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Can you stand one more "I'm struggling" post from me?

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I hope this isn't tiresome--skip if you think so!


I'm just about ready to quit two days of my 5 day a week preschool job. The T/R class is 4 hours, which means I'm not home from 9-3 those days (including travel time and the 30 minute before-they-get-there prep time). I am falling in love with the kids in my MWF class, but these other kids just aren't tugging on the ol' heart strings yet--so intense, so hard to manage--and the co-teacher I have is great but I don't feel completely comfy with her yet. I'm still not committed to staying.


Now I have the chance to watch a 2 yr old girl 3 days a week, from 8-5 (M/T/R). I would start the end of October (which means I could also bypass the pretty extravagant Halloween celebration at the preschool, too). I would quit both classes if I did that, and just work as a nanny. Unfortunately, I'd only make about 3/4 of what I take home now, and I would only get 2 weeks off, plus some of the major holidays. I could take unpaid leave if I wanted, and I could switch some days if I needed to--that flexibility is rather nice. I'm pretty sure I can be home to greet dd after school if I take the little one with me--her parents have said care at either house is fine. Mine isn't set up for a two, but for short periods, it would work.


This is ds' last semester of school, and I just don't feel I'm ever available for him. I'm so wiped by the time I get home, I just can't focus. If I took the nanny job, I could at least be home two days a week.


The reason I'm working at all is financial, so I don't know if I'd really be making enough to be worth it. And, just this morning, dd said she really doesn't like school--ARGH! She started crying at the bus stop. If I brought her home (even if it was at the end of the semester), I would have to step up her homeschooling, as she felt bored here. Having a 2yo around--well, I haven't met the little cutie yet, so I don't have a sense that it would be ok to school and to watch her. I'd have to take her with us to some sort of outside class/co-op or something, because I do sense dd needs something along the lines of a once a week class or two (maybe swimming and art, or dance and some sort of science class). We can do rec classes as they aren't that pricey, but nothing too expensive. And, I'd just be able to make enough to keep up with debt payments, and provide gas money and perhaps give my son $500 for school--when I really wanted to give him $5000.



Well, any advice? :bigear:

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I hope this isn't tiresome--skip if you think so!


I'm just about ready to quit two days of my 5 day a week preschool job. The T/R class is 4 hours, which means I'm not home from 9-3 those days (including travel time and the 30 minute before-they-get-there prep time). I am falling in love with the kids in my MWF class, but these other kids just aren't tugging on the ol' heart strings yet--so intense, so hard to manage--and the co-teacher I have is great but I don't feel completely comfy with her yet. I'm still not committed to staying.


Now I have the chance to watch a 2 yr old girl 3 days a week, from 8-5 (M/T/R). I would start the end of October (which means I could also bypass the pretty extravagant Halloween celebration at the preschool, too). I would quit both classes if I did that, and just work as a nanny. Unfortunately, I'd only make about 3/4 of what I take home now, and I would only get 2 weeks off, plus some of the major holidays. I could take unpaid leave if I wanted, and I could switch some days if I needed to--that flexibility is rather nice. I'm pretty sure I can be home to greet dd after school if I take the little one with me--her parents have said care at either house is fine. Mine isn't set up for a two, but for short periods, it would work.


This is ds' last semester of school, and I just don't feel I'm ever available for him. I'm so wiped by the time I get home, I just can't focus. If I took the nanny job, I could at least be home two days a week.


The reason I'm working at all is financial, so I don't know if I'd really be making enough to be worth it. And, just this morning, dd said she really doesn't like school--ARGH! She started crying at the bus stop. If I brought her home (even if it was at the end of the semester), I would have to step up her homeschooling, as she felt bored here. Having a 2yo around--well, I haven't met the little cutie yet, so I don't have a sense that it would be ok to school and to watch her. I'd have to take her with us to some sort of outside class/co-op or something, because I do sense dd needs something along the lines of a once a week class or two (maybe swimming and art, or dance and some sort of science class). We can do rec classes as they aren't that pricey, but nothing too expensive. And, I'd just be able to make enough to keep up with debt payments, and provide gas money and perhaps give my son $500 for school--when I really wanted to give him $5000.



Well, any advice? :bigear:


:grouphug: Okay, so you'd make 75 percent of what you make now? Now you are working every day and as a nanny it's three days a week? I'd definitely take the nanny job. The parents have said either house is fine? I think I'd be making my house set-up for a two year old. ;) Really. This could be a great opportunity for you. And I know you didn't ask for advice on this, but I would probably just bring my child home and pick up an all in one workbook from the book store that covers all her grade appropriate stuff for now. As for your son, I know how it is to pay for schooling. It puts a huge stress on family. If all you can contribute is $500, then I would be okay with that. I really would be. Is he going away to school? Perhaps there are less expensive alternatives?


I hope I am not being too opinionated!




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I do daycare while HSing my 7 and 4 year old. It can be done. I would bring DD home, take care of the 2 year old, and try to get at least one more child to watch. That will boost your income....plus if you're watching 1, 1 more isn't a big deal. As far as outside activities during the day, well that took me a while to get used to. I don't really like not being able to go out during the day, but my kids have gotten used to it. I also have 2 after school kids that I watch for an hour. They are DS age, so it works out perfect.

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You'd make 3/4, but you wouldn't have the gas expense and wear and tear and upkeep on the car--would that make up the diff? And taxes? If it were me, I'd prefer the nanny job. Plus, you shouldn't be as tired. You wouldn't need the same clothes, makeup, etc. But are you sure the job would be permanent? What about summers? And will they pay you for vacations? Will you get a contract? And could you add a child, if you had the opportunity, or maybe add someone after school for a little more money? That might not be a lot of work, and it could pad your income.

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oh, you all are so GOOD to me to respond!


Ok, so I'm just in the middle of posting this response to you when the phone rings. I've been waiting for a call re homeschooling two boys who live about 15 mins from me. They have a school-refusal, social anxiety disorder. Hoo boy. The mom is so frustrated that she is willing to try homeschooling, outsourcing the majority of their subjects to me. She wants the county to pay (they won't--I'm not certified--I can handle some subjects for her, but the law says I have to be certified if I do the total thingy). Anyway, she'll get back to me by next week.


I will talk to my hubby and contemplate further.:tongue_smilie:

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