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Veritas Press Courses on Sale


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My son loves loves loves the Bible course. He does the self-paced History and Bible courses. He asks to do both all the time. He enjoys playing the interactive review games in the lessons.


ETA: I do somewhat parcel out his access to it because I am afraid he will blow through the entire series too fast...and then I will be stuck having to find a good option afterwards. I suppose that is a good problem to have.  :glare:


Edited by calbear
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So are they really "that good"? They seem a little hokey, am I wrong?

Some of the acting can be a little "hokey" when the characters are on, but my kids like that part too. The content is very good and not watered down. The games are engaging. That's just my opinion.

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My son loves loves loves the Bible course. He does the self-paced History and Bible courses. He asks to do both all the time. He enjoys playing the interactive review games in the lessons.


ETA: I do somewhat parcel out his access to it because I am afraid he will blow through the entire series too fast...and then I will be stuck having to find a good option afterwards. I suppose that is a good problem to have. :glare:

How much time does he spend on it in day between the two courses? And how many days a week does he work on them?

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He's a strong reader which helps because he was 6 went he started. So he started about a year ago with his first course. He is about 2/3 of the way throughout his second VP History course. 2/3 through the Bible one which I bought in Dec (I think) during the sale they had then.


I don't really schedule it. He asks to do it more than we have time for...so I do parcel it out because I want to cover other stuff as well. I know it isn't everyone's cup of tea, and the videos are corny...but he likes them. That's what is important. 


History only takes about 30-35 minutes. Bible about 25 minutes. These are just averages. Test days are shorter...Maybe 10 minutes?

It's schedule 4 days of lessons and 1 test day for History. Bible is 3 lessons and a test. It's pretty independent which frees me up to do something else.


It is very important to get the VP timeline cards. You need to have them to do the intro quizzes or you will get an unfortunately bad grade on the quiz which you cannot retake. You are supposed to review the card but not look at it during the test.


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We have a code, too! (I don't know the etiquette here, so won't share, but if you're going to order and would be willing to use one, please message me! It gives us returning customers a $20 discount, until June 6.)


We are huge fans of the selfpaced history series - my children share a login, which makes the whole thing quite economical. And they WANT to do the program - there is no "dragging them to it."




EDITING TO CORRECT MYSELF: The code that we have gives US a $20 discount; apologies for being misleading! I meant that **if** anyone is going to order and doesn't have a referral link, our family would appreciate your using ours. Sorry for the awkward and misleading wording. I do still have the code, but it benefits us, not you as the purchaser.



Edited by Lucy the Valiant
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I only asked because I was considering for my ds, but he is a no-nonsense kid, and my initial impression was that he wouldn't like it.


I found out that I'm not a fan of sarcasm and making fun of people...both present in this curriculum. I think they could've gotten the point across without the need to entertain the kids with that nonsense. Just my 2 cents, but I'm leaving it in the past because of that.

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I found out that I'm not a fan of sarcasm and making fun of people...both present in this curriculum. I think they could've gotten the point across without the need to entertain the kids with that nonsense. Just my 2 cents, but I'm leaving it in the past because of that.

Can you be more specific?

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