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Struggling with election 2008?

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Yep. Me too. If you read my blog you will think I have it all settled, but it is a lie to fend off certain people who insisted on sending me links to dubious websites and made comments like "the Kelli I know and love would never.....".


Anyway. If you are like me as it pertains to the upcoming election, you might find some solace in this long but well written blog post.

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Yep. Me too. If you read my blog you will think I have it all settled, but it is a lie to fend off certain people who insisted on sending me links to dubious websites and made comments like "the Kelli I know and love would never.....".


Anyway. If you are like me as it pertains to the upcoming election, you might find some solace in this long but well written blog post.


Thank you so much for linking that, Kelli. I wondered for a few minutes if I was the blogger myself...or at least married to the same guy. ;)


Of course now I feel like I need to track down the book she's quoting from and read it. Like I *need* more books....

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Yep. Me too. If you read my blog you will think I have it all settled, but it is a lie to fend off certain people who insisted on sending me links to dubious websites and made comments like "the Kelli I know and love would never.....".


Anyway. If you are like me as it pertains to the upcoming election, you might find some solace in this long but well written blog post.



I commiserate. It's hard to be a thinking person sometimes. Election time, especially.


Believe it or not, I'm having a dilemma with voting as pertains to our election up here. I refuse to vote with the attitude of "oh, so-and-so is going to win anyway, so I'll just vote for them." That's a big problem in my riding overall. My personal problem is in the candidate for the party for whom I'd prefer to vote. He isn't even from this riding! That pisses me off to no end -- that the party cares so little about TRYING to take this riding that they fly in a ridiculous little t**t. So... where shall my conscience guide my vote? Tough one, really.

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Yep. Me too. If you read my blog you will think I have it all settled, but it is a lie to fend off certain people who insisted on sending me links to dubious websites and made comments like "the Kelli I know and love would never.....".


Anyway. If you are like me as it pertains to the upcoming election, you might find some solace in this long but well written blog post.


The Kelli I know and love would never simply drink the kool-aid. And I say that no matter *whom* Kelli ends up voting for.


That was a great article. It resonates with me, as it reflects a good deal of my own journey in the mid to late 90's.

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Great link. A good friend of mine attends Greg Boyd's church and his ideas have been part of many a long phone chat! Always stimulating and frequently controversial. He was on the CNN series "God's Warriors" with Christiane Amanpour talking about the way we blend politics & faith in this country.


His personal blog/website has more of his writings as well as links to the books. I haven't read any entire books yet myself but every time his name comes up I am reminded that it would be a good exercise to do so!


www.gregboyd.org ...in case anyone's interested.

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Great link. A good friend of mine attends Greg Boyd's church and his ideas have been part of many a long phone chat! Always stimulating and frequently controversial. He was on the CNN series "God's Warriors" with Christiane Amanpour talking about the way we blend politics & faith in this country.


His personal blog/website has more of his writings as well as links to the books. I haven't read any entire books yet myself but every time his name comes up I am reminded that it would be a good exercise to do so!


www.gregboyd.org ...in case anyone's interested.


Thank you for the link. I just read a page or two and then bookmarked it.


It is really bothering me that I lied on my blog. I hate being anything less than authentic, but it was causing family issues.


I'd really like to quote and respond to Mr. Boyd on my blog. It looks like good stuff, at least what I read thus far.

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I would like a Snickers Bar, please.:tongue_smilie:


That was very good. I think a lot of Christians are at that place and think they are in the minority. Methinks that is not necessarily the case.


It is frustrating also to ask a serious question and be accused of being swayed by the liberal media (or conservative rhetoric, whichever fits).


Still resonating in my ears is the conversation dh had several months ago with an influential homeschool leader. The person told him point blank, "You can't be a Democrat and have a Christian worldview". :001_huh:


Kelli, I'm going to pm you sometime. I'm having a politcial party identity crisis and maybe you can help. :)

Edited by Diana in OR
forgot something
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I feel for you with the lying on your blog issue...mine isn't really "public" yet because it's new, for one, but also for the exact reason you cite. I'm just not interested in stirring up the pot with family by posting my opinion in cyber space. So for now, I'm essentially anonymous unless someone finds me by accident!


I did a quick little political entry recently and found myself self-censoring EVEN though I know nobody will probably even SEE it!?! Why oh why do I care??! :)

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Yes, I am struggling. I have been voting for 20 years and this is the first year that I feel this way.:confused:


I,too, am a Christian and am torn.


On one Christian forum I was basically told I was "crazy' for even considering Obama. :001_huh:


Yep, crazy me-actually taking time to research both candidates who are running for President.


I am watching the debates with interest right now. I have a mind of my own that God gave me, and I think I will use it.

Even if it means I go against the grain. :D

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It's hard, sometimes. I struggled for a long time with my decision, but, now I feel okay about it--not fabulous, just okay. I think it's just so important to vote your conscience. Noone can tell you what your conscience is, it's yours. You know what is important to you and what you can live with. I say, so what if other people, well-intentioned, I'm sure, can't believe your choice. It's yours.


I just watched the movie "Iron Jawed Eagles" with my dc about the struggle women had to gain the vote. It humbled me. I was shocked and moved. It was great. Far be it from me to tell ANYONE how to vote! But, I will have something to say to someone who chooses not to--not mean, but, just encouraging them to exercise their right to do something so many have died for us to enjoy.


That said, GO KELLY!!!! Vote your conscience proudly. It's a personal thing that is yours.

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I recently watched Bill Moyers interview Margaret Atwood. One thing they discussed was the mixing of religion and politics and potential pitfalls. Atwood is author of "A Handmaid's Tale," a dystopian novel set in theocratic U.S. Probably is available on youtube or PBS. And even though I've recommended it already, John Dean's "Conservatives Without a Conscience" is a fascinating read. He relies heavily upon the work of the Canadian social scientist team of Altemeyer and now-deceased Hunsberger, who did in depth studies on authoritarianism. In fact, Dean persuaded Altemeyer to publish a layman's version of their work on the internet.


Around here, a vote for a Republican is equated by many to be a vote for Jesus himself.

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