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Bailout bill passed.

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I was pretty neutral about the bill - I could see the reasons both for and against it. However, the pork added ($100 billion) was more than I could handle!


But it is what it is, now.



Well, there goes America! So much power to one unaccountable man/position!

Edited by sdWTMer
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85%+ of americans are against this bill. Many contacted their congressmen and senators and said NO, we do not want it. How could it pass when they know darn well it does nothing but cause more problems than we've ever had before. This is not good at all.

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I was pretty neutral about the bill - I could see the reasons both for and against it. However, the pork added ($100 billion) was more than I could handle!


But it is what it is, now.


I heard about this pork spending on the radio, but had no other source to verify the numbers. (I think you may mean $100 million in pork spending---but still!) I heard $6 million dollars for manufacturers of wooden arrows?


I've been ambivalent, like you are; at times it seemed like the bill was necessary, but in my heart of hearts---how are we going to pay for this? How are we going to pay for the massive spending that candidates are proposing?


Even if this bill was necessary, why is all this pork spending added? It's absolutely crazy!

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Well, there goes America! So much power to one unaccountable man/position!


Congress has just nationalized the housing market. :angry:


Bush, McCain, Barack, these people all supported/voted in favor of this. Yet 85% of Americans were against or have been suckered into thinking this will help us. This is a sad day.

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Wasn't it predictable. Panic over a failed bill earlier in the week. Padding with all manner of pork. Begging, cajoling, bribing. All to pass ~ in speedy fashion ~ a fabulously flawed bill. A bill of massive proportion with the potential for massive implication. A bill that the American people, by and large, opposed. Major applause to the two Washington Democratic Reps who stood their ground and opposed this garbage.


Between this and the potential to have Sarah Palin serving as my Vice President, I'm beyond disillusioned and frustrated. Bleh.

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I agree, it is ridiculous. I use to think he was a good guy who got dealt an impossible hand when 9-11 came around. I was really willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and think he was doing his best. Now, my feelings are not appropriate to post in a public place.



Because they all have money in stocks and care more about their own pocket books than the general health of our economy. Come election day I hope they get kicked out so fast they get whiplash.


Does anyone know how this will affect interest rates for home mortgage loans? We have to lock in our rate by next friday and are unsure if it will be going up or down over the next week.


Wow. If it's at a decent rate 4-5.5% right now definately lock it in why take a gamble. the way things have been going who knows what it will be. I wouldn't be suprised if it went up to double digits.

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