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Nothing New/Mindful Spending Week 49 (!)


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The "rules" of this challenge are self-defined. Anyone can join in at any time. The aim of the challenge (for me) is to combat consumerism, wastefulness, mindless buying, and overspending. It is meant to nurture creative problem solving, ecology, frugality, intentionalism, and resourcefulness. To support these goals, I seek to buy nothing new. I aim to use existing resources, borrow, hand-craft, and buy existing second-hand materials to the greatest extent possible. However, I recognize that life is unpredictable, and family life increases this factor exponentially, so I will buy new in the following cases, when a non-buying option does not present:


Food, health, and necessary household goods excluded.

Requirements for school, work, or health and well-being which cannot be obtained used.

Gifts, when a creative non-commercial option will not suffice.

Anything animal or gardening related that cannot be obtained used.

Fuel/energy sources.


Posts will appear each Saturday, referring to the week that is ending. Post your successes, creative solutions, relapses and weak moments. It doesn't matter if you have a weak moment! Just keep swimming!


Wow, fellow frugalistas! Week 49!


So, more Christmas-related spending this week. Nothing else spent, I don't think. My uncle died Wednesday; I will be ordering some flowers for the funeral. I feel so sad for my cousin; her mom died this year, too. To now lose her dad as well, and right before Christmas...so sad. :(


Oh, I did send a care package to DD for finals week. It was mostly food, though, but I paid for postage. I included a tiny Christmas tree I made from a pinecone. :)


I'm trying to decide if I am going to keep using YNAB next year. Sometimes, I really miss just having a paper notebook and keeping all my expenses in there. I never really got used to the "zero budget" method, because I don't think of cushion money as having to be assigned to categories. I just save it indefinitely until I need it. There are some other scenarios that I just never fully understood how to record. It just seems easier to have a notebook where I can put notes explaining something, instead of trying to enter it in keeping with the way the computer wants to process it.


DH and his brother are splitting up their partnerships and it's going to be mostly completed beginning Jan 1, 2016. So this is fairly stressful. I am hoping it won't be too miserable, but no lie, it's uncomfortable. Some aspects are a relief, though. I do look forward to that part.

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Quill, I hope that 2016 brings minimal stress your way.


My spending went beyond Christmas related items this week. Today I went to the full service car wash to let someone else vacuum the sandy mats and fir needles from wreaths. Gone is an accumulation of interior window fingerprints from the game of Let's Chase a Mosquito around the Car.


I also bought a new bathroom scale--this before the holiday eating begins in full. (Party tonight.)


I think my Christmas shopping is done but I have a bunch of packages to mail this week. And lots of treats to make!

Edited by Jane in NC
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I was supposed to be done with Christmas, but then I decided to get my mom (and dad) a Kindle thingy, so there goes that.  :P  However, I don't regret that purchase.


Paid for another TKD belt test.  We passed.  Next belt will be brown.


Paid for the kids to attend a gymnastics camp next week, and will probably set them up for some riding camps and who knows what else.


I handed over $20 toward the girls' teacher's Christmas gift and $20 each for them to buy gifts for the family at the school's "Candy Cane Shop."


Can't think of anything else.  It's been an intense work week, and next week will be as well, all the way up to Christmas day. We need to buy a new artificial Christmas tree and buy a few gifts at a local store.  And I need to buy gift cards for a bunch of people.  I'm not sure when I'll do those things.

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I bought nothing until today. The neighbor lady had a yard sale and at first glance it didn't look like much.  But then, I replaced my son's broken scooter for $5, bought 3 pr of jeans for me for $6, and got a lamp for $2.  Happy because my son has another way to get the wiggles out, I had lost around 25 pounds, and was down to one pair of too-large jeans, and lamps are not only on my to-get list, this one is very similar to one I already have.  All I need are some new fun shades from Target and I'll have a new set.  

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Started Christmas shopping and filled boxes to send relatives who live far away.  Other than that I did pretty well.  I did grumble about buying bows for Christmas gifts but decided to bite the bullet and do it. Still not at peace about it and that kind of puzzles me. It was like $5, and it's not like it's a break the bank expense. 


I don't even want to think about how much it's going to cost for me to mail the 8 boxes.  


Haven't had to put gas in my car so far this month, which is great, (but in full disclosure, we use dh's car when we're together).  But he buys his own gas. 



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I bought nothing until today. The neighbor lady had a yard sale and at first glance it didn't look like much. But then, I replaced my son's broken scooter for $5, bought 3 pr of jeans for me for $6, and got a lamp for $2. Happy because my son has another way to get the wiggles out, I had lost around 25 pounds, and was down to one pair of too-large jeans, and lamps are not only on my to-get list, this one is very similar to one I already have. All I need are some new fun shades from Target and I'll have a new set.


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Quill, I like the concept of YNAB but paper and pencil really works better for me.  We don't actually 'budget' these days - it's more just thoughtful spending.  


Hope dissolving the partnership goes smoothly and that the family can remain friends. 


Knoxinsox, congrats on the weight loss!!!

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Thanks, Annie G.  A couple of years ago, my doctor mentioned that I had silent gallstones.  And this May, I started having what can best be described as biliary colic or gallbladder attacks.  I've had less pain with C-sections, honestly.  I am attempting to not have to do surgery, so I am eating a mostly fat free diet.  Lots of fruits and veggies, grains, chicken, and a little hamburger are fine.  Steaks, brisket, pork chops, and ice-cream set it off for a night of absolute misery. (My husband says I sound like a wounded animal.)  I feel great as long as I abstain, and its healthier anyway.  In the meantime, I have the whole family hooked on drinking MY green juice.

