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What the heck is going on? I just finished my cycle and I'm getting it again?!?!?!?

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I've never had problems with my monthly cycle. For the most part, 28 days has been the norm. If it's 30 one month, then within a couple of months I'll have a 26 day cycle...it just evens out. It's normally seven days (no pill, iud...just au natural) and I've never had issues.


So you can imagine my surprise when I started to get it today, just 10 days after I got my period. The period was normal, lasted seven days...but now I'm crampy and have started to bleed again.


What. The. Heck????


Any ideas? I thought *maybe* it could be me ovulating, but I've never had anything like this. BTW, dh had a vasectomy over two years ago, so I'm pretty sure it's not a pregnancy-related issue.

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....I saw the dr. a month ago because my scalp is SO EXTREMELY dry. It's really bad. She is sending me to a dermatologist for that. Maybe it could be my thyroid.


well, if it is hypo, then your cycles might be longer as you are ovulating less...but you never know


btw, I've had that happen before and I thought "Gah, WTF?"

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BTDT -- doctor wasn't worried -- 'member?


I think it's just that you're getting old. Things start falling apart around now, you know.:lol:


Hey, maybe we'll be twins with whacky thyroids:) Woo hoo!:cheers2:


Seriously, though -- what does it hurt to check it out with the doc?

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