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Photo Purgatory - what would you do/where to start/how to organize? HELP, PLEASE!


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Here is what I have:


LARGE (probably 70% larger than a bank box) filled-to-the-brim box of loose photos of ALL sizes (some now non-standard, some 2x3, some 11x14 and all sizes in between) that span over 100 years - up through about my college graduation. Childhood photos of my parents, early married photos of my parents, childhood photos of me, etc.


A dozen filled albums that hold about 280, 4x6 photos each. From dh and my pre-marriage until we started homeschooling. Many of these are neither fabulous nor necessary, but they are "done," in a manner of speaking.


Mystery Walmart sack with canisters of 35 mm film. Close to 60 canisters!!!!!!!! No idea which, if any, have already been developed. Ack!!!! Clearly nothing got developed during the 6.5 years we homeschooled as there are NO printed photos from during this time frame.


A gazillion photos on my iPhone/iPad beginning when ds enrolled in his charter high school (he's now a sophomore in college) of which many are duplicate shots or screenshots of recipes. Pretty much all commingled together with some of great value (high school graduation pics) and some of no value. Some are in "albums" on the iPhone or iPad. No printed form of any of these. Probably been awhile since these were backed up but no major life events since they last were.


I would REALLY like to get my act together and DO SOMETHING with this mess I have created. I have no idea where or how to start!!! Part of me feels like I should have everything sorted and stored in the same way. Part of me thinks that's silly. And impossible. Additionally, I have no concept how to do this in bite-sizes pieces so that there isn't a large number of messy piles all over my house forever. It. Is. So. Overwhelming. To. Think. About.


What would you do???? Thanks for any and all advice! I don't post on this board much anymore, but I felt confident someone here could head me in the right direction.

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Personally, I would start with taking all the iphone/ipad photos and making a photo album for the high school years.  Probably someone more tech savvy than I will have a better solution, but I would just go to Shutterfly.com and start making an album.  


If you want to start even smaller, just do an album for the college years thus far.  


While you are doing this, you can sort through those digital photos, pick the best ones and delete the others.





Edited by perkybunch
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Have you seen Project Life?


I would start with your digital files. The PL app lets you make "pocket" based pages with them, it's a simple as drag and drop. Seriously. I've completed entire years worth of albums in a couple weeks using the app. You can print your pages (either 12x12 or 8x8) directly from the app as well. They are inexpensive and super high quality.


After you tackle that job and feel great about your progress (ðŸ‘), you could use the "hard copy" PL pages. Basically you stick your photos and journaling into premade pockets. Again, it's very fast, easy to organize, and you'll feel great having documented all those years of memories.


It sounds like you have a huge task, but there ways out there to help simplify the process. Good luck!

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Sounds like good advice for the electronic pictures.


I had a bazillion paper pictures to sort through at one time.  I thought it would take forever, but it didn't. I did have piles around the house, but it was ok for me, I didn't mind. 


​If you don't want piles around the house, then start collecting some small cardboard or plastic boxes.  When you sort the pictures, rather than putting them in piles, put them in the labeled boxes.  Find a spot to stash the boxes when not in use.  Sure, there will be a few boxes stashed somewhere, but it's better than teetering piles of pictures staying out for weeks getting dusty.


Edited by Garga
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Have you seen Project Life?


I would start with your digital files. The PL app lets you make "pocket" based pages with them, it's a simple as drag and drop. Seriously. I've completed entire years worth of albums in a couple weeks using the app. You can print your pages (either 12x12 or 8x8) directly from the app as well. They are inexpensive and super high quality.


After you tackle that job and feel great about your progress (ðŸ‘), you could use the "hard copy" PL pages. Basically you stick your photos and journaling into premade pockets. Again, it's very fast, easy to organize, and you'll feel great having documented all those years of memories.


It sounds like you have a huge task, but there ways out there to help simplify the process. Good luck!

