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Whole 30: Week 1


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AND DRINK LOTS OF WATER! Some people *eh hem* develope UTIs because of the drastic change in sugar in your diet. I also got the worst oral yeast infection of my life but it magically cleared up overnight a few days after arriving. Both infections are common with a drastic diet change. So is constipation or the opposite.


I promise you'll feel great in two weeks. Sorry about the terrible post.

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B - sauted zucchini with 3 fried eggs



That is my absolute favourite breakfast.  


I'm on day 1 right now.  I bought a big bag of smoothie veggies from Costco - washed and chopped kale, beet greens, carrot and something else.  Instead of using them in a smoothie, I'm sautéing them.  I had the veggies and added zucchini in and ate those along with two fried eggs for breakfast.  Lunch was cauliflower, more smoothie veggies, and cut up chicken breast.  


I'm trying not to think about the chocolate that I forgot to get rid of.  I gave just about all of the leftover Christmas chocolate to my dd (who lives near the university) but I forgot about some of it.

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Day 3. I am fighting a sore throat and most of my children have some variation of a cold/sore throat. Feeling ok. Missing my coffee just a little. I will probably make some almond milk today or tomorrow so I can add it to a cup of coffee. I remember last round coconut milk just did not taste right, so I have just been skipping my morning cuppa.


My skin still looks completely awful on my face. I am really hoping to see some improvement in the next few days. Hoping to get some internal inflammation under control with this endeavor because my eczema is displeased and sending my face into a tizzy. Other than that I am feeling fine. Bloating has not gone away, but I know it will come. Same thing with energy level, waiting for it to spike. Right now it is just the early days and making it to the next day while staying compliant is the celebration. I know all the other benefits of the program will come in the next few weeks, but it is hard to be patient.



Breakfast: same as day 1

Lunch: Two chicken apple sausages with peppers, onions and fried apples

Dinner: will be Salmon, mango-cucumber salsa and roasted broccoli and tomatoes w/ pine nuts


I have eaten bigger meals today to quell my snacking urges. I so often just eat because I am bored. I did not have any snacks between breakfast and lunch, just tea and bubbly water. I was hungry at lunch, but not hangry or anything. 


Overall, just plugging away.  :thumbup:



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Help!  Quick!


I have a pork roast and a brisket ready to go for my instant pot that's being delivered today, except now it's not being delivered until Friday.  


Which means I have nothing ready to cook for dinner tonight.  It's too late in the day to start either of the above in a slow cooker even if I wanted to.


I have to have DH go to the store and pick up something for dinner.  What should I have?  

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Help!  Quick!


I have a pork roast and a brisket ready to go for my instant pot that's being delivered today, except now it's not being delivered until Friday.  


Which means I have nothing ready to cook for dinner tonight.  It's too late in the day to start either of the above in a slow cooker even if I wanted to.


I have to have DH go to the store and pick up something for dinner.  What should I have?  

Chicken is my fast go to. Aidell's chicken apple sausages are my super fast go to. 


Bummer on your instant pot. :( 

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Help! Quick!


I have a pork roast and a brisket ready to go for my instant pot that's being delivered today, except now it's not being delivered until Friday.


Which means I have nothing ready to cook for dinner tonight. It's too late in the day to start either of the above in a slow cooker even if I wanted to.


I have to have DH go to the store and pick up something for dinner. What should I have?

Yeah, chicken breasts with seasoning and veggies. Sorry. It's easy.

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Yeah, chicken breasts with seasoning and veggies. Sorry. It's easy.


I guess that'll be it, if I can talk the hubs out of eating out again.  


ETA:  Actually, he can eat out if he wants, but I don't want and so I won't.  The kids can stay home or go out.  Makes no difference to me.  


There.  It's decided.  

Edited by AlmiraGulch
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I have had terrible heartburn today (Day 3).  I think it is from the roasted cauliflower.  My relatives were here and gone and left a huge platter of Greek cookies and then I had lunch prepared for them. Didn't eat anything I wasn't supposed to - which is a huge victory for me. 


Anyway, we are all going out to breakfast tomorrow.  I am dreading that.

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I have had terrible heartburn today (Day 3).  I think it is from the roasted cauliflower.  My relatives were here and gone and left a huge platter of Greek cookies and then I had lunch prepared for them. Didn't eat anything I wasn't supposed to - which is a huge victory for me. 


