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Exercise Thread -Week of November 30-December 6


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I've developed a head cold courtesy of my kids and the play they are in so I just took an easy run. Otherwise the Thanksgiving marathon is coming to an end. It was great but I'm ready to get back to a few weeks of quiet before Christmas week kicks in.

I hope you shake the cold fast.  They are such energy zappers this time of year.


I'm in prep mode for both the end of the semester and for going cross country to see a sister in 10 days.  She had a cough this fall that she couldn't shake that only bugged her early in the mornings on her daily 5 mile dog walk- She went to the doctor 2 weeks ago for it, long story short my 110 pound, trail running, yoga doing, weight lifting, clean eating, non-smoking sister has lung cancer.  She finds out her treatment plan this Wednesday.


Today: rest day with light movement and stretching. 





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Thanks Snickerdoodle and Joyofsix!


Today I got up early to do my body resistance workout and cruised Amazon deals instead... grrrr.  

So- this afternoon I will do the body resistance workout.

Tonight is my 5+ hours at MMA work/play.


Hope everyone's week gets off to a productive start.

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I was away all last week. I went up to my folks for Thanksgiving early with my 3 boys so that I could help out my mom who had not been feeling well.  My dh and girls had to work, so they stayed behind.  It was a good week.  I got in 5 mile runs on M, W, and Friday.  They have wicked hills around them, so now my IT band is not happy with me.  I also enjoyed yoga on my non running days.  


Yesterday I ran 5 miles on my treadmill, and this morning I ran 4 miles.  

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So sorry rieshy. All the best to your sister, and to you as you support her :grouphug:


Yesterday I walked all around the mall and Costco, speed-shopping. I had 45 active minutes on my fitbit app when I synced last night :D


Today was a training session. Lots of stretching before, during, and after. My shoulder was tight!


I had wanted to go for a long walk before it gets dark but the weather is not the best. And it looks like twilight already :(

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Luckymama-I really struggle  too with twilight at 4:30 here.  Looked online at light lamps yesterday....


Last night I had a new rash guard at MMA to wear (I usually just wear a cheap cotton tank under my gi).  When they say sweat wicking- they really mean it.  It was amazing. I usually pooh pooh a lot of clothing "technology" but wow.  


Today- 2 classes at MMA tonight.  Not much else, it's cold and raining and a homeschool co-op day.

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Tonight I have 2 MMA classes.  


My bodyweight routine has not been going well.  I tried to reorganize my day so that I could fit it in when I get up.  For years I hit the gym every morning at 5 or 5:30 but we let our local gym membership lag in June because I have a gym available at MMA- but it's too far for early morning visits.  I'm finding that I cannot get my mojo flowing during the school year so early in the A.M. if I'm trying to exercise at home- either a child gets up too or my husband and I start drinking coffee and chatting.  All good things.  


Grr- back to the scheduling blackboard.



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Tonight I'm going to try a bodyweight bootcamp-type class led by my trainer. I must admit to being nervous. I haven't been in a group exercise class since...college :eek:


Yesterday during training I did 3 really good reps deadlifting 135 lb (I worked up to that, obviously). That beats the 2 reps at that weight last time :D

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Tonight I'm going to try a bodyweight bootcamp-type class led by my trainer. I must admit to being nervous. I haven't been in a group exercise class since...college :eek:


Yesterday during training I did 3 really good reps deadlifting 135 lb (I worked up to that, obviously). That beats the 2 reps at that weight last time :D


How was the class?  


Today I have body-weight work and kata.  I've got to nail down Bassai.  If it is sunny I might get a run in. 

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4 mile run this morning.  I decided to run outside, even though it was 26 degrees.  It was about that at my folks and I did it, but......my folks place has lots of hills and they didn't have fog.  I was so cold this morning.  My legs hurt with cold until the last half mile.  I may be sticking to the treadmill.  I like getting outside.  And since I run after I drop my two youngest at school, it's light out. I like it's good for me to get outside, but I'm either going to need warmer pants or stick indoors.

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How was the class?


The class was fun! And not terribly difficult. He shared a variety of modifications (harder and easier) for each of the six exercises we did. I was able to do the hardest for some and the easiest for others. And I wasn't the oldest ;)


My victory---I was able to do pushups on my knees for the first time since February :party: Take that, silly shoulder!

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I ordered some Zumba DVDs from my library, only to discover that Zumba Gold meant Zumba for the boomer generation. :blush:  But it's been so much fun! Great way to work into the steps. Not sure what I'll do when my six weeks are up. Maybe purchase my own set, though I don't think I'm up for anything with Exhilarate or Body Transformation in the title, lol. 

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Kim, you will enjoy this. The travails of winter running. It's funny because it's true




Yoga last night and a 5 mile run this morning. I warmed up about mile four.





I waited till after 9 to run today.  I ran 7 miles. It was cold, but sunny and no wind.  I didn't feel to bad until that last mile, then everything was hurting and cramping.  And I was thinking, "where is everybody? Why am I the only one out here"  Until I saw 2 others, all bundled and walking. :D And I always have tissues or a hankie with me.  My nose runs so much. My dh has developed the ability to "snot rocket" but I don't think I can do that.  :tongue_smilie:

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