I looked at your link. I don't get this at all! It sounds like you need printed photos and its scrapbooking?? Slip it in a pocket? I don't understand drag and drop?? Is this not paper stuff?? I'm sorry I am so dense. I am not tech savvy at all! I really want to do this, but just glancing at the site gets me confused!


The good news is that I found print sheets for lots of film I have already developed and I was able to match up all but three rolls of film! So, yay!! It *had* been developed!!! That stuff is already in albums.


I like the category boxes for the BIG box. I don't think that will be too difficult. I am going to have to accept the fact that not everything can be in the same format. I will have boxes for the really old stuff and albums through about second/third grade. I just need to figure out what to do with the digital stuff I have.


Thanks for the suggestions!

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I have no idea how to link in my phone but go to YouTube and look at Becky Higgins channel. She has lots of PL how-to videos. I love PL!!

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has 10 binders and I forget how many packets of pages that you can mix and match for $209.  I am working on this now and started with old magnetic albums that I was concerned about leaving pictures in.  I have my mom helping and it really is going faster than I thought.  


Dh set up a server to back up our digital pics.  I have the pics sorted into folders by year, month and then sometimes event.  I am really happy with that setup.  It took some time to do that initially but it is great.

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I'm in the process of going through digitals on my computer, weeding through them (I think we tend to take WAY more pictures with digital), and sorting into folders the ones I want to keep. My plan is to upload everything to Shutterfly, and make simple yearbooks just to get caught up and get the favorites printed. I'll also do some favorites as prints for frames.


Once I'm caught up, my plan is to upload from my phone monthly and at the end of each year, make a yearbook of that year, and print anything I want from that year.

Edited by StaceyinLA
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I looked at your link. I don't get this at all! It sounds like you need printed photos and its scrapbooking?? Slip it in a pocket? I don't understand drag and drop?? Is this not paper stuff?? I'm sorry I am so dense. I am not tech savvy at all! I really want to do this, but just glancing at the site gets me confused!


The good news is that I found print sheets for lots of film I have already developed and I was able to match up all but three rolls of film! So, yay!! It *had* been developed!!! That stuff is already in albums.


I like the category boxes for the BIG box. I don't think that will be too difficult. I am going to have to accept the fact that not everything can be in the same format. I will have boxes for the really old stuff and albums through about second/third grade. I just need to figure out what to do with the digital stuff I have.


Thanks for the suggestions!

The place I would start is by downloading the PL app onto your phone or iPad. I think it's $1.99. The app comes with very easy to understand instructions how to use it, and as a pp mentioned, there are also YouTube videos. It is literally as simple as opening a new "page" and clicking on each "pocket". From there you can take photos straight from your device or from Dropbox. There is no need to upload photos to your computer; the app is for devices only (although there is digital PL if you want to use your desktop, but that also requires photoshop. I'd say stick with the app!). It might sound complicated but I promise it isn't; it was designed exactly for this kind of use--to give people an easy least way of documenting their photos.

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This will take you to an explanation for the app.


Seriously, I LOVE PL. It's been a total game changer in how I document our lives. I find its soooo much easier to use than any photo book I've tried and certainly faster than traditional scrapbooking. I get kinda geeky excited about it, just cause I love it so much and want other people to see how great it is. :)


(I totally don't work for them! Just a fan!)

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This will take you to an explanation for the app.


Seriously, I LOVE PL. It's been a total game changer in how I document our lives. I find its soooo much easier to use than any photo book I've tried and certainly faster than traditional scrapbooking. I get kinda geeky excited about it, just cause I love it so much and want other people to see how great it is. :)


(I totally don't work for them! Just a fan!)

Thanks! I did some looking on YouTube last night. I could be wrong, but this *seems* more involved than what I am looking to do. It appears that there is a lot if space for cards/text, and I really don't want that. Obviously, I like the idea of a description, but I think this is just more than what I personally want. I need to explore more, but it seems that shutterly just lets you assemble and THEN purchase. Although, I assume one must pay for the photo storage??? I really don't know. But, I am glad you enjoy this app! I think it's more elaborate than what I want. Thank you for your help!

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