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Why do homeschool bloggers always do this? Jawm.


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The reality is that I hate messes. It isn't a thinly veiled brag for me to say that an area of my house is "messy," but for that mess to consist solely of a glass of water left on the kitchen counter, a toy left wandering on the kitchen floor, and a couple dishes in the sink. That IS messy for me. That's just my personality. It isn't something I necessarily enjoy... that feeling that if it isn't in it's "keeping spot," it's a "mess," but that's me in 80% of the house. Now, the laundry room is legitimately always a mess. I'm not sure why, but the laundry is NEVER caught up (like, not even close). I also just try not to look in DD14's bedroom :P 


But the main rooms are almost always pretty neat. Even the boys' bedroom and the schoolroom, though, are picked up (completely) several times every day. I just have *thing* about the main spaces in the house.


Oh, and my car is absolutely biohazard. I have no clue why, and my husband is going to have a fit one day trying to figure out why I clean clutter in the house at an amazing rate, but can't seem to get soda cups out of the car cup-holders before they leak through the bottom :D

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I just remembered something funny, triggered by those photos of messy kitchens!  I remember a long time ago (been married 27 years so I don't know exactly when this conversation took place!) but my dh complained about the messy kitchen and I said to him:  honey, we can have a clean kitchen every night or we can have a love life.  Because I don't have energy for both!  He never complained again!  LOL!

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Hey, if I'm going to blog about a messy house, then it's going to be messy!  I haven't blogged in a while, but here were my posts about my messy house and at least they actually show some mess.  Feel free to have a looksee at my tiny little cottage.  We rarely get sick and there isn't mold or rotten food or things like that about (and I now clean up cat puke within minutes of finding it...not like when I first got married and left it there to dry out so it would be easier to clean).  So, we have a bit of mess.  Big whoop.  I hate posts that don't have any mess and pretend they do.  You don't have to read the blog, just scroll to pictures.


Here's cleaning up from Christmas last year.  What you can't see is that the rug was pretty gross with bits of lint EVERYWHERE on it and that I hadn't dusted in a month.  That sort of stuff doesn't show in the picture.  My house is pretty tiny, so you're seeing the entire living room and 80% of the dining room.


And here's a picture of my mostly clean kitchen.  It pretty much always looks like this, except that in this picture the dishes are actually done, so it's cleaner than usual.  That was the point of the blog--that the dishes were actually clean. I usually have a minimum of 6 dishes in the sink at any time.  I am envious of people who keep up with dishes.  I do them every day, yet there are always 6 more in the sink.  It's almost like the fairy tale "Diamonds and Toads" except that instead of diamonds and toad magically popping out of someone's mouth, dishes just magically form in my sink.  It almost never get tidier than you see it here, except that the table gets cleared off every couple of days.  The house is small, so this is pretty much the whole kitchen.  There's a fridge and china closet that you can't quite see to the left.


This one has a very clean looking kitchen in it.  This is just for fun if you like looking at house picture.  But what you don't know is that I can't quite figure out how to clean that pot rack and so it's always greasy and there is dust fuzz balled up on the top of the curtains but I just really, really don't want to take them down to wash them because the nail holding up the curtain rack will fall out and never go back in if you even breathe on them wrong.  Note the china cupboard to the right in this picture--you can almost see how there's a ton of stuff on it.  Usually piles of papers and junk.


Here's my scary basement with the holey rags hanging from a clothesline. We keep holey towels because we feel that even if towels have holes, they're still absorbent so why buy new ones? 


Here's the floor of the basement.  The people who lived there before us painted it, but the paint came up in big strips and it's just a mess, but it's so gross down there that we just leave it at is it.  Plus...spiders.


Those are pretty much the colors we bought some years ago to paint our walls, but we haven't gotten to it yet. Love your house!



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I'm a really clean person, I cannot focus when there is clutter around me, it nearly gives me anxiety. I don't necessarily enjoy it, but if I apologize for a mess, it's because it looks legitimately messy to me, even if it doesn't to someone else. I have friends who are messy people, and it bothers me not one bit to be in their house. I don't blog, or really even post pics of my house anywhere but I do put a lot of effort into my house, because I like to. I'm a nester and it gives me pleasure. :)


I don't read many homeschool blogs, but if I did, I don't think I'd be looking much at the state of the house anyways.

