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Would it make you nervous to have your child's name and your phone # on camp ID labels?

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I need to start ordering summer camp ID labels. I want them to have her full name on them so things found at camp can be returned to her at camp, but is it also wise to put my cell phone number on them so even after camp is over, things can be returned to us, or if something goes home with someone else, they can contact us? Do you feel like that's too big a risk to take with kid info? 


I don't intend to send expensive/heirloom clothing or items with her, but it would be nice to know things could find their way home if necessary. And some things, like her blanket, are sort of irreplaceable (yes, we've talked about that, it's her decision to bring it). 


Can any sleep-away camp vets weigh in how much I should worry about lost stuff?



Edited by ILiveInFlipFlops
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When I send kids to scout camp or on camping trips, I put their names and my cell number on expensive things, like sleeping bags. For other items, like t shirts, towels, etc, I put a first and last name, the first name because other kids often don't know thei friends last names and the last name so camp staff can figure out who lost item belongs to.


For scout camping, I also color code many items (chairs, flashlights, sleeping pads, etc) with distinctive, patterned duct tape, then I put a piece of solid colored plastic tape with name in sharpie on top of that, then cover with clear packing tape. The idea is to make stuff identifiable not only when examined, but from a distance. (When ds was younger, he did not recognize his own things, lol.)


Btw, I never put names on things that will be seen by the general public -- such as the embroidered names on LL Bean backpacks.



For clothing, I use seam binding tape, write on it with a sharpie, and sew it into the clothing. If the clothing is light colored, like a white thirst, I write directly on the clothing.

Edited by Alessandra
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Having a visible name can be a concern as a stranger can act as if they know the kid. Lots of adults that know mum and dad talk to kids by name and the kid doesn't necessarily know them all, but they get a bit of a safe signal. Oh this person knows my name, they mustn't be strangers. A stranger calling "hey Betty" is going to make Betty turn around where she will probably not stop if they yell out "hey girl" or "hey kid".


It's not a major concern but is a consideration with younger kids.

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Having a visible name can be a concern as a stranger can act as if they know the kid. Lots of adults that know mum and dad talk to kids by name and the kid doesn't necessarily know them all, but they get a bit of a safe signal. Oh this person knows my name, they mustn't be strangers. A stranger calling "hey Betty" is going to make Betty turn around where she will probably not stop if they yell out "hey girl" or "hey kid".


It's not a major concern but is a consideration with younger kids.

I agree that's a concern, but usually camp labels are on the inside of clothes.

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I agree that's a concern, but usually camp labels are on the inside of clothes.

Yeah it wouldn't worry me at all, I was just responding to the person wondering why it was a concern for kids name tags to be visible. I think it's a sensible thing to do for camp.

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