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Is AOPS Intro to Counting & Probability H.S. credit-worthy?

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I just got AOPS Intro to Counting and Probability as a "fun summer math" program for my rising 9th grader to do this summer.   He will have completed Algebra I by then, and is excited about the course.   


Is CP considered high school credit-worthy?   Would it depend on how much time he spends actually doing the material?   My initial plan was just to have something to keep his brain active over the summer, but I was reminded that last summer, DS did an entire science course (Apologia Physical Science) so he could take Apologia Biology at a co-op this school year.   If he's genuinely motivated to earn the credit, he'd put in the time required.   I just wonder what others have done.



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I would give 0.5 credit for C&P. It is a short course and easily completed in a semester.

I would, however, not do this in lieu of the regular 4 math credits, but in addition.


Definitely agree that it's high school level, 1/2 credit appropriate.  I also wouldn't replace some other high school math, at least not anything through pre-calculus.

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Yes. It's high school level and worth 1 semester of credit.   Your student should be proficient in Algebra I before attempting AOPS Counting and Probability. It does not take the place of the high school basics - Algebra I, Algebra II and Geometry.  Both of my kids enjoyed the online presentations and got a lot out of this course.

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Would you do this after the algebra 1 content of the Intro to Algebra book or only after finishing the book?


If you look at AoPS' Recommendations page, they place Intro to Counting and Probability and Intro to Number Theory between Intro to Algebra A and Intro to Algebra B.  :001_smile:

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We did it after finishing the algebra 1 portion, as a one semester break from algebra, before coming back to finish the book.

Worked fine; you don't need the later material.




If you look at AoPS' Recommendations page, they place Intro to Counting and Probability and Intro to Number Theory between Intro to Algebra A and Intro to Algebra B.  :001_smile:



This is what we are doing this summer, only because it happens to work with the schedule.


Thanks all.  DS1 may have ended up a little ahead of himself on math.  This might be a good way of keeping him humming along.  I sometimes forget what I have on my own shelves.  It hadn't occurred to me to have him spend a semester doing C&P, but I think he'd love it.

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Sounds like you got the answer you needed, but I'm just chiming in to agree with all the above. :)


DS is finished with Algebra I and II and Geometry, so all the basics are covered. But for a variety of reasons I wanted him to wait a bit and not push him to precalc this year in 10th. He is doing both Intro to C&P and Intro to NT this year and is really loving the change of pace. I'm going to count it as a full credit because he's doing both and probably calling it something along the lines of "Intro to Discrete Math". Then he'll go on to precalc after that.

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