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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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According to the calendar there is nothing unusual on my schedule tomorrow. '


Edited to add snoring boring business stuff:

Sign two different papers and send them off to their respective places



Pay med. bills

Pay auto insurance?  Check on that - I think I already paid it and I should have a receipt somewhere

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Good morning- no school again due to weather

- school work- all crossword puzzles made for pharm

- tidy house- round 1 done

- laundry- load in washer

- dishes- in dishwasher

- fold laundry

- more school work- finished math sheets for pharm and did one med math practice exam, did crossword puzzle for fundamentals, completed critical thinking assignment that was due today (I started the wrong one, good thing we have a Facebook group for our cohort to keep things straight)

- dinner- done

- baths- not needed

- bedtime routine

- anything else I manage to get done- hard boiled eggs for girls to dye for Easter, took a nap with dd2

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Lead a mother's meeting I do

Visit with oldest dd who is complete nag for Easter 😀

Continue to argue with insurance company

Register kids for soccer and SAT

Conduct a birthday part for 14 yo with lots of boys and noise and pizza( his bday is next Monday but his pals are on Spring break this week)

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Good morning! 


If all goes as planned, my sister, who lives on the north side of Atlanta, is going to TN to pick dd up from college and bring her home with her. I'm going to leave this afternoon to pick dd up there and bring her home tonight. My sister wanted to help me out and get to see dd and spend some time with her, too. 



made breakfast for dh last night, so I slept in

fed cats



To Do:


take ds to dentist appointment

take ds to piano lesson



finish packing things for co-op on Friday

go pick up dd at sister's house and bring her home



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Good morning! We are still digging out here, but a regular schedule continues. The girls are hanging out with a friend today, the boys will do school and I have no idea what ds1/gf have planned.


To do:

Girls to practice(done)

Ds3 to practice

School for all

Kitchen clean up/general pickup

Check bills

Bank? Probably will wait on that

Jen things

PM practice

Dh does judo

Pasta for dinner


Have a great day!

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Good morning all!


Gorgeous spring day here.  I am up for spring cleaning!  The lawn mowing guys are out doing the first mowing of the seaon!


Breakfast school (done!)



math/science for 14 yo

clean house

take out for dinner (something simple)

Holy Thursday Mass of the Last Supper at 7:30

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Hi guys.  I should be awesome today, except that I got carried away shopping for books on Amazon last night.  For hours.  :P  However, I'm still tons better than I've been so far all week.


I have so many things I want to finish today.  I need to get on a roll.


The list:

  • Order math supplements and some other stuff for the rest of the school year ... and summer and next year ......  [done]
  • Get the kids up & out to the school bus (they did have to run, because I got up late).  [done]
  • Pet care.  [done]
  • Clean kitchen, bathrooms, and some clutter.  [done]
  • Take a short nap.  [done]
  • Work
  • Do a little more housework.
  • Maybe try some exercise.
  • Kids' work - chores, badge work, math / language review.
  • Dinner out?
  • Some old TV shows?
  • Read-aloud.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work.
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Feed the Very Hungry Caterpillar.


Cook beans.

Make yogurt.


post office


Make tortillas.

Housework - dishwasher, vacuum.

Stray dishes.

Make dinner.

Grocery store.


Whitehawk 1, Thursday 0. For once.

Edited by whitehawk
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OK - a check in to see where all my ducks are.


Sign two different papers and send them off to their respective places - signed, copied and ready to fax

Bank - going now

Pay auto insurance?  done

human care done

pet care done

medical care done though I HAVE TO give myself my shots later

found dh's wallet

talked a distraught neighbor off of the metaphorical ledge

looked for test prep stuff and since we don't have that level, put that on my list of things to buy

folded and put away a tiny bit of laundry.

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I got several things out (work) and will get several more done in short order.


But now I am getting that familiar feeling of dread, because of my long list of things to do.  The nice thing about being "out of it" was that I almost kinda didn't care if stuff didn't get done.  But now I care.  :/  If only wanting to do things and getting them done were the same thing.  :P

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