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Who's going to tackle Sunday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good Morning

- school work- i'm just studying for my Fundamentals exam and med dosage exam for pharmacology

- tidy house- round one done

- dishes- in dishwasher

- laundry- not enough for a load yet

- prep for week- getting there

- finalize some things for chicago trip (we leave thursday)- dd1 has decided to pack her and dd2's things but I will go through it later to fill in the gaps, planned route to be taken

- dinner- meat pulled to thaw

- baths

- bedtime routine

- anything else i manage to get done- 

Edited by MomtoCandJ
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I stayed up past 4am, so I skipped church again.  I'm probably going to Hell.


Kids have Sunday Fun Day.  I have a nice long work day.


I would like to do a little yoga and some other exercises.  I really need to force myself back into good habits.

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Happy Birthday, Tammy!!  :party:



We are home from church and relaxing for the rest of the day.

I need to do some meal planning - March is crazy!

Watch Nature with kids and Dh.

Watch Downton Abbey by myself.


dinner - pork roast, apples & onions, cabbage, potatoes. 

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Good Morning Y'all  :seeya:


I slept in and had breakfast at the Warrior Cafe on WRNMMC.  Dh and I hike all over the campus 4 + miles and we saw 6 deer, black squirrels, geese and lots and lots of robins.  We got back to our room and it started to pour rain.  


Dh has gone to work for several hours and I'm hanging out doing our laundry and playing online until he's finished and met his students for the week and then off to an early supper and sight seeing.   


Have a lovely day everyone! 


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Happy birthday Tammy :party:


My day:

--recovered from 48 hours w extended family

--planned school

--took dd to an astronomy training event for Science Olympiad (I stayed and took notes, too)

--scheduled events/driving with sis coming from out of town for a funeral (we've had a bad string, lately)

--brought older dd home from campus so she can suffer with a stomach bug here



--plan meals for week

--plan week with funeral speedbump

--stretch my owie hamstrings

--another chunk of college research

--read for enjoyment

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