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Could you please explain Columbus to me

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I'm just plotting for history next year. As I'm putting it together myself I've got to decide what to cover. A scary thought!


I know that in the US you have Columbus day so he is pretty important to the history of your country.


Did he actually go there? Because I read somewhere that he actually landed in the West Indies?


I mean if he actually discovered it I get his importance totally. But if he didn't then I'd love to understand why he is important to the USA.


Thanks in advance :)

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I'm just plotting for history next year. As I'm putting it together myself I've got to decide what to cover. A scary thought!


I know that in the US you have Columbus day so he is pretty important to the history of your country.


Did he actually go there? Because I read somewhere that he actually landed in the West Indies?


I mean if he actually discovered it I get his importance totally. But if he didn't then I'd love to understand why he is important to the USA.


Thanks in advance :)


You know Sandra...Columbus never did land in (what would become) the United States of America.


Add, oddly enough, Columbus Day was started as (and for many people is) an Italian pride day. Despite the fact that (while he was of Genoise origin) Columbus was sailing for Spain.


And not only was he sailing for Spain, but he was doing this to the against the expressed interests of "Italy" (which at time time was not a nation-state) whose principalities largely controlled the "spice trade" to Asia that Columbus promised to open to Spain.


Confusing, huh?



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His importance is that he began what shaped the American continents into what they are today. There were other Europeans who ventured into these continents before him, but made no lasting impact. Columbus even died not knowing he had discovered a "new world". However, his discovery touched off the set of events that brought Europeans to these continents and started colonization that brought us to where we are today.

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Columbus Day (Oct. 12th) is my birthday............. isn't that reason enough for the whole country to celebrate? :party:




Of course it is! Now that I know why we are celebrating, your birthday, I will be sure to actually participate in some festivities this year.:001_smile:

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Please, please, please whatever you do, do not forget that the lands were, in fact, inhabited when columbus found the "new" world. It was not really new after all.

In your research try and find a story from the Natives (Indians) perspective. Columbus was very much after gold that he had promised to the queen Isabella of Spain who has funded his exploration. He was so desperate for it that he enslaved and sometimes tortured the locals. When he made intial contact with the "indians" he noticed that they had gold hoops in their ears. This prompted him to go back to Spain and tell his funders that there was much more gold to be had. However, there wasn't much gold at all and he became a very desperate man that commited huge humans rights offenses.


He never even knew he found the "New" world, in fact, he died thinking he had found India, hence the term "Indians". He was an amazing explorer and his expedition was certainly nothing to scoff at, however ther is a whole other history we all must remember.


I live in Montana and am surrounded by about a dozen first nations people. Colombus day here is a protest; as, in my opinion, it should be.


Please, just look a bit further. I found a good book at our public library last year in the kids section that gave a fairly accurate history of what really happened. There were "note takers" and such on his expedition.


thanks for reading.


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We are studying Explorers for history and are just not coming upon Columbus. We started with prehistoric Americans, who were actually the first people to "discover" America. We have also studied the Vikings, who also discovered America.


Most kids in American schools never learn about most of this. They are taught Columbus and Amerigo Vespucci and touch on some of the other major explorers.


You also might want to check out some info on Martin Behaim


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Please, please, please whatever you do, do not forget that the lands were, in fact, inhabited when columbus found the "new" world. It was not really new after all.

In your research try and find a story from the Natives (Indians) perspective. Columbus was very much after gold that he had promised to the queen Isabella of Spain who has funded his exploration. He was so desperate for it that he enslaved and sometimes tortured the locals. When he made intial contact with the "indians" he noticed that they had gold hoops in their ears. This prompted him to go back to Spain and tell his funders that there was much more gold to be had. However, there wasn't much gold at all and he became a very desperate man that commited huge humans rights offenses.


He never even knew he found the "New" world, in fact, he died thinking he had found India, hence the term "Indians". He was an amazing explorer and his expedition was certainly nothing to scoff at, however ther is a whole other history we all must remember.


