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This has been a weird week and I haven't been posting here.  Need to get back to it but it does help me!



cleaning bedrooms

shopping for clothes


make sure 14 yo is studying for big history exam

meet with attorney in re trust

dh gets home tonight from business trip!  I missed him extra this time.


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Happy Thursday!  Back at it!


I was woken by my alarm every 9 minutes for about 3 hours this morning.  I know this is stupid but I never seem to learn.


I did get one big report out yesterday, but the pressure is still on for a bunch of other work things that need to be finished today.


I think I caught a bug, but I'm a mom so I'm not allowed to be sick!


Today's list:

  • Some school paperwork.  [done]
  • Assign badge work to be done in aftercare.  [done]
  • Get the kids up & out.  [done]
  • Clean the kitchen, bathroom, some clutter.  [done]
  • Pet care.  [done]
  • Work.
  • A little exercise.
  • A little reading.
  • Kids to scouts (eat drive-thru in car).
  • Read-aloud.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work.
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Posted (edited)

Good morning, This week has been off due to spring break and my mom being here...

- laundry- load in washer and dryer

- dishes- in dishwasher

- tidy house- round 1 done

- school work- printed some stuff

- appointment at 1 to have tires and brake pads put on car (hope my mom stays around long enough to watch dd2 for me, she's not sure when she's leaving to go to my aunt's house)- have dd2 with me, just tires put on. When my brake pads came in one of the 4 wasn't for my car :( so will need to back next week for those. And they wouldn't honor my tire quote because it was online (ford website should really specify this and specify that it needs to be within 50 miles of the dealership)- ha got a quote from my local Walmart for $39 less per tire

- get dd1 from school (if car is done) or get her off the bus- got her off bus

- stop at store for a few things- done

- help dd1 with her spelling and social studies paper- done

- dinner- done, girls and I had McDonald's because I forgot about the PTO meeting

- baths- not needed

- bedtime routine- done

- more school work

- PTO meeting- done

- find local quotes for tires- done, should get about $39 back per tire

Edited by MomtoCandJ
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Good morning! I missed yesterday because of an early appointment. But back, today... Dh is out of town, so lots of stuff for me.


To do:

School for all (a big poetry and writing day)

Kitchen clean up and general pick up

Check bills/bank

Some cooking/dinner in the crockpot

Jen things if time

PM practice

Judo/library/school stuff for me


Have a great day!

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I esp. need this thread this morning:


Human care done


Medical care done - note to self.  call in order for more syringes to the pharmacy.  Also need to order the med that I thought that I had a backup for, only to find that it was another med. entirely.  (Double note to self - actually read labels and don't assume anything.)




Get better (major stomach bug attacked me and DD)

DD light school

DS school

Keep car hunting (we're looking for a 2003-2006 Suburban with at or under 100k miles for $15k or less)
ASL lessons

laundry, including folding the mountain of clean in our room

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