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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Clean kitchen

do dh's laundry

Latin prep

wake kids and do academics (lots of math and history, with a smidgen of Latin and science)

make phone calls

math tutor

voice lessons

bass lessons

Exercise in some way shape or form

Egg fried rice for dinner

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--daily and Wednesday things

--(am carless today) walk to/from gym for training session; will be ok if wind stays away

--try new carnitas recipe from ATK Meat cookbook

--emails galore

--make dd's appt

--match AoPS calculus book up with AP calc topics

--hunt in attic for good carryon for dd20

--finish date-ordering home movies

--dd MUN 6-8:30

Edited by Luckymama
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Good morning
- put gas in car- done
- drop dd2 of to dh- done
- do drug test (have to drive to city for this)- done
- get potatoes while in city- done
- get dd2- done
- cash dh's paycheck- done
- stop at house to put potatoes in crock pot- done
- get groceries and flu shot- done
- get dd1- done
- tidy house- round 1 done
- laundry- nope
- dinner- in crockpot- done
- dishes- nope
- baths- done
- bedtime routine- one down one to go

Edited by MomtoCandJ
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Lowes is awesome! Our range broke last week so we went out on Friday to get a new one. The one in picked had a 2 week delivery date. I decided since I was spending a bunch of money I'd rather get what I wanted and wait instead of getting what was in the store. Well they called today and it just came in! It will be delivered tomorrow!



- clean computer room

- 1 load of laundry washed, folded, away

- get dinner in crockpot by noon

- return library book

- grocery store

- kids to kung fu

- clean behind oven

Edited by hjffkj
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blurg! Not getting much tackling done...but the day's not over yet:


tidy up

get a shower

bathroom clean up

dinner in crockpot - changed my mind - egg-bagel sandwiches for dinner.

walmart for laundry detergent, etc

take flowers/treat to friend


violin lessons

notes to violin students x 2

book club

J to scout meeting


ready. set. goooooooo

Edited by wendy in HI
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Wow, it's Wednesday!  I am back in the USA and theoretically back at work.  ;)  I have so much to do, but I am easing into it.


It is kinda funny how we left our house when we rushed to the airport on Christmas day.  We had a flight scheduled for after 6pm, but when we went online to check in, it had been canceled and we were moved to a 2pm flight.  But nobody had told us this.  We found out after 11am.  I was still trying to get some work done so we could pay a quick visit to my parents, give and receive gifts, set up the fish tank at their house, etc.  My kids were trying to get acquainted with the Christmas gifts they had just opened.  I had not packed any of our bags.  The floors were covered with opened gifts, wrappings, boxes, and gifts for my extended family.  Dishes were in the sink.  Food was in the fridge.  Nobody thought to turn down the heat or leave a trickle of water running.  All I could do was throw a bunch of clothes in our suitcases and run out the door.


So now we get to clean up, which I always enjoy, though time is tight.  Today is my daughter's birthday, so in addition to catching up on work, I plan to pick her up from school and spend the afternoon/evening doing her fun stuff.  Laundry will wait until tomorrow.


The list:

  • Kids up and ready for school.  [done]
  • Birthday cake and gifts.  [done]
  • Drive kids to school.  [done]
  • Unpack.  [done]
  • Clean out fridge.  [done]
  • Clear up and take out garbage.  [done]
  • Wash dishes and clean kitchen.  [done]
  • Fold some laundry from Christmas day.  [done]
  • Clean bathroom and bedroom (mine).  [done]
  • Move some of the Christmas presents upstairs.  Some will need to wait as I can't remember who got what.  [done]
  • Get through my emails.  [done]
  • Revise some credit card info online.  [done]
  • Get kids' due date for make-up work due Friday, so they can enjoy the birthday tonight.  [done]
  • Work.
  • A little reading.
  • A little exercise.
  • Pick up kids at school.
  • Buy a fish [moofie died] and a parakeet.
  • Dinner at Hard Rock Cafe (kid's choice).
  • Movie (kid's choice).
  • Fit in homework somewhere, if they have any due tomorrow.
  • See if we can fit in Build-a-Bear and/or shopping at Barnes & Noble.
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Good afternoon!


We got back home Monday evening, and my sister decided to stay a few days before returning home. I'm helping her with my nephew today so she can go out and do some things.


I had planned on starting ds back on some school this week, but I'm not going to try with extra people and responsibilities. Dd goes back to college this weekend anyway, so we'll start back next week.



breakfast and lunch for us and nephew



a couple of games of 7 Wonders with the kids while nephew slept


To Do:

meds and snack for nephew



grocery shopping


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We have been out and around all day!


Reasonably productive, but no school work.


Orthodontist appt. for Dd

Got bagels and milk.

Kids have lunch with my mom while I have a work related lunch meeting.

DD to dance.

Play with Ds and pup at the park.


Home now for pork roast, cabbage, apples and onions. I do love my crock-pot!

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Kitchen got sort of cleaned though there is still coffee spilled where dh spilled it and then ran out the door for work because he was late.


Pet care done

Human care done

Medical care done sort of - I'm late this week on my shots.  I absolutely must do them today.

I got into the chiro and got temporarily put back together. (I go back Friday)

Lunch done

Went to ds's allergy shots

Music store



and now home again where I am toast and am in pain again. 

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