I live in Montana and am surrounded by about a dozen first nations people. Colombus day here is a protest; as, in my opinion, it should be.


Please, just look a bit further. I found a good book at our public library last year in the kids section that gave a fairly accurate history of what really happened. There were "note takers" and such on his expedition.


thanks for reading.



I've heard the above before and I agree with you that we need to tell the complete story about Columbus. In some of the books I've read, they stated that Columbus made about 3 voyages to the "New World" and after one of those times, he was arrested and taken back to Spain in chains. (As a side note: My grandmother is descended from the captain of the ship that took Columbus back in chains.) None of my books said why he was arrested. Do you know why? Was it because of the torture he inflicted on the Natives?

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I've heard the above before and I agree with you that we need to tell the complete story about Columbus. In some of the books I've read, they stated that Columbus made about 3 voyages to the "New World" and after one of those times, he was arrested and taken back to Spain in chains. (As a side note: My grandmother is descended from the captain of the ship that took Columbus back in chains.) None of my books said why he was arrested. Do you know why? Was it because of the torture he inflicted on the Natives?


Not really. Once he was there, he was a terrible manager of the colonies. He alienated his colonists, and they complained to Spain. He was a courageous and tenacious sailor, but a lousy manager of colonists.


You know, I can understand why Native Americans would not celebrate Columbus Day; I can understand why they might choose to treat is as a day of mourning. But a protest? What exactly are they protesting? A protest generally means you want a course of action changed; there is no action that can undo the chain of events set in motion by Columbus. I'm not trying to make a statement, or step on anyone's toes - I am curious.

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Please, please, please whatever you do, do not forget that the lands were, in fact, inhabited when columbus found the "new" world. It was not really new after all.

In your research try and find a story from the Natives (Indians) perspective. Columbus was very much after gold that he had promised to the queen Isabella of Spain who has funded his exploration. He was so desperate for it that he enslaved and sometimes tortured the locals. When he made intial contact with the "indians" he noticed that they had gold hoops in their ears. This prompted him to go back to Spain and tell his funders that there was much more gold to be had. However, there wasn't much gold at all and he became a very desperate man that commited huge humans rights offenses.


He never even knew he found the "New" world, in fact, he died thinking he had found India, hence the term "Indians". He was an amazing explorer and his expedition was certainly nothing to scoff at, however ther is a whole other history we all must remember.


I live in Montana and am surrounded by about a dozen first nations people. Colombus day here is a protest; as, in my opinion, it should be.


Please, just look a bit further. I found a good book at our public library last year in the kids section that gave a fairly accurate history of what really happened. There were "note takers" and such on his expedition.


thanks for reading.



Actually, I believe most all histories include this information now. You really don't have to go searching for it anymore. It is included in every history text that I have seen recently.

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Columbus Day came into being after Italian-Americans worked to make it a holiday. It's not a very old holiday, in fact.


A lot of holidays-- like Mother's Day, Father's Day etc came into being that way (citiznes banding together to make it so).


With a bit of massive planning and organization, you too can have a holiday in America.


I say that with love, of course.

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"quote=Maxine in WA;545862]I've heard the above before and I agree with you that we need to tell the complete story about Columbus. In some of the books I've read, they stated that Columbus made about 3 voyages to the "New World" and after one of those times, he was arrested and taken back to Spain in chains. (As a side note: My grandmother is descended from the captain of the ship that took Columbus back in chains.) None of my books said why he was arrested. Do you know why? Was it because of the torture he inflicted on the Natives?"


I am not sure how to reply easily, with the blue boxes, etc????

Anyway, Maxine; I can only confirm that on one of his trips he was in fact chained and arrested. I don't know why exactley, but I am assuming that he was in pretty serious trouble with the royalty that he had promised gold and slaves too. He only could bring the slaves, but most of them died enroute and soon upon arrival. The slaves were the orignal inhabitants of the "New" world. Not sure if that helps.