Anyway, we are all going out to breakfast tomorrow.  I am dreading that.

See if you can look the menu up online. If so, find the best dishes and don't be afraid to ask for alterations or substitutions. If your eggs were cooked in regular butter it won't be the end of the world. That doesn't mean it's OK to start using regular butter, but don't not have breakfast just because it's not a Whole 30 restaurant.

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Day 3 here, so far so good.


Those missing the cream in their coffee may want to try bulletproof coffee, I tried the coconut milk and could not deal. But using coconut oil and ghee and BLENDING them, was a great substitute. This is our 3rd go round with W30 and the very first time I've done black coffee, I bought very high quality and I'm not hating it at all.


Today's meals

B: Two turkey blueberry muffins (super easy, delicious, tastes remincent of thanksgiving) and 1/4 of a pomelo http://summerinnanen.com/turkey-blueberry-breakfast-muffins


L: Leftover steak, roasted sweet potatoes, potatoes, brussel sprouts, carrots, and parsnips


D: West African Stew from Well Fed 2, roasted cauliflower, broccoli, and onions, and 1/2 an apple with cashew butter.


This time it seems so much easier, I'm really hoping to continue this long after 30 days is up, but I confess that I have a scale addiction and I have never managed to not weigh myself for more than a couple days.

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I ended up going out to dinner after all.  So much for my rock solid resolve.


It went well, though!  I had a steak, cooked with no oil and salt and pepper seasoning only, a salad with veggies only, and I took my own compliant dressing with me, and a baked potato, dry, except I took a small container ghee with me for the potato.


One thing I found out tonight is that Outback rolls their potatoes in a soy-based oil before they salt the outsides, so i didn't eat the skin.  Who knew?

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I was a little tired today but I guess that's normal for day 6. I'm surprised that I really haven't had many cravings - but I'm certainly not complaining. I know you're really not supposed to snack but I've been having a snack every day anyway. We have 6 hours between lunch and dinner and I really just need something in between.


B - zucchini with fried eggs and an orange (this is going to be a favorite)


L - leftover beef stew


S - 2 deli turkey slices rolled with spinach, pepper strips, red onion, avocado, and mustard, a handful of strawberries (it took a while during my last Whole30 to find compliant deli turkey but I'm so glad I did - this makes a great snack!)


D - taco salad - I made tacos for the rest of the family with ground turkey and my own seasoning. I put mine on a big salad with lots of veggies and avocado. I also made the ranch dressing from the book to put on it. It was pretty good.


I work out after dinner and now I'm hungry again. I may end up having another snack.

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I bought the Whole 30 book this time around and tried the walnut crusted pork tenderloin last night for dinner.  Even the kids liked it.  


I decided that since I'll save money on eating out this month that I would splurge on some convenience foods so I bought Wholly Guacamole from Costco as well as pre-cooked beets from Costco.  I love beets.  


Breakfast this morning was leftover steamed broccoli from last night sautéed with a beet in coconut oil and scrambled eggs.  


Luckily I've been drinking black coffee for years, so I'm still enjoying my regular cup of coffee in the morning.

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I survived my family breakfast.  I ordered a fruit bowl. 


Breakfast:  eggs with leftover kalua pork and sautéed spinach (at home), fruit cup and black coffee (at restaurant)

Lunch:  not sure yet

Dinner:  Asian chicken lettuce wraps (chicken, vegetables, broth and coconut aminos are in the crock pot right now)


I had my best night of sleep ever last night.  Still feeling pretty good, just a little tired.  I had absolutely dreadful eating habits before this so I am just waiting for the shoe to drop.

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I survived my family breakfast.  I ordered a fruit bowl. 


Breakfast:  eggs with leftover kalua pork and sautéed spinach (at home), fruit cup and black coffee (at restaurant)

Lunch:  not sure yet

Dinner:  Asian chicken lettuce wraps (chicken, vegetables, broth and coconut aminos are in the crock pot right now)


I had my best night of sleep ever last night.  Still feeling pretty good, just a little tired.  I had absolutely dreadful eating habits before this so I am just waiting for the shoe to drop.

Did you like the kalua pork? I love chicken wraps! Several of my kids are huge fans (I don't get it!), but man that is one of my all time favorites!


