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Who's going to tackle Saturday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Going to be a busy day!


Keep Ds 17 on track for:

history paper and presentation to do - due Tuesday

work out with physical trainer

Dh said he'd take ds 17 for a long driving practice today - they have to go pick up Ds 17's artwork that he did in his fused glass workshop before Christmas.

Ds17 also wants to attend a local concert where his bass teacher's band is playing this evening.


I need to grocery shop

Tidy up-going to recruit 14 yo to help

Latin prep


We all might go to church bingo tonight






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Dh is driving a dear friend to the airport now. He's returning to China after teaching Chinese here for two years. He'll be seeing his infant son for the very first time---his wife left last year while she was still able to fly home.


Younger dd is at a Model UN conference until late tomorrow. Older dd leaves for Greece late tomorrow!


Dh and I have a fundraiser cocktail party to attend this evening (he's on the board for the organization).


Once dh is home from the airport we will go to the gym together.


I also need to

--do some research for my high school team about one event

--return a few emails

--buy batteries for dd's camera


A low-key day, except for the part where I have to dress up and make conversation for three hours :lol:

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Good morning

- lots of printing (school stuff for me)- done

- fill in school planner- done

- organize school stuff- done

- start on school work- reading... Lots of reading two chapters done 6 more to go ðŸ˜

- tidy house- round 1 done

- fold laundry- nope

- help girls clean room- well it's kind of clean, I was going to help until I found out how much reading I need to get done before Monday

- dinner- done

- baths- done

- bedtime routine

- anything else I get done- load of laundry in dryer

Edited by MomtoCandJ
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Woke up over night with a wicked sore throat - so hoping it doesn't progress.


DD - basketball game (I coach)



sort through books

move bookcase from family room to basement

continue konMari - I believe I am somewhat addicted  :ohmy:  :thumbup1: - but super excited that the areas I have already finished are staying tidy and daily cleaning time has really decreased - yipee


fix blinds x 2

start packing list for Disney  :hurray:

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SuperMom woke up with horror 25 min. late.  Grabbed food for son (who had already woken up with the same horrible realization) to eat in the car, and delivered him to work with two minutes to spare.  Got home to hear the phone ringing.  It was son - he left his work keys on his desk.  Grabbed the keys, rushed back to his work while trying to tame bed head in the car, met ds outside the front doors.  Got home a second time, to hear unfed cat yowling.  As soon as my heartbeat returns to normal, I'm going back to bed.

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That is a rough start to the day, Jean! I hassled ds1 and ds3 out the door for a drive that will be long and slow, due to fog. Super unusual for us. I have cleaned the kitchen and picked up and am waiting for Dh to get back from his trip to the dump, so I can pick up the girls and head out for a shopping day. This is slightly less fun than it sounds, because dd1 hates shopping and is skinny with broad shoulders, long arms and big quads. She has to try on about 7 things to find one that fits.


Left to do today:

Pick up girls

Shop (they each have a list)

Pick up ds2 from his all day activities before 5 pm


I hope Dh has plans for dinner or it will be pizza night.


Have a great day!

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We were going to pack up the Christmas decorations, but dh is having back trouble, so-


Laundry x 17



Require boys to clean their rooms

Help oldest ds with audition prep

Clean bathrooms

Take youngest to meet friend? (still planning)

Pile all inside decorations (except tree ornaments) on school table- yup- that choice will annoy me on Monday!

clean out refrigerator -if I have time


I am not looking forward to this, but I'll be so happy when it's done!


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