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If you use Paula's Choice.....


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What do you use?  What is your regimen?   I am really liking the samples but it seems like a lot to do all of the steps they recommend.  Do you really need to use the toner? I know everyone's skin is different but I was just wondering if most people find all of the different products necessary or just go with a couple.  I'm in my 40's, really hating the wrinkles around my eyes, so I got the Resist formula.

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assuming you mean Paula's Choice? 

I think the toner is optional but if I like to use it to seal in moisture. I apply with fingers rather than a ball. Just apply like you would water & then it stops my face from drying out, esp after I get out of a shower while I'm still drying off & getting dressed & then can get back into the finishing my face. Otherwise by the time I get dressed, it's all tight & tingly & flaking. 

I think minimum routine for me in AM is : wash, tone, moisturizer w sunscreen (for me I like to use the tinted one Barely There because cause it doubles as a light foundation). My skin is getting drier now so I usually have to use another, slightly heavier, moisturizer under the Barely There but for years that was my morning routine. 
PM: wash, tone, exfoliant (bha or aha), heavier moisturizer 


I also like to user serums but can skip them for a few days if I'm rushed. Everything else is IMO extra. 


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assuming you mean Paula's Choice? 


I think the toner is optional but if I like to use it to seal in moisture. I apply with fingers rather than a ball. Just apply like you would water & then it stops my face from drying out, esp after I get out of a shower while I'm still drying off & getting dressed & then can get back into the finishing my face. Otherwise by the time I get dressed, it's all tight & tingly & flaking. 


I think minimum routine for me in AM is : wash, tone, moisturizer w sunscreen (for me I like to use the tinted one Barely There because cause it doubles as a light foundation). My skin is getting drier now so I usually have to use another, slightly heavier, moisturizer under the Barely There but for years that was my morning routine. 


PM: wash, tone, exfoliant (bha or aha), heavier moisturizer 


I also like to user serums but can skip them for a few days if I'm rushed. Everything else is IMO extra. 






Yes, Paula's Choice, LOL--edited my original post.


Thanks for your response. I'm really liking the products but going from nothing to four different things or more seems like a lot.  If it works though, it would be worth it. 


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I love, love, love the toners. They really make a huge difference. I even use the one for extremely dry skin on my hands.


I have combination skin with a very oily t zone and here is my routine:


AM-Skin Balancing Cleanser and Toner, 2% BHA liquid, Resist Super Light Antioxidant Serum, CLEAR benzoyl peroxide acne treatment lotion.


PM-same cleanser, toner and serum, 10% AHA Skin Revealing Body Lotion (works great on face too!) and same CLEAR Lotion.


My skin has dramatically improved since I started using PC products a few years ago. It really does seem like a lot but totally worth it! It's like giving yourself a spa treatment twice a day!


ETA: the website has lots of articles explaining why you should use different products like toners.



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At night, I use PC's Resist Perfectly Balanced Cleanser and the 2% BHA from the Clear line.

In the morning, I wash and if I'm going out, I put on sunblock. If I feel like makeup, I use her Barely There tinted sunscreen. I've noticed I'm starting to feel dry now and then, so I ordered some toner samples to see if that is enough.

If I break out, then I add the Clear Benzoyl Peroxide. One of the kids has acne and used the Clear line cleanser, BHA, and blemish treatment. It helps a lot when used consistently.

I saw this serum recommended on her Beautypedia site and might give it a whirl. 

I would do more but I'm lazy and I'm in denial about wrinkles. We are all total space cadets, so yes, we use the stickers to remind us what order we're supposed to do stuff. 

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I've read that most people need a good, gentle cleanser, a chemical exfoliant (AHA or BHA), Retinol or Retin A, a Vitamin C and/or antioxidant serum, moisturizer, and sunscreen.


My favorite product was the 2% BHA Gel. I had oily skin with breakouts, and it kept my skin completely clear and smooth. The only reason I stopped using it every day was because I started Retin A, and that also keeps my breakout free. Although pricier than drugstore, PC has better prices than most high end. If I had the money, I'd buy all my products from them, but I use their Beautypedia website to find drugstore alternatives, that are almost as good.


Here is my current routine. Prior to using Retin A, I had a different routine as my skin was oilier. Now, it's more normal/dry.


Morning: Wash with CeraVe Cleanser for Normal/Dry Skin

               Resist Toner

               Sunscreen-I use Neutrogena Pure & Free, or Neutrogena Healthy Skin for Sensitive Skin (fragrance free)


Evening: Wash with Oil of Olay Foaming Cleanser for Sensitive Skin

               Resist Toner

               Every other night - Retin A

               Resist Antioxidant Serum

               CeraVe Retinol Serum for my neck

               CeraVe PM Moisturizer


In the middle of the week, on a non-Retin A night, I'll use PC 2% BHA. At the end of the week, I'll use Alpha Hydroxy's AHA Lotion.


