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April Whole 30


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Anyone doing Whole 30 this month? I started January 1 and plan to continue indefinitely since some things I've had problems with for years are started to get better. I added back black beans in the last week without a problem. Peanuts, however, seemed to give me some sinus congestion. I am still avoiding all other legumes (except peas, which I never gave up), all grains, and sweeteners 99% of the time. While I have had two gummy bears three times, I stuck with fruit for all the birthdays during this time, so I am following the rule about not eating paleo substitutes of baked goods.


I have been on progesterone cream to help my sleep for two years and went off it a few days ago. I started getting side effects that I never had before and I googled them. The side effects seemed to be signs of too high progesterone. I think it is likely I don't need it anymore. YAY!


After years of symptoms of low estrogen and ten years of almost zero interest in teA, I am pleased to report that things are getting better! The second month was when I started to see a little improvement and the third was when I knew I wasn't imagining it.


I still wish that I was losing weight like most people who try this. However, I have had some of these symptoms far longer than I've had this extra weight. Maybe in a few more months the inflammation will be lowered enough and the hormones balanced enough that I can actually lose some weight.

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I started on January 4 and have remained faithful to it, except one meal at the end of February.  I plan to continue eating this way.  In the past 90 or so days I have lost over 20 lbs.  The bulk of that was lost in the first 30 days and it has been real slow going since then.  But, I cannot even begin to describe how much better I look and feel.  I feel like a different person.


So I guess I am on Day 94 or something like that.  I started exercising April 1st hoping to shake things up and rev up some of the weight loss.  I jumped right back into Cathe Friedrich workouts.  I can barely walk or lift my arms.

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I am trying to work up the courage to start it this month. I need to go over sample menus and acceptable foods and make a plan for myself if I have any chance of lasting any more than 3 minutes without shoving chocolate chips in my face. I did it a couple years ago and quickly lost 10 lbs. My post-baby weight loss plateaued way too soon and I am stuck higher than where I want to be.

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I am trying to work up the courage to start it this month. I need to go over sample menus and acceptable foods and make a plan for myself if I have any chance of lasting any more than 3 minutes without shoving chocolate chips in my face. I did it a couple years ago and quickly lost 10 lbs. My post-baby weight loss plateaued way too soon and I am stuck higher than where I want to be.


I used this website to get me started.   Some of the recipes were just ok, but it was a great starting point and ensured I had a freezer full of meals to prevent breaking down and eating out.



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I'm finishing up Day 60 on Saturday.  It hasn't been hard at all but I'm ready to be done.  I'm very happy to have gotten a handle on my sugar cravings and am planning on drastically cutting back on sugar permanently.  I'm going to add back in legumes without restriction and I'll try to keep dairy and grains to one or two servings a day.


Overall it has been a good experience.  I've lost weight, got a handle on my out of control cravings and healed my relationship with food.

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I'm ready to begin soon -- just as soon as I figure it all out and do any supplemental food shopping.  I bought the book:  It Starts With Food, but was wondering if I also need the cookbook (30 day guide), or if I can make do with the website.  What have you all found to be the most helpful?

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I'm starting tomorrow.  I went to Costco yesterday and bought all the stuff I saw recommended on all the other threads this year on Whole30!  I need to get through our co-op today, where I teach AP biology, though.  


We're done having babies, but my body seems to not have gotten that message.  Since #10 weaned in August, I've tried various things to lose weight.  Nothing has worked, and in fact, I've gained 10 more pounds over the course of these 9 months!  Ack!!  I actually read the "It Starts With Food" book, and all the hormone interplay resonated with me (we just covered the endocrine system in bio, so everything is very fresh, lol).  Something is off, and I think it is going to take a drastic change to reset things.  I am definitely afraid that I won't lose weight, and then I will really have a hard time staying motivated.  I don't have really any symptoms that I'm hoping to get rid of, other than extra weight, especially my tummy.  So we'll see!  I'm excited to start, although I will definitely miss dairy most of all, I think.  I love milk!

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I'm starting Friday. I need to finish my M&M bag first. I am a bit nervous. Since I teach group exercise, I feel like I'm going to be starving myself without the carbs. But I keep telling myself, it's just for 30 days (at minimum). I too am hoping to get a handle on my sweet tooth. That sugar just not metabolize like it used to.

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I'm starting Friday. I need to finish my M&M bag first. I am a bit nervous. Since I teach group exercise, I feel like I'm going to be starving myself without the carbs. But I keep telling myself, it's just for 30 days (at minimum). I too am hoping to get a handle on my sweet tooth. That sugar just not metabolize like it used to.

Frozen fruit, potatoes, and sweet potatoes are your friends. Whole 30 doesn't have to be low carb.

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