit when they had strep :-( and sounds like a bug bite on top of everything (unless more spots appear). Has he been vaccinated for measles?


My kids all had c. pox.. If it was that, there would be far more blisters popping up all over by now.


What kind of poisonous spiders are in your area?

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Took him to the doctor.  She said that he has a bad cold virus.  He often gets a bad sore throat and vomiting with them for some reason.  They did a rapid strep on Wednesday but I don't think they cultured it.  He has had a lot of sore throats in the last year, about one a month and has gone in a few times for a strep test, they are all negative.


She thinks the spots on his arm are from some sort of bug bite.  He hasn't been outside much because of being sick, so not sure what sort of bug.  We don't have venomous spiders in our area, so I am not too worried about that.  The spots are getting bigger and looking much more like very big hives now.  She said to give him benadryl and put cold compresses on them.

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I would also wash those "bites" with hibiclens, add some antibiotic cream along with the cold compresses to the "bug bites", and draw a line around them so you know how much bigger they have gotten.  Keep an eye on them, as a number of people are discovering that they have MRSA instead of bug bites.  My kids do have big allergic reactions to any sort of insect bite, but we've also had 5-6 rounds of MRSA here.  Our initial MRSA was from a scrape at a public pool.

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Hope the little dude feels better soon. Update us when he does.


Whenever someone posts about a sick kid here on the boards, our collective parental radar kicks in and they remain in our thoughts until we get an all-clear to stop worrying. :-)

Edited by JFSinIL
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My youngest, who is 10, has not been vaccinated for chicken pox due to reactions to vaccines.  He has been sick since Tuesday.  Started out with a very sore throat.  Took him to the doctor to rule out strep, it wasn't strep.  That night he started vomiting to the point that there was blood in his vomit and we took an ER trip.  They gave him meds to help stop the vomiting.  Since then he has had a runny nose and started getting a cough last night.  He only had a low grade fever on day 2 and hasn't had one since.  Yesterday he noticed two red marks on his upper arm.  Today they are bigger and have a raise bump in the center.  They are not blisters.  He says they are itchy, but not too bad.  He has no other spots.


My first thought is could it be chicken pox.  But I was told by a nurse practitioner years ago that the rash starts on the trunk of the body and spreads, so that leads me to believe it is a different virus.  I am debating whether I should call his doctor and get it checked or if I am just overreacting.


It does not sound like chicken pox to me.  It starts very fast and spreads overnight.  Lots of little shiny blisters. 


Sounds like something else, and I would have it checked out.  If any potential of Lyme, get treated! Doesn't sound typical though. 

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Hope the little dude feels better soon. Update us when he does.


Whenever someone posts about a sick kid here on the boards, our collective parental radar kicks in and they remain in our thoughts until we get an all-clear to stop worrying. :-)


DS is feeling much better today.  He was sick and coughing all weekend.  I think he will have a lingering cough for a while.  The spots on his arm are much better.  They had grown very large, but are now back to just quarter size and much less red and puffy.  They both have a small scab in the center, but don't look infected at all.  My middle child got the cold virus or whatever it was too, but he didn't get nearly as sick, no vomiting just a runny nose a cough.  The funny thing is he also has two red spots, but on his forearm, not his upper arm.  But his spots are very small, about the size of a pencil eraser, and aren't raised or itchy.  I am sure they are totally not related, but it does seem odd.

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