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If you've dabbled with different grammar philosophies, but want to wrap it all up before highschool..


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I'm sure my title was confusing. :)  DD will be in 8th grade next year.  I'm always on the fence as to whether or not I'm a CM grammar teacher or a WTM grammar teacher. :)  So we settled for a happy medium by using R&S half paced (as described in the HOD curriculum)  So, for 7th grade, dd was doing R&S 6.  Then we switched to CLE 6 at the beginning of the year and aren't quite finished with it yet.  My plan was to finish it next year and continue to follow the HOD sequence of half a book a year.  In my mind, doing grammar just a little bit each year through high school is the equivalent of the review that is often built into other programs.


She's very strong in grammar and usage in her writing.  So I'm ok with the fact that we are doing books a year behind.  My original plan was to go through level 8 of either R&S or CLE.   But now, I'm feeling like I wish I would have used the books on level in order to finish level 8 in 8th grade and be done with grammar before high school.


If that makes any sense so far, here is my question.  Having only finished half of CLE 6, is there a program that we could switch to next year where we could just wrap up grammar before high school?  I've considered Analytical Grammar, but don't love the price for getting through in just one year.  What about just finishing CLE 6?  Is that "enough" for someone who is kind of on the fence about intensive grammar anyway?  Could we jump to something like Easy Grammar 9 since it starts at the beginning?  What else is there that could be done in a year?

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I just did a "wrap-up" grammar with my 8th grade son using All in One English. I really liked it for this purpose because it starts with a beginning assessment test to see what they know and what they don't. Then we just worked on the stuff he didn't know. However, the whole book isn't super in-depth. I think MFW schedules it in for 6th grade, and that's sort of the level it seemed to me, so if you've gone through CLE 6, it might be redundant. You would have to look at TOC and sample pages. But for my purpose, it's been a great fit.


Another option that I've looked into for a one-year run-through of grammar would be Easy Grammar Plus. I think it includes everything.


ETA: My grammar philosophy has definitely changed over the years, but that's mostly because my boys HATE grammar and don't seem to get it easily. So I've become more relaxed about it. In fact, we're going to use LLATL next year.

Edited by hollyhock
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You could look at using CLE English 1 (the ninth grade level) next year for eighth grade. DD14 has been using it this year. She completed through CLE 700, skipped 800, and started in English 1 with no problem.


At the high school level, CLE English only focuses on grammar that first year, so English 1 is kind of a culmination and review of all of their previous grammar, and it has mini lessons for each concept, just as the lower levels do. It has not been too hard for my eighth grader. You can look at samples online to see if it would be an appropriate level for your daughter next year.


If you don't like CLE, of course, switch to something else. But if their formula for instruction works well for you, it would be a way to cap things off in a manner your student is already used to.

Edited by Storygirl
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Thank you all for the suggestions!



You could look at using CLE English 1 (the ninth grade level) next year for eighth grade. DD14 has been using it this year. She completed through CLE 700, skipped 800, and started in English 1 with no problem.


At the high school level, CLE English only focuses on grammar that first year, so English 1 is kind of a culmination and review of all of their previous grammar, and it has mini lessons for each concept, just as the lower levels do. It has not been too hard for my eighth grader. You can look at samples online to see if it would be an appropriate level for your daughter next year.


If you don't like CLE, of course, switch to something else. But if their formula for instruction works well for you, it would be a way to cap things off in a manner your student is already used to.


This looks like a good option for us.  One question: from the description, it looks like some of the light units are devoted to writing. Does that mean I could possibly skip light units 5, 9 and 10 since we already have a writing program?  It would be even better for us if it didn't take the whole year.

Edited by KeriJ
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I was hesitant about AG also, putting it off for two years before committing to it. In the end I figured it was a large up-front cost, but it has paid off because I've been able to use it with four younger kids - all that I need to do is purchase the inexpensive student package for each subsequent student. I wish I hadn't hesitated, so we could have taken our time with it.


But I will third the suggestion for Our Mother's Tongue (OMT) also.  I tutor high school English for a local private school, and use OMT to help them with grammar issues in their writing. It's layout is more familiar and friendly to what they're used to.

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