:hurray: Yay for seeing some progress and managing two challenging food situations! That is awesome. 

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Breakfast: Salmon frittata w/ green onion sauce and tea

Lunch: TJ's grass fed burger w/ caramelized onions and salad

Dinner: Crab and avocado temaki rolls (from Nom Nom), probably some cauliflower pineapple "rice"


I am going out tonight, so I will plan on taking some bubbly water and maybe toasted cocnut. 

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Did you like the kalua pork? I love chicken wraps! Several of my kids are huge fans (I don't get it!), but man that is one of my all time favorites!


:hurray: Yay for seeing some progress and managing two challenging food situations! That is awesome. 

I do like the pork but it is a little bland.  I may have used too little salt.  It is fine for me, the kids add BBQ sauce to it and that is fine for them.  But it has been a great thing to have on hand and I would make it again. 

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Day 5.  I am looking at all the foods I prepared over the weekend and nothing seems appealing or appetizing.


I do feel better, I have lost 4 lbs., and my stomach bloat is gone.  But I am just feeling so "meh" about food right now.


Breakfast:  couldn't stomach vegetables so I had 2 hard boiled eggs and a bowl of fruit and nuts (and coconut milk)

Lunch:  no idea, thinking about shrimp with compliant buffalo sauce for a little kick

Dinner:  grass fed beef and vegetable shish kabobs


ETA:  I made my own version of Bang Bang Shrimp.  I sautéed some garlic in olive oil, then added some shrimp dredged in coconut flour (silly me, I didn't realize coconut flour would taste like coconut....).  I mixed 2 Tbsp of coconut milk and 1 Tbsp (plus a bit extra) of Frank's original hot sauce and tossed that with the cooked shrimp.  I ate that over a bed of shredded cabbage.  I could have drank the sauce with a straw.  I think I may make more of this and use it as a dipping sauce for all those chicken tenderloins I precooked.  I will probably use a little more hot sauce to make it more of a 1:1 ratio of coconut milk to hot sauce.

Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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I got It Starts With Food from the library and it's clear that I'm not eating enough.  There is just no possible way I can make it between meals without snacking.  I should be eating 4 eggs at breakfast, not two.  Protein is supposed to be 1-2 palm-sized servings, so some beef sprinkled on my salad is not enough.  



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I got It Starts With Food from the library and it's clear that I'm not eating enough. There is just no possible way I can make it between meals without snacking. I should be eating 4 eggs at breakfast, not two. Protein is supposed to be 1-2 palm-sized servings, so some beef sprinkled on my salad is not enough.

Everyone is different. I'm 5'10" and I eat 1200-1500 calories a day. The Whole30 made me sick until I went back to less calories. Some of the men I work out with that I can keep up with eat over 3,000 calories a day. You're you, so be you. I also began eating 4 times a day, my 4th meal (2nd of the day) was fruit. I was scolded by whole30 purists for my low calorie diet and apples but they can bite me. My content was whole30 compliant. So there.

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My Instant Pot finally arrived today!!!


Kalua Pig (and cabbage) for dinner tonight, and probably several meals over the weekend.  I'm so danged excited I can hardly stand it.


I've been eating basically the same breakfast every day, which is reheated sweet potato and either sausage or chicken thigh, with two eggs on top.  It's really good, but I'm going to get sick of eggs here in a minute, so it'll be good to have some leftovers on hand again.

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My Instant Pot finally arrived today!!!


Kalua Pig (and cabbage) for dinner tonight, and probably several meals over the weekend.  I'm so danged excited I can hardly stand it.


I've been eating basically the same breakfast every day, which is reheated sweet potato and either sausage or chicken thigh, with two eggs on top.  It's really good, but I'm going to get sick of eggs here in a minute, so it'll be good to have some leftovers on hand again.
















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My Instant Pot finally arrived today!!!


Kalua Pig (and cabbage) for dinner tonight, and probably several meals over the weekend.  I'm so danged excited I can hardly stand it.


I've been eating basically the same breakfast every day, which is reheated sweet potato and either sausage or chicken thigh, with two eggs on top.  It's really good, but I'm going to get sick of eggs here in a minute, so it'll be good to have some leftovers on hand again.


I hear you on the eggs, and while this is eggs, it involves Kalua pig so it made the eggs more tolerable.  Sort of.  In mine, the egg was just sort of binding the pork together, LOL.



