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College search for political science major?

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I have a junior in high school interested in working for the State Department or something else in the political science area. But I have no idea how to help her narrow down college possibilities. We've gone to the College Board site and others, but we end up with long lists of colleges that have these programs, but no real recommendations (which isn't their function, of course). Does anyone have experience or information about which universities might give her a leg up in finding opportunties after she graduates from college? Certain institutions have reputations in this field, I imagine, but I don't know how to find out which ones they are. Public or private, doesn't matter. She's a top student so we're hoping she would get aid (assuming there would be any aid by the time she graduates, given the economy, buy-outs, etc.).







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Hillsdale College is a great college for political science!


:iagree: They have plenty of homeschooled kids there too, so nobody thinks it's wierd (at least that was the case 10 yrs ago, and I'd expect even more now). They also have a Washington DC internship program and some pretty amazing connections there. They have a decent placement office, and a dedicated alumni network that can help with finding a job afterward. It can be expensive (like any private school), but they really work with you on the financial aid, combining grants & loans & scholarships & work-study.

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You might want to check out job requirements for the foreign service or similar post graduation job possibilities. We were stationed at an embassy a few years ago. Many of the state department folks had degrees in history, economics, international affairs, international development, communications, technology or even agriculture. And of course, they often had a strong background in languages. Here is the link to the State Department careers page to give you some ideas.

Just to say that it doesn't have to be just political science.

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Depending on where you live, and if that's a factor in college decision making, you might want to look at Truman State University in Missouri. It's fairly competitive academically for a public college and has a strong political science department. I was a history major there and knew many poli sci majors who did semester or summer-long internships in Washington DC. It's off the beaten path a bit, but a strong liberal arts university. And generous with scholarships, last I knew.





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