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Everything is working!

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We are having a day where I didn't question an curricula!


Math - sweet spot!  Jousting Armadillos with Mathematical Reasoning level F as review.  No fighting, and appropriately challenging.

Language Arts - Read Aloud is The Graveyard Book, he's set to finish it in 3 days because he refuses to wait, and up next is Oliver Twist. (We dropped Little Women, which is fine, there's still lots of time for me to force it on him. ;)) We are doing CE 1 & 2 this semester as a break before MCT Literature Level and DS is loving it.  Also BW partnership writing where he tweaks the projects because apparently everything needs to be futuristic and sci-fi. :lol: Weekly freewrites are mostly Star Wars fan fiction, but writing is happening!

History - Listening to SOTW 4 and watching videos, a la a less work intensive AAA class.

Science  - waiting for MEL Chemistry to get here, and in the meantime doing random stuff as it relates to our local science center classes.

Foreign Language - In the middle of GSWS and he's cruising along on duolingo, AND he looked at Fabulae Caeciliae and agreed to give Latin another go. (Caeser's English was probably very influential in that area.)


Most importantly, he's found a project that he's passionate about, which is researching and purchasing DJ equipment in order to make his own CD.  He has a budget to stick with and he's SELF motivated. 


I know it can all fall apart tomorrow so I'm relishing the moment of relaxation I've been given. :hurray: :hurray: :hurray:


Anyone else have it all figured out for today?  Or are you in the other 364 days of the year?

Edited by someonestolemyname
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This is so awesome! This kind of success is hard won. I'm hoping for the same with my younger when we start back up again in a few weeks. With gifted kids things are always too easy or too hard which creates poor attitude, so the sweet spot is elusive. 

Edited by lewelma
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This is so awesome! This kind of success is hard won. I'm hoping for the same with my younger when we start back up again in a few weeks. With gifted kids things are always too easy or too hard which creates poor attitude, so the sweet spot is elusive. 


And when we stumble upon that elusive sweet spot, how wonderful things are!


My daughter literally jumps for joy and begs for more when the work is at that 'just right' level. If only I could find that sweet spot more often.....

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Things have been pretty smooth this week-AOPS is going well, DD is loving entomology, has set up her own little insect zoo to observe (a benefit of having lots of friends who keep reptiles and amphibians and breed feeder insects) and she gets to meet with her mentor and see her best friend this weekend. She also got her first replicate pond reporting tadpoles for the years (it's in SW Australia :) ).

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I love those days. Good for you! I'd also love a review of Mel Chem and the RFWP Latin curric.


Alas, I gave Sacha a test today for Continental Math League. I put him in the Grades 1&2 level (he's in 1st grade by age), even though he is working in Beast 3C. He got 3 of 6 correct, proving yet again that hard is easy and easy is hard.  :banghead:

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I love those days. Good for you! I'd also love a review of Mel Chem and the RFWP Latin curric.


Alas, I gave Sacha a test today for Continental Math League. I put him in the Grades 1&2 level (he's in 1st grade by age), even though he is working in Beast 3C. He got 3 of 6 correct, proving yet again that hard is easy and easy is hard.  :banghead:


Hard is easy and easy is hard.


This sums it up.


My daughter (9) tells me that if things are too easy it's like her brain hasn't switched on.

She also finds that easier things sometimes ask for certain steps or processes that her mind just skips over, often in an intuitive way. This can not only slow her down, but confuse her.


We hit a lovely sweet spot this morning, related to angle of depression and some trig. You know those lovely problems where you're standing on a cliff and see a boat at a certain angle of depression. If the boat is a certain distance from the base of the cliff, how high is the cliff?       Ah, sweet spot.

Yay! My daughter just about buzzes when it hits the sweet spot.


I wish you all a year full of sweet spots!

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