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Day 8 for me. I've been craving...well, everything...the past two nights. I've been a little tired too.



B - chicken sausage, roasted potatoes, 1/2 banana with strawberries

L - Chicken chowder (from the Whole30 book. It was good but the kids weren't fans)

S - Apple with sunbutter

D - chicken chowder again



B - eggs, zucchini, 1/2 banana with strawberries

L - salad with taco meat

S - green juice while I taught piano lessons

D - spaghetti squash with meat sauce (not nearly enough to fill me up before I went grocery shopping)

S #2 - monkey salad


I have left overs from several different things now so that makes lunches pretty easy. I like eggs so I'm fine eating them most days for breakfast. Dinners take the most work.

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I hear you on the eggs, and while this is eggs, it involves Kalua pig so it made the eggs more tolerable.  Sort of.  In mine, the egg was just sort of binding the pork together, LOL.




I woke up this morning intending to make this, but....no.  I need an egg break entirely.


So I skipped breakfast and had an early lunch.  We had an event and went out before it (yes, we eat out a lot), but this time was easy and delicious!  It was a Superfoods Salad at Cheesecake Factory.  Kale, spinach, arugula, broccoli, avocado, sunflower seeds, slivered almonds, grapes, goji berries, pears, some other good stuff I can't recall, and grilled salmon on top.  Instead of the dressing I had olive oil and vinegar.


i ate that salad for a good 20 minutes and there was still about a pound and a half of it left when I called it quits.  


Haven't decided on dinner yet, but I'm supposed to go hear my husband's band play tonight.  In a bar.  When I'm not eating bar food or drinking alcohol.  Sigh.  

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I woke up this morning intending to make this, but....no.  I need an egg break entirely.


So I skipped breakfast and had an early lunch.  We had an event and went out before it (yes, we eat out a lot), but this time was easy and delicious!  It was a Superfoods Salad at Cheesecake Factory.  Kale, spinach, arugula, broccoli, avocado, sunflower seeds, slivered almonds, grapes, goji berries, pears, some other good stuff I can't recall, and grilled salmon on top.  Instead of the dressing I had olive oil and vinegar.


i ate that salad for a good 20 minutes and there was still about a pound and a half of it left when I called it quits.  


Haven't decided on dinner yet, but I'm supposed to go hear my husband's band play tonight.  In a bar.  When I'm not eating bar food or drinking alcohol.  Sigh.  

I could live on bar food and beer.  So I understand.  We are settling in to watch NFL playoff games and I instinctively want a drink.  I put a Perrier with lime in a fancy glass but that isn't fooling me.


ETA: is Superfood salad a new thing?  Have I been living under a rock?  Our chick fil a has "superfood salad coming soon" up on the billboard.

Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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Day 6...1/5 of the way through! (well, technically after I finish today, but whatever). I like to think of it in terms of all these mini milestones, so woohoo for making it to this point. 


I was definitely feeling some cravings today, but I managed just fine with a bit of cashew butter (how I love thee) and green apples slices, lots of bubbly water and lots of walking. 


Breakfast: I heated up leftover brussels sprouts, roasted butternut squash w/ the sauce from last night's Yankee pot roast w/ pork-turkey sausage (sooo good!)

Lunch: Kind of weird because I was out running some errands. I had some Epic chicken bites and then came home and had a salad

Dinner: Will be magic wings from Nom Nom w/ cole slaw and maybe some cauli-rice b/c I forgot I had planned egg drop soup w/ a dinner earlier this week, not cauli-rice



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I could live on bar food and beer.  So I understand.  We are settling in to watch NFL playoff games and I instinctively want a drink.  I put a Perrier with lime in a fancy glass but that isn't fooling me.


ETA: is Superfood salad a new thing?  Have I been living under a rock?  Our chick fil a has "superfood salad coming soon" up on the billboard.


I don't know.  I suspect Dr. Oz has something to do with it.  haha


As for the bar?  I went, and it was fun.  I ate nothing, and threw back several drinks...of club soda and lime in a rocks glass.  It wasn't that hard because I ate a huge dinner before I went, but man....that particular bar has amazing food. It's a gastro pub.  Smoked gouda stuffed homeade tater tots?  Why, yes, please.  I mean....no.  



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