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If Your Neighbors Followed this Advice?

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That's what I have done here on this forum. What is your reaction to me?


When someone tells me something that is untrue about Sen. Obama, I say something. When someone tells me something that I think is untrue about Gov. Palin (such as that she said on video that the war in Iraq is "God's will"), I say so. When someone tells me something that I think is untrue about Sen. McCain (such as the things that were said about him in 2000), I say (said) so.


I don't sit quietly by. I hope I do it with a good heart and a fair spirit. I confront (and some would say "get in their face") error, though, because I think being too afraid to do so just lets lies continue and misinformation and hurt to spread.


Sorry Pam, but you just don't come across as "in your face" to me. Standing firmly for what you believe, yes, but "in your face", no.

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After Obama made that statement, I waited for a knock on the door. Sure enough, on Saturday, we got one. The young man was very polite, and did not in any way attempt to change our decision. He simply asked if he could leave us some literature on Obama and the local Dem running for Senate, and went on his way.


That is what I expect. I am happy to talk to anyone who is polite and respectful. If someone came to my door and attempted to change my view, no. This is my house, it is private property, and I did not invite you over to discuss politics. I would react very poorly to anyone who "got in my face." However, and thankfully, that is not what I am witnessing.

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I *will* get on my baby sister's case about doing some research and thinking. Whichever way she goes, it's time she learned to pay some attention to politics. But I'm her big sister. It's my job to harp on her. ;)


Yeah, my big sister has always thought the same thing as you. And now she wonders why I have no desire to have any kind of relationship with her.


BTW, she does have a right to not pay attention to politics. Some of us think it's all a big game. I'm seriously surprised and amused when I see people get so fired up about politics as if they had a real impact on the government.

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I'm seriously surprised and amused when I see people get so fired up about politics as if they had a real impact on the government.

Someone HAS to have had an impact on government, as it morphs under the slow, steady drip of its most recent politicians. Get the ear of your local rep and it's a step in the right direction. People need to care. If not, those who don't care don't have any right to complain when things aren't going their way. Not everyone needs to get fired up. It does have a Super Bowl/World Series sort of feel to it. The hype is silly, but the final result affects us all.

No matter what, make sure you VOTE! (And bonus points if you vote for the candidate in the sig line.;))

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Someone HAS to have had an impact on government, as it morphs under the slow, steady drip of its most recent politicians. Get the ear of your local rep and it's a step in the right direction. People need to care. If not, those who don't care don't have any right to complain when things aren't going their way. Not everyone needs to get fired up. It does have a Super Bowl/World Series sort of feel to it. The hype is silly, but the final result affects us all.


I just joined the "Planning and Land Use" committee of my local Neighborhood Council, and we had our first general meeting last night. So I'm "thinking globally and acting locally", to borrow a bumper-sticker slogan.


I'm pushing for more Oak trees to help mitigate the negative impacts of "development" in our area, It's not geo-politics, but it's easy to complain about what's going on, and not do anything. So in a small way I'm going to try do do something positive for my community.



No matter what, make sure you VOTE! (And bonus points if you vote for the candidate in the sig line.;))


No bonus points for me :D



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I just joined the "Planning and Land Use" committee of my local Neighborhood Council, and we had our first general meeting last night. So I'm "thinking globally and acting locally", to borrow a bumper-sticker slogan.


I'm pushing for more Oak trees to help mitigate the negative impacts of "development" in our area, It's not geo-politics, but it's easy to complain about what's going on, and not do anything. So in a small way I'm going to try do do something positive for my community.





No bonus points for me :D




You do get points, just for the other side ;)


good for you for serving!


I switched from the Parks and Rec board to the library board this summer.


I was just talking to a guy on our P&Z committee about an ordinance allowing residential windmills--- he said our City Manager had concerns about "how they'd look" -- I told him to go ahead and i'd get a petition together if the guy gave him any guff over it. But we're still a town under 10,000 [where only 300 people voted in the last mayoral election :glare: ]so individual citizens can still have a pretty decent voice. A gal w/ a cheap printer and a couple reams of paper and a lot of time on her hands can get quite a bit accomplished ;)



Knowing the mayor of our little town [and watching what happens in county politics] it is pretty easy to see how an individual CAN impact the gvt. Those national politicians came from a local community --everyone starts somewhere. The more of us who impact those politicians NOW at the local level can absolutely affect the gvt as those politicians move up the ladder. It's not an instant gratification type of commitment, but it will pay off. It's guys like Ron Paul --and yes, even Dennis Kucinich and maybe Ralph Nader-- who keep my own faith in politicians up ~somewhat... ;)


and I agree that to some people it IS a game.

I simply decided to NOT play by someone else's interpretation of rules anymore. I will vote for the person i think is most suited to do the Best Job, whether they be Rep or Dem or 3d party.


I firmly believe that the reason so many candidates leave their consciences at home when they hit office is because we never brought OUR conscience to the ballot box.


And they know we'll do it again.


not me :D

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I'm returning the kudos Peek. I want to hit the green-dot generator but..................



...........but....now your comments will either have to be public or you'll have to PM me and lose the anonymity factor ;)


that's ok --I had my fill of green [and red, lol]. I think keeping comments accountable is a bit more ethical anyway :D

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Obama was in Nevada (Elko) and made an interesting statement:


"I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face," he said.


What would your reaction be to this IRL?


Link to where I found the quote:




Well, I'd probably react the same way as to when certain xians come door-knocking... which, in the interest of full disclosure, is not as politely reserved as I usually am here. ;) Not. At all.

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