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Those that DO vaccination..what are your thoughts on the meningitis vaccine??

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IMO, it's worth getting this one right before a student heads off to college (or any kind of dorm life, so would be a good idea for residential high school also). My dd is 17yo and I do intend her to get this vaccine before college.


I don't believe in over-immunizing and am against giving infants multiple immunizations in one shot. I prefer children to be older than recommended when getting vaccinations, and prefer giving only one immunization at a time even though it means more shots. We have held off on Gardisil, as I am wary of that one.

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Is the meningitis vaccine one of the mandatory ones?

Is it the one for older children?


I whole-heartedly vaccinate my children, and myself. But, my children are still young. Is this the vaccine they recommend for older students living in close quarters?


If it is, I've often wondered myself at the necessity of it. Are my kids going to live the crazy dorm life? If they're not, do I really need to worry about this? Can I just educate them about how to protect themselves (handwashing, what not to share with others, wearing flip-flops in group showers) or is education not enough? Are they even going to be in a dorm with shared showers and otherwise really close quarters?


I don't have any answers, just commiseration.

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If it is, I've often wondered myself at the necessity of it. Are my kids going to live the crazy dorm life? If they're not, do I really need to worry about this? Can I just educate them about how to protect themselves (handwashing, what not to share with others, wearing flip-flops in group showers) or is education not enough? Are they even going to be in a dorm with shared showers and otherwise really close quarters?


I don't have any answers, just commiseration.



I do not vaccinate on schedule and I don't do all of them. BUT this one is one my kids will get before going to college. While it is rare, meningitis of this type kills many people who do get it. It is spread by people living in close quarters. It doesn't really matter what type of lifestyle they are living (partying, etc). JMHO!

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My teenagers have been immunized for it. They are athletes and are at the pool 6 days a week, year round. I don't want to take any chances on this one and we seem to fit the profile of people who get meningitis. I don't have a big opinion on vaccines and there are people who do much more research than I do and their opinion is, of course, more valuable than mine.

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I do not vaccinate on schedule and I don't do all of them. BUT this one is one my kids will get before going to college. While it is rare, meningitis of this type kills many people who do get it. It is spread by people living in close quarters. It doesn't really matter what type of lifestyle they are living (partying, etc). JMHO!


I was in college, but married and commuting to college. I was a senior in college, getting ready to graduate, not partying or going to parties of any kind at the time. I still got it, and like the other poster, was hospitalized on major drugs and had part of my memory stolen from me.


People die from meningitis every year. It's extremely painful. I can't even describe the pain, I was delirious with fever (>104). Labor and delivery is nothing compared to this pain. I wouldn't wish it on my children or anyone else's.


Get the vaccine.

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People die from meningitis every year. It's extremely painful. I can't even describe the pain' date=' I was delirious with fever (>104). Labor and delivery is nothing compared to this pain. I wouldn't wish it on my children or anyone else's.




My brother had it when he was quite young (in his early 20s). He suffered with post traumatic stress disorder for years afterward.

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She is STILL recovering, doesn't feel as "sharp" as she used to, and her grades have tanked. My oldest ds got the shot before high school (I just don't homeschool high school, me bad:rolleyes: ) - it is not something with which to mess around. We don't know how long-term life-affecting niece's bout will turn out.

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for my children but after reading the other posts..wow.


I got it because my son had horrible earaches and the ped said that it helps with ear infections.......................




Why do you regret it? Is there one for younger kids? I seem to remember a newer vaccine that was supposed to help with ear infections and meningitis in younger kids. That one was too new when my boys were smaller. I thought we were discussing the one that kids get before they leave for college? Or is that the one you mean too?

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My feeling on vaccines is this: people will vaccinate their kids according to the risks they perceive if they don't vaccinate. For example, I know lots of families who have not vaccinated for polio and MMR. Why? Well, the risk of their kids getting these viruses is very low...because, and only because, most other people they will come into contact within the US have been vaccinated, which significantly reduces the chance of exposure to the virus. If, however, polio started running rampant in the US, you'd probably see an increase in the number of kids getting vaccinated for it. In short, when the threat becomes real, many parents will do whatever it takes to protect their children.


Meningitis outbreaks are a bit of a mystery (why and when they occur is speculative), and lots of people haven't been vaxed for it. No one knows when, where, or why it will strike, and it can be deadly quickly. Even if I was against vaccinations, I'd look long and hard at the nature and outbreak incidence of this virus and the complications/dangers should a child/young adult contract it before I ruled out the vaccination. On a personal note, we had our twins vaccinated for this before they left for college.



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Back in late May she stayed home from school with a killer headache. My SIL was on the phone chatting with her mom and mentioned this, and the fact that her dd also had a fever and now her neck was stiff. My MIL IMMEDIATELY told her to get off the phone and take the girl to the ER!!! Niece was airlifted from the local hospital to the nearest children's hospital in Chicago. She was in a few days, at least. Missed the end of school, pretty much felt tired, wan and crappy all summer, and this school year has not gone well at all. She can tell that she is still not 100% what she was before, physically or mentally. As a high school jr., this will impact her SAT/ACTs, grades, college, etc.

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