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PSAT news article

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The Nationally Representative Sample percentile shows how your score compares to the scores of all U.S. students in a particular grade, including those who don’t typically take the test.
The User Percentile — Nation shows how your score compares to the scores of only some U.S. students in a particular grade, a group limited to students who typically take the test.
What does that mean? Nationally Representative Sample percentile is how you would stack up if every student took the test. So, your score is likely to be higher on the scale of Nationally Representative Sample percentile than actual User Percentile.
Thinking out loud, does the User Percentile not show the percentile among the actual test takers either?
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Thinking out loud, does the User Percentile not show the percentile among the actual test takers either?



Interesting article; thanks for sharing.


As for your question, it appears that it does not.  I've looked at that on the CB website and I read the article; to be honest, I still don't know against whom the "User Percentile" is scored.  I did find myself agreeing with the author of the article in her speculation that all the percentiles are being statistically gamed to sucker more kids into taking the test.  But perhaps I'm being unnecessarily harsh in my assessment of the College Board?  :001_rolleyes:

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It appears the user profile has been taken from a small sample that was a test sample (at least that is how I understood it from the different articles I have read). I really don't understand why CB could not have used the actual data, but that would have probably delayed the scores until next fall! I have read in other articles that CB is increasing percentiles so kids will switch from the ACT to the SAT. This is all just conjecture, but it would not surprise me!!

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Everytime I think about them removing students who don't typically take the PSAT, I have a mental image of the percentiles being purified of minority and low-income student scores.  Did they think that they needed to take out scores from students who might not be college bound, but who are taking the test, because it is now a state-wide assessment tool?  


If College Board achieves its dream of being the standard assessment used in high schools in every state, will the two percentiles merge?  Or will they continue to subtract the scores of some portion of the students who took the PSAT?


I find this troubling.  But then I am troubled by many things that come out of College Board.

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Were I conspiracy minded, I might think that there was some attempt at hand to increase the number of students with high end scores, so that colleges would be free to base admissions decisions on other factors.  


The more I read about this revision, the more it feels like a complete reboot.  (Why am I reminded of the Demi Moore version of The Scarlet Letter, in which there is a happy ending?)

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I wondered what that phrase meant and why my dc's scores weren't compared to others taking the test, as my older dc's were.  (Then it said "You scored higher than __% of juniors.") Is it just because it's a new test and they are basically guessing at percentiles? 

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I've been trying to follow the thread at CC and the scoring of this test is just mind-boggling.  I don't really care about NMF; I'm just trying to learn about the new test, especially if it reflects what may happen with the new SAT as well.  Dd will take the PSAT in 10th and 11th at school, so this October.  It amazes me that NMSF info might not be released until September, nearly a year after the test was taken - I wonder if I read that right.  That's pathetic, CB.


On another note, dd took the PLAN at school last week, completely cold.  I'm glad I warned her about likelihood of timing being tight.  She and her friends thought it was hard, so hopefully that will be a good motivator for test prep down the road.

Edited by wapiti
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I've been trying to follow the thread at CC and the scoring of this test is just mind-boggling.  I don't really care about NMF; I'm just trying to learn about the new test, especially if it reflects what may happen with the new SAT as well.  Dd will take the PSAT in 10th and 11th at school, so this October.  It amazes me that NMSF info might not be released until September, nearly a year after the test was taken - I wonder if I read that right.  That's pathetic, CB.


On another note, dd took the PLAN at school last week, completely cold.  I'm glad I warned her about likelihood of timing being tight.  She and her friends thought it was hard, so hopefully that will be a good motivator for test prep down the road.



My daughter took the Duke Tip SAT completely cold. She thought is was very hard. Hopefully that will be a motivating factor for PSAT 8/9 in the fall. I am hopping to see if some light prep will yield if she does have potentional for NMF as it is very important to us as we are chasing Auto Merit money based on test scores, not competitive merit.

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I've been trying to follow the thread at CC and the scoring of this test is just mind-boggling. I don't really care about NMF; I'm just trying to learn about the new test, especially if it reflects what may happen with the new SAT as well. Dd will take the PSAT in 10th and 11th at school, so this October. It amazes me that NMSF info might not be released until September, nearly a year after the test was taken - I wonder if I read that right. That's pathetic, CB.


On another note, dd took the PLAN at school last week, completely cold. I'm glad I warned her about likelihood of timing being tight. She and her friends thought it was hard, so hopefully that will be a good motivator for test prep down the road.

The announcement of which students have earned National Merit Semi-Finalist status has been made in September of Senior year for test results from the Oct Junior year PSAT for many years. This isn't a change related to the test revision or scoring delays.

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