I think they are great products, especially if you have sensitive skin or aging skin that's oily. I think no one can compete with their BHA products. Outside of that, you can find products just as good elsewhere, although they might be pricier. One thing I don't use, that I should be using, is a Vitamin C Serum. Most people put it on in the morning before their sunscreen. I've tried Timeless Vitamin C Serum, as it gets good reviews, but I hated having to store it in the fridge.


My daughter is 15, and she loves the Paula's Choice Clear line.

Edited by Leonana
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I now use:



Skin Recovery Toner (I. love. this. stuff.  I only cleanse in the a.m. when I feel I've gotten sweaty/oily during sleep; otherwise I do toner as my first step!)

AHA 5% OR a BHA 2%*  (Sometimes I skip and do this in the evening depending on what my skin is doing. LOL)

Skin Recovery or Calm moisturizer

Skin Recovery Serum



Skin Recovery Cleanser

Skin Recovery Toner

AHA or BHA if I need/want it--I always do the 10% weekly AHA treatment once a week

Retinol--Resist Intensive Repair Cream or (1-2x per week) Clinical 1% Retinol Treatment mixed in with my moisturizer

Skin Recovery Serum (but not when I use the 1% Retinol because the serum contains retinol, too.)


I use the 10% AHA Body Lotion for my HANDS 3-4x per week, alternated with something fragrance free and very emollient from the drugstore and it really helps!


I use the All Bases Covered foundation, mixed in with a thicker foundation to get the best coverage.  (I was on a test panel for a serum foundation and I LOVED it.  I'm hoping they perfect it and get it out this year!  Not sure what's happening with that.)


I have a few other products that I use here and there just because I like to mix it up a bit.  The Resist Moisture Renewal Oil Booster is kind of nice for making your moisturizer even better for really dry patches.  I got a sample of it and it lasted a month.  The Resist C15 Super Booster is the only vitamin C treatment I've ever tried and I really like it, but only use it occasionally because it's an expensive "extra".  I really like that it comes in the little sample bottle for much less.  It really does brighten the skin and I wish I could afford to add it in, but I already use a lot!  LOL

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I've read that most people need a good, gentle cleanser, a chemical exfoliant (AHA or BHA), Retinol or Retin A, a Vitamin C and/or antioxidant serum, moisturizer, and sunscreen.


Agree, vitamin c serum and retin A every other night here. I have fallen off the wagon with AHA but will get on it soon. And a good sunscreen over the vitamin C each day, I use euro sunscreens as they are still better than US ones.

I have been using cerave eye cream and cerave night cream over the retin A because the one I'm currently using dries me out horribly.

It's not that much work when all the stuff is right there. Well, except the Vit C, which is kept in fridge.

I use acids (on my face!) weekly too

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I totally get that there seems to be too many steps! It's a lot when you consider that as a teenager or young 20s washing your face was all you needed to do. But who am I kidding? I'm not 20 anymore and either I do the steps or my skin goes downhill. It sounds terrible, but when I see the alternative, I make myself do the steps.


I use most of the Recovery line and the liquid BHA. Also, I do use the Recovery serum which seems optional, but I love it.

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I've been using and loving Paula's Choice for years!  I am 41 with oily/combo skin.  Sometimes I get breakouts, but not too bad.  The products that I'm currently using regularly:


Skin Balancing Cleanser

Skin Balancing Toner (LOVE this, been using it for like 10 years)

The 2% Extra Strength BHA Liquid

Resist Super Antioxidant Serum

Resist C15 Super Booster (when I remember)

Resist Weekly 10% AHA Resurfacing Treatment


I've also tried some of the makeup products here and there and I've liked those too.


A couple of things I've tried and didn't like:

Resist BHA 9 (didn't do anything for me)

Clinical 1% Retinol Treatmnet (just too irritating for my skin, even only using it 1x/week)


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Agree, vitamin c serum and retin A every other night here. I have fallen off the wagon with AHA but will get on it soon. And a good sunscreen over the vitamin C each day, I use euro sunscreens as they are still better than US ones.

I have been using cerave eye cream and cerave night cream over the retin A because the one I'm currently using dries me out horribly.

It's not that much work when all the stuff is right there. Well, except the Vit C, which is kept in fridge.

I use acids (on my face!) weekly too

CeraVe has some really good products. PC's Beautypedia website rates them pretty highly.


I forgot to mention that I also use Paula's Choice shampoo and conditioner. I've developed an allergy to fragrance, and need fragrance free.



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