How fascinating that you can trace some of your roots back to one of his trips; how did you find out about your distant relatives??


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I see how fancy people can answer, with the blue boxes questions, but I do not know how to do that......


This particular subject is something I feel very stongly about, obviously.


Lolly, I think you are right and especially in recent times, more and more awareness is happening regarding some of the history that has tradtionally been taught. I do not know if you noticed, though, that all of the previous replies before mine did not include most of the informtation I did. I know it is only anecdotal, but in my experiences most people don't know and dont particularly care what really happened. If you go to pretty much any library and look at the colombus/explorer section you most likely will find a ratio of ATLEAST 10 to 1 books touting colombus as a hero verses the reality of his discoveries. In my opinion much, much more awareness need to happen which is why I replied in the way I did to the original poster. As I alluded to before, to me this is a human rights issue and one that has been ingnored for too long.


Mama Lynx, you asked about the intentions of the protest. Well....first the fact that colombus day is still considered a national holiday; this certianly is something that could (if one wanted to protest it) be changed. I think more than anything, though, these individuals want simple acknowledgment. Acknowledgement would definatley be a huge change from the past. Many of the people protesting here are great- or great-great grandchildren of the original inhabitants of this area. one dear Salish friend of mine heard stories of her grandmother being born in a teepee on ther river that is 3 block from my house......I would urge you to put yourself in their positions, we are talking about not too many generations ago for some tribal people in America....if you heard stories from your grandparents how would you respond. Up until the 50;s they were forced to put their children into boarding schools when they turned 4 or 5; forced.

I appreciate the sincere way you posed your question and I am sure it is one that many other people have as well. ]


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I see how fancy people can answer, with the blue boxes questions, but I do not know how to do that......



In the lower left corner of a person's response you will see a blue button labled "Quote". Click it and that person's response will be, uh, "Quoted".


To get more fancy, there is a botton to the right of the "Quote button" that (if memory serves, because I can not see it as I type) looks like a plus sign. This is the "Multi-Quote"" feature. If you want to "quote" more than one person, hit the "Multi-quote" button for all the posts you want to quote, AND THEN, hit the "Quote" button, and you will be ready to draft a response to multiple posts.



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In the lower left corner of a person's response you will see a blue button labled "Quote". Click it and that person's response will be, uh, "Quoted".


To get more fancy, there is a botton to the right of the "Quote button" that (if memory serves, because I can not see it as I type) looks like a plus sign. This is the "Multi-Quote"" feature. If you want to "quote" more than one person, hit the "Multi-quote" button for all the posts you want to quote, AND THEN, hit the "Quote" button, and you will be ready to draft a response to multiple posts.




you beat me to it, Bill!


(I've never been a fancy person before. I feel so important.)

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you beat me to it, Bill!


(I've never been a fancy person before. I feel so important.)


I thought to myself, I'm going to give Lolly an hour, because I know she knows the answer (and who better to explain it than her (you), but the sands of time ran out, and I rushed in :D


Bill (who knows you're important Lolly-dear :001_smile:)

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Please, please, please whatever you do, do not forget that the lands were, in fact, inhabited when columbus found the "new" world. It was not really new after all.

In your research try and find a story from the Natives (Indians) perspective. Columbus was very much after gold that he had promised to the queen Isabella of Spain who has funded his exploration. He was so desperate for it that he enslaved and sometimes tortured the locals. When he made intial contact with the "indians" he noticed that they had gold hoops in their ears. This prompted him to go back to Spain and tell his funders that there was much more gold to be had. However, there wasn't much gold at all and he became a very desperate man that commited huge humans rights offenses.

Yes I certainly won't be forgetting the native peoples. I think the same can be said for most countries the Europeans "discovered." I know that it was the same for Australia and New Zealand and in both countries there was appalling treatment of the native peoples. In Australia the Aborigines were treated as animals in many respects and it's something that really still is swept under the carpet in talk of Australian history. Believe me, it's not something I will be forgetting to teach as I feel very strongly about it.

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