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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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I can't believe I overslept so much!  But it is the third gloomy day in a row.  The fog outside right now is amazingly thick!


Get kids up and get back to regular academic schedule (between Thanksgiving and all the papers they had due we've been neglecting many subjects).

defrost chicken and bake it all for shelter.

drive kids to various places this afternoon (voice and babysitting job for 14 yo; math tutor, 16 yo's job).

I should probably pay attention to the house.  It was nice and shiny from Thanksgiving prep but now it's beginning to show neglect.

Do lots of Latin prep for classes tomorrow.

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Good morning

- school work/study for exams- it's going

- laundry- in washer and dryer

- tidy house- round 1 done

- get dd1 off bus- done

- dinner- meat pulled to thaw

- dishes

- help dd1 with any school work- she's working on her spelling words

- baths

- bedtime routine

- anything else I get done- called dd1's school regarding power outage at public school (wondering about early release but I guess half of the school has power and the other half does not, the powered side runs the water and lunch area so school continues), talked to my mom

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We're still waiting to hear if dd made the semi-finalist cut for a summer program...


Today, besides refrershing email and checking social media for news:


--dd Arabic; me training at gym

--dd Arabic study session 5

--dd MUN 6-8:30


--daily and Wednesday things

--just a few emails

--more decorating

--planning for elementary team information sessions

--post reminder about those ESO sessions

--treat dd's new suede dressy boots

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Lucky, hoping dd makes it!



I slept in today, but I'll be up early tomorrow. I'm heading to TN to keep my nephew for my sister to get a break away to Pigeon Forge with some friends. She's still struggling, but I believe she'll be okay. After I keep him, I'll be getting dd to bring her home for the holidays!





To Do:

more deep cleaning in my bedroom




deliver thank you card to church where we have co-op



pack to go to TN




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Good morning! I am back from taking Dh and dd1 to the airport. This is her first Senior Nationals and it is really exciting. A Big Deal meet.

Other things to do today:

School for all

General cleanup

Check a few things online

PM practice/aikido

Get things in crockpot for dinner


Read a little


Have a great day!

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Today has been ... better than yesterday (so far).  I did get the kids up "early" and had them do their homework at the breakfast table.  (I sent them to bed early last night because we were all so behind on sleep).  I should have gotten us all up earlier than I did, but oh well.  It's garbage day, so after I got the kids situated in the kitchen, I went outside and did my thing.  Came in and my kid needed help with her homework.  Apparently long division is a slow process around here.


The school bus came early and left without my kids.  So I drove them to school.  Well, at least their homework / make-up work is all done.


It's been a heavy work day and I still have a lot to do.  I am just taking a lunch break.  ;)  Everyone wants everything immediately, and I just had my first encounter with one of our industry's famous arrogant buttheads.  Lucky me.  On the positive side, I did get some good work out this morning.


I would like to do some exercise and some laundry today.  And find a better hiding place for the Christmas presents.  I was going to do TKD, but now I think we'll do that tomorrow, because I learned we don't have scouts tomorrow.  I still feel kinda lazy and would rather do yoga at home.


If the kids don't have much homework tonight, I'll try to get some badge work done.


I feel like I'm forgetting something.  I wonder what ....

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