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Exercise Thread 2/7/16 - 2/13/16


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Sunday:  day off

MOnday:  45 minutes on elliptical.


I'm trying to work out 5 x week, with 2 x being strength training.


I hate working out by myself, especially inside, but I can't afford a gym membership (and have no idea when I'd have time to go to a class) and it's too cold and snowy and icy to run or bike outside.  So elliptical with random TV show for me for the next few months.  Blah.  


Sometimes I want a full time job again so I can go to the gym at lunch.  That's the only part I really miss about working outside the home.

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Sunday- 1/2 hour Daily Burn, 1/2 hour PT stretches and core work, 10,140 steps on the Fitbit

Monday- 1/2 hour Daily Burn, 70 minutes stair climber at the Y*, 1/4 hour PT exercises, 10,700 and counting steps on the Fitbit. Though to be fair, most of those were gained from the stair climber I am sure. It's been a strangely sedentary day otherwise.


*generally not super into cardio machines but my son has a 2+ hour thing on Mondays there and I figured what the heck?

Edited by LucyStoner
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I think it was just yoga and Super Bowl Sunday. Yesterday I taught yoga and took a 3 mile walk while dd was ins a library class. Today will be yoga and a skating party where I intend to roller skate to avoid passing the time with the other homeschool moms 😳. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are our crazy out of house days.

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Sorry Slache! When I do a search for Exercise, these threads don't show up.


Does anyone here take outside classes? I'm happiest working out by myself, but I think it's good to get out there too.

Mostly just wondering if I can hang on in a class I'm attending because it's for our very small, local community which I want to support. I'm totally unsatisfied with the class otherwise. It should end around mid-March, but I'm pretty sure I'm losing it.

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I take one class at my gym. It's a body weight bootcamp class. I really like it as it's a blend cardio and weight training, the two things I do the other days of the week. (The class is free with my gym membership.)


So yesterday was training and stretching. I had no time for cardio, which stinks.


Today I will do some cardio while dd is at Arabic (I have 50 minutes between dropping off and picking up) and then dh and I will go to the bootcamp class at 6.

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Today: Finish out 10,00 steps, probably at the gym. Do upper and lower body strength training. 


That was Tuesday. I did the 10,000 steps, but didn't do strength training b/c I realized I had an appt right by the gym Wed, so I moved strength-training to Wed. That means, however, just 2 training sessions this week, but I think it's okay. 


I did do the strength training yesterday. I do modified push-ups, rows, & shoulder extensions for my major upper body work and external abduction and scaption raises for my rotator cuff muscles.  I recently got tested and my quads were way stronger than the rest of my lower body muscles so I just focused on hamstring curls on a Swiss ball and the abduction machine. (Only machine I use at the gym.) I also did a full body plank and two one-legged planks. 


Did Zumba on Wed, too. 


Today, I am taking more of a low-key day, but will do 10,000 steps including a Zumba workout. 


Tomorrow or Saturday will be strength-training again, and 10,000 steps both days. 

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Sorry Slache! When I do a search for Exercise, these threads don't show up.


Does anyone here take outside classes? I'm happiest working out by myself, but I think it's good to get out there too.

Mostly just wondering if I can hang on in a class I'm attending because it's for our very small, local community which I want to support. I'm totally unsatisfied with the class otherwise. It should end around mid-March, but I'm pretty sure I'm losing it.


I take Zumba and love it. That's outside the gym. 


At the gym, I sometimes will join the cardio-core class. (half interval training, half ab work)  I have tried some other ones such as kick-boxing and some "Strength and flexibility" classes, which were kind of "meh." I have also tried Pilates, and like it for the most part. 

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Sorry, I've been MIA.  I've been so busy, and have not been on the computer much at all.  


This week so far,


Monday- 4 mile run (outside!) and Bikram yoga


Tueday-90 minutes vinyasa yoga


Wed-nothing.  I slept in, then made the long trek (an hour drive) to church for Lenten service


Thursday- Bikram yoga



Slache, thanks for starting the thread!

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Tuesday: 1/2 hour PT exercises. My back seems to be improving substantially. 11,747 steps on the Fitbit, including ~three miles of walking very fast to keep up with 7 year old on a razor scooter in a paved circular path. And doing the high stairs adjacent to this path 16 times. I can't run them because of my back and some slight shin splints.


Wednesday: 15 minutes PT exercises, 15 minutes yoga stretching, 1/2 hour Daily Burn and 10,227 steps on the Fitbit.


Thursday: 1 hour very fast walk with heart rate up, 1/2 hour Daily Burn, skipped my PT exercises in favor of napping, lol. 10,293 steps on the Fitbit.

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Friday (so far): 45 at the physical therapists' office doing mostly core work. He gave me updated PT exercises to do everyday. ~3 miles walking fast to keep up with boys on scooters. 10 times on the stairs adjacent to that path. 12,040 steps on the Fitbit so far today. I will probably do a short bit of Daily Burn this evening.

Edited by LucyStoner
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Sometimes I want a full time job again so I can go to the gym at lunch. That's the only part I really miss about working outside the home.

Agreed. I used to work until 8pm three nights a week, so I would hit the gym after work. DH would already have DS1 in bed by the time I was off, so there was no point rushing home.


Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday: an hour on the bike each day.

Thursday: rest day. I only managed 6,000 steps in my Fitbit, so, really, really a rest day.

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Today, I am taking more of a low-key day, but will do 10,000 steps including a Zumba workout. 


Tomorrow or Saturday will be strength-training again, and 10,000 steps both days. 



I wimped out of going to Zumba on Thursday. It was really cold out, so I did some Zumba at home until I got to 10,000 steps. Friday, I just did 10,000 steps. No targeted exercise. 


Today, I did strength training and have about 800 steps left to go. I am working my way down inclined push-ups trying to get to a full push-up (not on knees). I did most of my push-ups at thigh height but was able to do one on after lowering the bar to  knee height. (I was about 12 inches from the ground back in August when I injured my shoulder, so am getting close to the level I was on then. Finally!)  Did inclined rows with 20 lb weight in each hand, leg abduction at 80 pounds. Did one set of 20  hamstring curls on a Swiss ball. (Need to do 2 more; a friend was waiting on me to finish). I also need to do some planks. 

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45 min. Latin Jazzercize dvd again Friday, did the 30 min. Zumba Toning dvd today.

I've decided to let myself off the hook with the twice-weekly exercise class. I don't enjoy it anymore, and if trying to show community support leads to strained relationships, it seems like a lose-lose. I bought the instructor a thank-you card. I may go once more to pass that along, but no obligation to continue twice per week unless I feel like it. Which would leave me some time to try an actual Zumba class one evening maybe.

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