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Feeding a Group with some Nut and Egg Alleriges


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If you or a friend/relative is highly allergic to nuts and eggs, then what are some snacks that you would feel comfortable eating in a group setting, that can be easily provided to a group of ~30 and does not require refrigeration?


I want to take a snack to my college class, but some of the students are deathly* allergic to tree nuts/eggs and many of the "obvious to me" choices are labeled with warnings that they may contain trace amounts of nuts, milk, eggs....


This should be easy, but I'm having a hard time coming up with something...

This is my 3rd class of the day, so it has to be easily portable in a backpack/bag.


*One student described his allergy as deadly and very sensitive, and he does not have an epi-pen currently.

So lets assume that he would, in fact, experience medical trauma/death if someone ate nuts and then got the powder/traces on him. Or if he accidentally ingested nuts.

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Black bean brownies (can't remember if they have eggs or not)




Popcorn might work if I can find a microwave on campus available for student use...


But noway can I make brownies on this short of notice, and I can't carry fruit for 30 people for 4.5 hours.


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I bought all mine from a bakery and brought them in sealed. I'd love, love, love to bake but it wouldn't be worth risking a life. This year, for part of the year, only the parent of the allergic child was allowed to serve them, so I wrote her and asked her to please tell me where to make the purchase and offered to bring them to her home with the receipt. However, that particular rule was repealed in the meantime, so I ended up just delivering the goods per her request.


It was expensive but I'll never, ever forget the look on my nephew's face when I served him dairy and nut-free cake with the others. It was worth a million bucks right there. "Really? No nuts? No dairy?" And he ate it with everyone else.

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The deathly allergic person without an epi pen would be foolish to eat anything he didn't make or purchase/read the label himself imo.

But this site will have a list of safe for them snacks that you can download to shop with. http://snacksafely.com/download/

IMO, you can't make something that you can be certain wouldn't have a trace of allergens in your home. So I'd purchase something from the list. You have lots of options! 

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Many brands of tortilla chips which you could serve with salsa

Cut up carrots and celery with ranch dip - check he label but most are nut /egg free


Watch out for hummus because many nut allergic people also react to sesame and that is an ingredient in hummus.


This.  Also, hummus usually contains tahini and I have never found tahini that was not contaminated with nuts.

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