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If you could have a HS lesson from a college student...

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DH is a college professor and his university holds an auction every year to raise $ for a ministry in Africa. The auction is mostly for services from students- house cleaning, preparing dinner, etc. However, you can also do a reverse auction where you say what you are looking for and they offer to do it for a certain price. So, I was thinking of asking for some homeschooling lessons for my dc's. The $ is for charity so what are some ideas for topics I could ask for? Like, 4 art classes or something. Also, we are Americans living in London so maybe something along the lines of British history or culture?

edited to add: my dc's are 7 and 5 years old.

Edited by Calizzy
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I hate to be a downer but I would not be requesting lessons for young children from someone unknown like that.  Even if you get around the safety issue by being there with them the whole time, how do you know that you would get someone who truly likes children or understands developmental stages?  (Believe me, I've taught with people who were like that.  It isn't automatic that someone who seeks out such a task is up to the task.)

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I'm a bit more optimistic than Jean, but I usually use college students who don't have Ed degrees as Babysitters. They are great at enrichment, taking kids to the science center, art museum, pumpkin fair, etc.

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I think it's a lovely idea. I like what people have already said too. While I wouldn't leave my kids alone with these students, I also doubt that those who really don't want to be around kids will take you up on the offer.


I would say from a local student maybe can give you some tips on the best parks or wildlife areas or other awesome kid thing that maybe you don't know about in an area and go with you to a few. Maybe if you get someone from continental Europe, you could also request a similar thing, but simply a list an some recommended resources or websites, with "the best" excursions in their home country for young children - if you are able to get away while staying in England. Maybe something cultural - the student can make your family a typical dinner from their country along with some kind of presentation or learning experience.


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I would ask for the college student to give us a guided tour of whatever history or art museum your children might be interested in going to.


At your child's age, having another adult along on a museum field trip was really helpful. I could bring one child to the restroom while leaving the other with the adult helper.

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