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Running -- what to do in the winter?

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I have started running and am finally making some progress (I'm old!), but now I'm thinking...what am I going to do when it's icing, snowing, just darn cold this winter? I don't want to begin again in the spring. I don't have $ for a gym membership or an expensive treadmill. I was thinking maybe an exercise bike? But all the ones I've seen are so expensive because they have "extras." I just need a bike, a cheap one, but I can't find one. Does anyone have any ideas on where to get an exercise bike inexpensively? Or, does anyone have other ideas for winter that would keep me going through the winter?




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I just keep running through the winter. I get a kick out of people driving by and looking at me, thinking I'm nuts. :) It doesn't snow where I live now, but even when I did live in much colder climates, I still ran. My brother, who's a marathoner, lived in Kansas City for the past four years, and when I went to visit him in January we both ran in the snow and ice together. It was actually really fun, and with the right gear (and fairly clear sidewalks), it's doable.


But I know that's not for everyone! :D One alternative to an exercise bike is to get a cheap road bike (or use one you already have), and use an indoor bike trainer. (I bought my trainer for about $50 used.) As a triathlete, I have to keep up my cycle training during the winter, but it's not practical to ride in bad weather. Basically, you put your back wheel in the trainer, and then pedal your bike, but it doesn't go anywhere. :) Depending on the trainer, you can set the angles and tension to give yourself a more rigorous workout.


Another option might be a jogging trampoline. I have one that my son uses for his OT, and it cost me about $50 on Amazon.

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What to do in the winter? Run! Now, I'm in Central VA, and while we surely have some ice storms and yucky weather, it's not TOO often that I'm kept from running for days on end. I actually prefer running in winter to the heat/humidity of summer. I love that I don't have to go at 5:30 in the morning to beat the heat. I love getting out there and knowing that even though I'm cold starting out, I'll warm up. I love to put on long pants, a wicking shirt, and fleece, and then needing to shed the fleece. I even love it when I need to put on gloves and a fleece hat. Usually they come off too. So, we don't have an exercise bike. We used to, but I hated that bike. When I've had to exercise indoors (when we're at a conference) I've hated it. I love being outside, even if it's cold. I tend to look at weather.com and figure out which 4 days during the week are going to be the best for running. If I can only get in three, it's okay. I don't stress about it. Unlike some other die-hards, I don't run in rain. I don't mind starting out cold, but I don't like to get wet AND cold. HTH!

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I got a treadmill on Craigslist last year. I think it was $200? It's not a top of the line by any means, but had good ratings from people who wanted a treadmill but couldn't spend $1000. It's an Image brand.


Anyway, you might want to look on Craigslist for either a treadmill or exercise bike.

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You can run outside and pretend it's not cold. I've never been able to do this myself, but dh does all winter. The key is to make yourself windproof. Wear some light windproof pants and jacket over your warmer clothes and give it a try. You might also consider good gloves and a pair of sunglasses or ski goggles.


The other idea is to get a cheap trampoline and jog or dance or aerobicize on it. I bought one for $20 (yes, twenty bucks) at SportMart. I put some good music on or watch a TV show and just try to jog or bounce in some way for thirty minutes.

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I am so not sure footed on ice and snow -- and we get alot of it! So last year I bought a pair of yak traks . . .they're basically treads that attach to my runners. They are very effective in everything but maybe black ice.


I figure it's not only the running but the fresh air that improves my spirits so I go.


I also have a pair of rain pants for very inclement days.

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My plan is to just keep on running unless there's black ice. The snow gets cleared quickly around here (usually), and we don't get much of it. The cold has me a bit concerned because it does hurt my lungs/chest. I have a few things planned to help me deal with that, but I really don't like running on a treadmill. That would be the ideal answer, I guess.

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A pair or 2 of running tights/runnings pants and a sweatshirt or jacket and I'm good to go.


From experience, I know that I can run in 29 degree darkness (no sunlight to warm me up) in a long sleeve shirt with a windbreaker and a pair of running tights with a knit hat and gloves. And I'll probably take off the gloves and windbreaker. This doesn't have to be the $150 Gortex windbreaker either. I get most of my running clothes from Target so we're talking cheap in comparison.

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I usually run in the afternoon or early evening. Layers is what you need that way you can disrobe as needed. I always wear a hat and mittens and so I usually stay pretty warm.


I have been known to run in snow and rain. It really becomes mind over matter when you look at the thermometer and it says 8.;)

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Thank you all so much! I think I'll just keep running through the winter, though I'll have to make sure to dress for the wind, etc. I hate exercise and running is the only thing I've found that is fun (well, sometimes) and leaves me feeling good and destressed.


Happy running!





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Here is a bit of information that might help you get out there in the cold weather and get that run....You burn 11% more calories running in cold temperatures that in warm. :001_smile: That helps get my butt out the door. And, sometimes that is the only thing that gets me out the door. :D

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