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Exercise Thread - January 3-9


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It turns out our library system *does* have more advanced Zumba dvds. Boy, am I glad I started with the gold version first. I felt that 60 minutes. The on-screen instructors got told off only once, so I think it went pretty well.  :tongue_smilie:

Edited by KathyBC
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We were away last week, but I was able to run and practice yoga.  It was a nice week away, with lots of lunch dates with my dh and even a movie (saw Hateful 8. Amazing, worth seeing.)


We got back late Sunday.


Mon- 4mile run, plus 35 squats. Trying a 21 day squat challenge.  I'm keeping it easy and started with bodyweight squats, and I'll add weight next week. 


Tues-40 squats plus an hour of yoga.  

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Why do you do them on your knees? Have you considered doing them with your hands up on something? It's still easier but a better core workout.

I'm recovering from a shoulder injury last spring which caused months of physical therapy. I've progressed from wall pushups, to bar pushups, to knee pushups. I am now working on pushups over a step (aerobics, not stairway!) because my shoulder doesn't allow me to go all the way down and then up yet----but I can do sets of 5 of those :)


My goal is to be able to do sets of 10 by my birthday in June :D

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5 mile run this morning.  It was 20 degrees.  My new tights work great.  My legs don't feel the cold at all, even in the wind.  They are a bit too warm when it's in the mid 30's, but my other tights are not warm enough. I'd rather be too warm.  I can wear less layers up top, which works better for me. But today, my face stayed cold for 2 miles.  It hurt.  I had a buff (for around my face) in my van, but since there was no wind, I didn't wear it.  I figured if I really needed it I would get it when I got back around (at 2 miles).  I regretted that.  But overall, it was a great run.  I ran fast, (for me) and my heart rate was on the higher side, but it was nice.


I also did my 45 squats, plus I've been working on push-ups.  I'm hoping for 30 mins of yoga later today. :)

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Thursday was hot yoga, plus 50 squats.  Today was a 4 mile run followed by 20 squats holding 5lbs and 50 push-ups.


I think I'm getting another stomach thing.  My youngest was sick this morning, he had to stay home from school, and now I don't feel well. We keep getting stomach bugs.  They just seem to keep going around in our household.  :(

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No, Kim, no stomach bug!


I just did 45 min on the elliptical today. It was spitting rain on and off, so I didn't feel like dealing with outside. I had to get up 2 hours earlier than usual today ans fought tiredness all day long----that, and the desire to eat everything in sight :eek:

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I feel better today.  I was definitely not well all day yesterday, but seem fine this morning.  I had a nice 6 mile run, then came home and did 25 squats.  I have to take down my Christmas stuff, and I don't want to. :tongue_smilie: I hate taking all of this stuff down.  I can see me not decorating at all when I get older, just out of laziness....of course grandkids might change that. :laugh:

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