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Your blog is hilarious.  Thank you so much for sharing.    Cat puke under the carpet - love it!!

Hey, if I'm going to blog about a messy house, then it's going to be messy!  I haven't blogged in a while, but here were my posts about my messy house and at least they actually show some mess.  Feel free to have a looksee at my tiny little cottage.  We rarely get sick and there isn't mold or rotten food or things like that about (and I now clean up cat puke within minutes of finding it...not like when I first got married and left it there to dry out so it would be easier to clean).  So, we have a bit of mess.  Big whoop.  I hate posts that don't have any mess and pretend they do.  You don't have to read the blog, just scroll to pictures.


Here's cleaning up from Christmas last year.  What you can't see is that the rug was pretty gross with bits of lint EVERYWHERE on it and that I hadn't dusted in a month.  That sort of stuff doesn't show in the picture.  My house is pretty tiny, so you're seeing the entire living room and 80% of the dining room.





Edited by ScoutermominIL
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I read several blogs line this. When I take into account the kinds of goals these writers set for themselves, and that several describe themselves (quite accurately, in my opinion) as Type A people who probably need to relax but can't, it becomes clear that the "mess" really is "messy" to them.


I'm a pretty neat person. Clutter makes me anxious, so I work hard to keep it under control, but I have three boys and a husband in this house too. Even do, my "mess" does not look like my messier friends' messes. My mess is still a lot messier than those gleaming granite kitchen counters (I can think of three such pics off the top of my head). Maybe if I had granite my kitchen would be clean? :-)

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I feel the same way about faux messes. My brain is scattered, and I don't have endless energy. I do what I can, and then stop.


I've been struggling with not responding to a meme that people have been sharing on FB. You know the one that says

"You think I'm OCD? I think you're a slacker that can't do anything right".


It's supposed to be a joke, but I find it particularly hurtful. Ugh.

Edited by Outdoorsy Type
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It's akin to posting a selfie and saying 'I look so ratchet today'.... with everything -hair, makeup, the works - looking on point.  

And then, of course, getting a million 'OMG you're so pretty!' comments, as well as hundreds of likes. :lol:


I seriously think that they should just be like, 'Snapped this picture today because I thought I looked pretty!' or 'Eyeliner on fleek today so I had to capture it!'  At least then they're not lying to fish for compliments.


Anyway.  :rant:


I know a lot of this type, can you tell?  :lol: :lol: :lol: :leaving:

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Here's a summary of the mess to the right of me: On top of my end table there are stray pieces of yarn, a glass of water, a cable needle, a Christmas napkin, a few Christmas cards, a lottery ticket, a roll of tape, a pencil sharpener, a postcard reminder of a doctor's appointment, a lunch box size applesauce, an elastic bandage, a roll of stamps, a candy cane, a massage ball for feet and hands,a stylus, a magazine, and a thermometer. My mess is more real than the blog messes.

Oh! What a fun spin-off we could have! "describe anything out of order in your immediate surroundings right now." :D

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I feel the same way about faux messes. My brain is scattered, and I don't have endless energy. I do what I can, and then stop.


I've been struggling with not responding to a meme that people have been sharing on FB. You know the one that says

"You think I'm OCD? I think you're a slacker that can't do anything right".


It's supposed to be a joke, but I find it particularly hurtful. Ugh.




I don't think I'd stay friends very long with someone who posted that on FB thinking it's funny. :( If it makes you feel any better, I have actual OCD, and I'm a slacker who can't do anything right most days. The two aren't mutually exclusive. ;)

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It's akin to posting a selfie and saying 'I look so ratchet today'.... with everything -hair, makeup, the works - looking on point.

And then, of course, getting a million 'OMG you're so pretty!' comments, as well as hundreds of likes. :lol:


I seriously think that they should just be like, 'Snapped this picture today because I thought I looked pretty!' or 'Eyeliner on fleek today so I had to capture it!' At least then they're not lying to fish for compliments.


Anyway. :rant:


I know a lot of this type, can you tell? :lol: :lol: :lol: :leaving:

Oh yeah, these. *rolleyes* I know two non-teenaged women who do this every couple weeks on FB and it gets really old. It is this behaviour that sort of makes me hate selfies altogether, though in reality, a subtle selfie once in a while is not such a bad thing.

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