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Sibling betrayal


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Perhaps he doesn't mean legally owned : ) (almost certainly he doesn't mean legally owned, right?  He can see that it is traded on the stock exchange, etc.).


If he means that the US government has a controlling hand in some of Google's operations, either relatively openly or covertly, I don't think that's all that crazy - Google is a very influential company in terms of the movement of information, and I can see how the US government would be very interested in having some control over how that influence is used and developed.  

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Perhaps he doesn't mean legally owned : ) (almost certainly he doesn't mean legally owned, right? He can see that it is traded on the stock exchange, etc.).


If he means that the US government has a controlling hand in some of Google's operations, either relatively openly or covertly, I don't think that's all that crazy - Google is a very influential company in terms of the movement of information, and I can see how the US government would be very interested in having some control over how that influence is used and developed.

Well. Ok.


Also Obama is an admitted Muslim using HLS to subsidize terrorist training camps right in my brothers back yard. Google earth digitally covered up the site so it just looks like forest again. He had a screen shot before the cover up but his phone crashed. And when they got too close to the operation...they could hear the generators....a drone tracked them for about a mile until they were away from the area.

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I am amazed at how common it is. We just went through something similar wth dhs grandmothers estate. The son in charge has completely destroyed his relationship with the grandchildren .

I go back and forth between a sibling being bat guano in an alternate universe level of crazy and just being a crazy baaaa.


There's nothing to forgive bc forgiveness requires repentance and they are convinced of their superiority to do these things.


But I can accept this is just who they are and it really has nothing to do with me and that makes it a lot easier to distance myself from the damage they can inflict on everyone around them and plan to not let that toxic drama infect my household.


I don't think you should bother to say anything to him. There's no point to it. You'll never see that money regardless. Really you can't ever have honesty from someone who can't be honest with themselves. Just accept it has nothing to do with you and it'll be easier.

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I go back and forth between a sibling being bat guano in an alternate universe level of crazy and just being a crazy baaaa.


There's nothing to forgive bc forgiveness requires repentance and they are convinced of their superiority to do these things.


But I can accept this is just who they are and it really has nothing to do with me and that makes it a lot easier to distance myself from the damage they can inflict on everyone around them and plan to not let that toxic drama infect my household.


I don't think you should bother to say anything to him. There's no point to it. You'll never see that money regardless. Really you can't ever have honesty from someone who can't be honest with themselves. Just accept it has nothing to do with you and it'll be easier.

Yes. Pretty much how I am approaching it. If you read the post just above yours you will see the crazy camp he is in.

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Perhaps he doesn't mean legally owned : ) (almost certainly he doesn't mean legally owned, right? He can see that it is traded on the stock exchange, etc.).


If he means that the US government has a controlling hand in some of Google's operations, either relatively openly or covertly, I don't think that's all that crazy - Google is a very influential company in terms of the movement of information, and I can see how the US government would be very interested in having some control over how that influence is used and developed.

I asked him. He says it is several dummy Corp owned by the government controlling the stock.

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My parents are still alive, but I have a sister that would absolutely do something like this, and I am preparing for things to happen when my parents pass.  I have already decided that I am not willing to challenge her/fight/go to court.  I just cannot be that person, and I would feel it would disrespect our parents to fight over their belongings.  But, I'm preparing to get screwed! ;)   It still hurts though....


Yes, it's good to prepare yourself emotionally. I expected exactly what my sibling did. In fact, our father predicted trouble 20 years before if they were in charge when both of our parents were gone. It still hurts, but there it is.


Hiring lawyers and going to court is not the way to find peace in these situations. 

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in my understanding we are. in my own experience we are. I think ultimately - we are to see people how God see's people.


I did have to cut off my brother for a time for my own safety. (and sanity) but I have no animosity, and wish good things for him. I've recently initiated contact - I do wonder about my sanity. maybe I can exert some positive influence. all I can do is what God wants me to do - the rest is between them.

God doesn't forgive unrepentant wrong doers. This is not even to say God has a problem with my brother. God can read hearts. I can't. All I can read is actions and lack of. Until he admits he wronged me there is either nothing to forgive or no basis for foregiveness.


I do not have any bitterness in my heart about him though. I leave it all in God's hands to sort out.

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Scarlett... :grouphug:


My parents are still alive, but I have a sister that would absolutely do something like this, and I am preparing for things to happen when my parents pass.  I have already decided that I am not willing to challenge her/fight/go to court.  I just cannot be that person, and I would feel it would disrespect our parents to fight over their belongings.  But, I'm preparing to get screwed! ;)   It still hurts though....

just because YOU won't sue them, doesn't mean they won't try to sue you.  prepare yourself.


more than two years before her death, we  had everything put into an airtight trust for my mother. (even with a smaller estate). It stated every thing was being divided equally between the siblings so no lawsuit would go anywhere - but after her death he still repeatedly harassed and threatened us. (I was protecting my sister at this point.)  no lawyer would take the case because it was very clear cut he would lose - and they wouldn't collect.  I know he did talk to a lawyer. 


he also harassed the hospital where she died trying to get her medical file,  then because the hospital wouldn't give it to him (it can only be requested by the executor WITH a court order) he started demanding that we get her medical file.  (for which we would also have to get a court order). no - if you want it that bad, you do it. . .   he was convinced there was something in the file saying she wanted him to be trustee.  he'd been manipulating her  in FRONT of her drs.  the drs called me and told me. (that is in her file.)  after consultation with the hospital's lawyers - the dr had hospital security standing by to throw him out.  I'm sorry I told them to just tell him they'd do what he wanted and he'd leave. (which he did).  Maybe if they had thrown him out, he wouldn't' have caused so much trouble later. he had been repeatedly trying to get her to dismiss me and dh as poa/trustee so he could get control. - he wanted the money.  no way in h3ll would I allow that while she was alive - that was about HER wellbeing!  (he did things that proved he wasn't attentive to her needs.)  she was trying to placate him while I was looking into what I had to do to protect her from what felt like financial elder abuse. (and not upset her - because he was still her son.)


he even got on dh's computer, without our knowledge or permission, and deleted dh's files pertaining to my mother's trust and estate.  dh's background means his back-ups have back-ups.  (that was the last straw- he was no longer welcome in our home.  ever.)


the irony is - I was expecting my sister to go off the deep end because she did when our grandmother died. my mother was an only child. (she accused our mother of hiding the will - apparently grandmother mistakenly threw away hers, and put grandfather's in her envelope, and stealing from  her, etc.)  but that is what inspired me to make sure the trust was written in such a way that I wouldn't have to deal with that.  considering how she behaved when our grandmother died - she was positively rational when our mother died.


I go back and forth between a sibling being bat guano in an alternate universe level of crazy and just being a crazy baaaa.


dh had a client who  was talking about how she was going to leave to go somewhere else where everyone wasn't crazy.  "where will you go?"








another planet. 


she was serious.

Edited by gardenmom5
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God doesn't forgive unrepentant wrong doers. This is not even to say God has a problem with my brother. God can read hearts. I can't. All I can read is actions and lack of. Until he admits he wronged me there is either nothing to forgive or no basis for foregiveness.


I do not have any bitterness in my heart about him though. I leave it all in God's hands to sort out.

and that is God's perogative.  not ours.

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