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Want books that feature minorities


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I am looking for good books (free kindle would be ideal) by minority authors that feature minority characters in lead roles. I don't like sci Fi or paranormal or explicit stuff. I like a good story and enjoy light, easy reading for the most part as it is my relaxing time. Christian books are fine as well. I just dont want anything where I have to think too much.


Most of the books I read through are by white authors and about mostly white people. I want to expand that.


Any ideas on books, authors, etc? Kindle free would be ideal or very cheap :-)

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Anything by Amy Tan. I really enjoy Jaqueline Woodson although her writing is all YA. Octavia Butler is amazing but her books are sci-fi. She has an interesting time travel book, Kindred. Toni Morrison and Alice Walker, of course. Not light reading exactly, but very good.

Edited by Wishes
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I know a lot of good authors but I would not describe them as "light" and I myself have trouble getting through it. When I want distraction I want white-people obliviousness level distraction, LOL!


Sherman Alexie is of course a Seattle favorite. Not light. Not light AT ALL.

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I don't read a ton of fiction but here's some I have read.


The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Double Dutch by Sharon Draper (this is YA and I didn't love it, but didn't hate it either)

Soy Sauce for Beginners by Kirsten Chen

Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini


Toni Morrison is not light reading at all, but she is a great author. Alice Walker wrote The Color Purple, that isn't light reading either. I've not read any of her other books though.


I'll be following, I'm always looking for new things to read.

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Thanks for the ideas.  Keep them coming.  I want to expand my horizons but my reading time is quite limited and often interrupted so I like nice, easy reading.  I have enough to think about in real life that I don't want a book that I really have to focus deeply on.  Something that makes you think long term though is fine.

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Here are some links to lists. They won't all meet your specifications, but some will










The book 'White Teeth" might meet your requirements. It is a big book though. It was a huge best seller when it was first published, and I liked it a lot. 


I am not familiar with the genres, but I have seen at the library that romance novels and light  'chick lit' books def have books with minority characters in the lead. You might start there.

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