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So much shopping with dd15 today :eek:


She needed conservative work-type clothes for the Model UN next month and for interviews. So she and dniece17 (also in MUN; grew since last year's shopping) spent three hours actively trying on clothes at the mall. Dd ended up with 2 pair black pants, 2 fitted blouses (kelly green, periwinkle---she's a ginger), and 2 kinda retro-ish dresses (small black and white check, olive), all from Express.


We had lunch at Panera with dsis and dniece :)


She bought gifts for dh and her sister. We bought the gift for dnephew10.


Then we went to Costco for groceries plus a gift membership for ds. I impulse-purchased nice black frames, 2 @ 11x14 and 4 @ 8x10. I told dh to count them as a Christmas gift for me. Tonight or tomorrow we'll choose pictures to fill the frames (will be printed at Costco, the best price here). We'll hang them together on one wall in the family room :)

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I spent money this week but it was purposeful--Christmas presents, a day trip out with the family to some historical sites, an amazing meal at an ethnic restaurant....soul feeding stuff for me!


I bought new pillows for the couch which is not ultra-thrifty but I adore them and my house needs some softness with all of its hard surfaces.

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I had already finished all my planned christmas shopping, but now I am vacillating. We planned to just do gifts for our immediate family plus something small for my in-laws, who will be here with us, but now I am feeling guilty. My parents are sending us some very nice gifts and some of my siblings will probably be sending gifts as well, and maybe my sister-in-law, too. I have ideas for fairly inexpensive things I could put together for them to have something to give in return, but I am so short on time and shipping really adds up fast. My best friend's family dropped off a pretty basket with Christmas cookies, candy canes, mugs and hot chocolate for us. I feel like I should give them something in return, but baked goods are out as they have a lot of special dietary concerns.


I want to be generous with my family and friends and reciprocate their kind gifts. But, I set a strict budget for Christmas (which we have already exceeded) for good reason. We are still working on paying off my youngest son's medical bills from last year, and have about $2,000 left to go. Arg, I feel like a Scrooge!



Sometimes it seems harder because my dh is an attorney, so people assume that we have money. I've had aquaintances come out and ask me why we don't have ____ or do ____ if dh is a lawyer. But, he is a public employee, not in private practice, supporting a family of six on one income while paying off law school loans and (for the past year and a half) ds's medical bills.

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Stay strong, La Condessa/Michelle!  On top of that, if you're LDS, you're also likely paying a 10% tithe + fast offerings. We are in a similar boat...LDS, single salary, high medical expenses, and family who sends way more generous gifts than we could ever reciprocate (and who don't understand why we don't make this a priority for them). 


I'd be really honest with your family and let them know that you wish that you could be able to reciprocate their generous gifts but that you are still in tight constraints while you pay off Peaceful's medical bills. Or if you have amazon prime, send them an inexpensive dvd with a note printed by amazon.


Now that we are older (and based on the ages of your kids, I'm guessing we're at least a decade older than you), we have some perspective (& self-confidence)! The early years of parenting are so oddly competitive as everyone tries to work out who they are and demonstrate that they have "made it" in life.  


One of the things that I have done to make Christmas gift giving more comfortable is to brand myself. I have one gift that I give everyone in a certain tier of gifting each year (HT, VT, neighbors, family friends etc.).  Some years it's homemade caramels https://www.pinterest.com/pin/106397609917901350/(in $1 tins from Target with tissue paper).  Another year I did homemade potpourri https://www.pinterest.com/pin/117375134015259342/  (wrapped in cellophane and ribbon a la Williams Sonoma).  It's all in the packaging and presentation. Pinterest is a GREAT place to look for ideas on how to do this.  Usually it works out to $1-2/gift, which is cheaper than baking supplies for a plate of cookies. 


Law school loans aren't forever (I know, I had those too!)....hang tight and climb out of debt!


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Well, I just got off the phone with an expensive therapist, whom I will probably have my kids see starting next January or so.  BUT she told me about a benefit I did not know about - a significant benefit for adopted kids in my state who need services.  I asked her if it is need-based, and she said I'd have to make a pretty high income not to qualify.  (Which means, we'll see.)  I had no idea this existed.  I should have been using it to pay for the therapies my kids have had in the past, which were all out-of-pocket.  Hmm.  I wonder if it will cover their chiropractor too....

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SKL I hope you get some help with the therapy- it's so expensive and it's hard enough for parents to deal with the issues that are leading to therapy without the cost of the therapy adding to the stress.    When dd needed therapy the cost really added to my stress- everyone told us to keep trying until we found one she clicked with but gee that got expensive FAST. 



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Michelle, I know it feels a little weird to receive a gift but not have one to give in return but the gift giver shouldn't be concerned with getting one in return.  And they probably aren't. If it really bothers you, you can wait and do something after Christmas - such as sending them something in the spring as a 'just because' gift.   My sisters and I don't exchange at Christmas or our birthdays but we do occasionally send a little something just because we saw something the other would like. I really like that- nobody is keeping score and there's no time crunch or anything. And it's really cool to get something just randomly because someone thought about me. 

Just saying...try not to let guilt wriggle into your holiday.  

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