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Am I getting worse or better pneumonia related


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Saturday,  I had a 104 temp, deep cough, no appetite, fatigue. I went to urgent care where I was diagnosed with bronchitis and some pneumonia. 


Today my temp is normal, my energy is better, My appetite is fine.


Tonight I'm coughing non stop again and my chest feels bubbly like there's fluid in there.  I'm hoping it's a sign I'm getting better. I am hoping it means that this stuffs moving out of my lungs.  however, I'm a little worried. 

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Your temp is still normal?


 In my experience, that would be reassuring in terms of pneumonia.


However, coughing non-stop and gurgling sounds concerning.


Do you have asthma? For me asthma is coughing fits. It's hard to get my breath. I only have asthma when my lungs are a mess from illness. But asthma can be an emergency. If you're struggling, you need to be seen.

Edited by sbgrace
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For my kid, who is just one kid but had multiple pneumonias and pneumonitises as a kid, his lungs always sounded way worse once the tightness began to loosen and things began to move.  When things were at the worst his airways were so inflamed and tiny that nothing in there was moving so you couldn't hear wheezing or coughing at all.


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Were you prescribed nebulizer treatments?  That helped tremendously for coughing when I had pneumonia.


I hope you feel better soon!

for me - the nebulizer made me worse.  it's what finally prompted the x-ray. that was in the ER, and at that point I was admitted.

the coughing lasted for months, even after the pneumonia itself was gone.  though I did gradually improve.  

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