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Exercise Thread- November 15- 21st


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For those of you with arthritis: I've been drinking a variation of this turmeric drink - I found I like it better without the milk or honey.  Sometimes I make it with a base of cherry tea.  It really warms you up and seems to help reduce inflammation.  


Today is another rest day:)  If a day full of church then company and then paperwork can be called a rest day.

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My traps have been so sore lately. It's giving me a headache.

After my physical therapist showed me how to use the TheraCane on my traps and other awful spots, I purchased a Back Buddy http://www.amazon.com/Body-Back-Buddy-Self-Massage-Tool/dp/B0006VJ6TO/ref=sr_1_3?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1447765547&sr=1-3&keywords=theracane

(I actually bought the Jr version because my arms are short lol).

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It's been a crazy busy week, but I am running.


Sunday--6 mile run.  I overdressed and was too warm, but still a good run.


Monday--4 mile run on the treadmill.


Tuesday--ended up a rest day thanks to a dentist appointment and other errands.


Wednesday--5 mile run on the treadmill.


Tomorrow I'm hoping to get to my Bikram yoga class.  I haven't been there for 2 weeks and I miss it. 

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I haven't been posting - but I did 6 days of yoga last week.

and every day this week.  trying to be more consistent in adding in the Nordic track.

I also did a more demanding yoga practice today.  the one that had *just* become my regular/fall-back practice before the accident that reinjured my leg.


I've also started going to a sennin-shiatsu therapist.  oh. my.    I was shaking so badly after last week that I went straight home to bed and slept.   but, my leg IS doing better than it has been in months.

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I am benched due to sleep issues.  Right now I just want to fall. asleep.  My eyes feel gritty etc, But, if I do go to sleep I will be up all night!  I was doing so well last week with exercise, so I am sad.  I got in cardio, I was getting in a minimum of 45 mins of floor work every day, etc. This week? So far nada.  I am just so tired that I need to save my energy for dealing with my family in a reasonable fashion, lol.


I make a tumeric tea every evening.  After some trial and error I found a pretty easy way to do it.  I have a vitamix, so I put a good sized knob of peeled ginger and 3.5 cups of water in the vitamix and blend for 2 mins. This makes the ginger disappear entirely, lol. It's enough ginger that the water is pretty spicy.  I add 1/2 tsp turmeric powder into a 1 quart mason jar and pour the ginger water on top.  Then I microwave it for a couple mins. Heating it up does seem to change it, because it turns from a yellow to a deep orange.  Then I sip it over the course of the evening.


I should add that I get a large bag of turmeric in the indian food section of my local grocery store. It's dirt cheap that way, so I don't bother with the tea bags.  And lately I've been able to get fresh turmeric in the produce section so I've been using that. It's more delicate in flavour than the dried powder. I just toss it into the vitamix with the ginger and water and blend for 2 mins  and then heat.


I've been told that black pepper helps with turmeric absorption, and I keep meaning to add a couple grinds to my tea.

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After my physical therapist showed me how to use the TheraCane on my traps and other awful spots, I purchased a Back Buddy http://www.amazon.com/Body-Back-Buddy-Self-Massage-Tool/dp/B0006VJ6TO/ref=sr_1_3?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1447765547&sr=1-3&keywords=theracane

(I actually bought the Jr version because my arms are short lol).


I roll everyday more or less with a ball.  Sometimes it adds to my soreness.  lol   I woke up yesterday with a sore throat so I wonder if that was it after all.


I am benched due to sleep issues.  Right now I just want to fall. asleep. 


:grouphug:    I hope you got some sleep.   Sleep issues are the worst. 

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Today: training and a walk


I squatted 70 lb, benchpressed 55 lb, and deadlifted 135 lb. Not bad for someone 6 weeks out of physical therapy :D

Most impressive!




Multi quote won't work for me- Redsquirrel the pepper makes the tea really jump!  I could definitely not drink it before bed.  Then again I'm having sleep issues too but they are related to the hardheadedness of a teenager rather than hormones for a change.


Last night work/play at MMA.  I accidentally elbowed my 19 yo dd on the temple during self defense training.  Bad momma.


Today- maybe jujitsu drilling maybe kata drilling at home.  Tonight one or two MMA classes.  

Edited by rieshy
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I know I asked before but I can't remember what was determined.   I have long hair.   I hate to wash it everyday, it's such a hassle, but I get disgustingly sweaty pretty much every single day.   My hair requires maintenance after washing, I can't just wash and go anymore unless I oil it, which there you go, oil and sweat.


 What do you do?


Help me.

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I know I asked before but I can't remember what was determined. I have long hair. I hate to wash it everyday, it's such a hassle, but I get disgustingly sweaty pretty much every single day. My hair requires maintenance after washing, I can't just wash and go anymore unless I oil it, which there you go, oil and sweat.


What do you do?


Help me.

I have wild, curly, past my shoulders hair. I put it in a high pony to run and usually go about 3 days between washes. My hair takes forever to dry and demands gel, etc to avoid a very scary look. I wash day 1, day 2 I spritz with water and scrunch, day 3 is usually messy bun day. I sweat but not crazily. No one has said my head smells bad. YMMV
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Loved getting back to my hot yoga class yesterday.  It felt so good.  I spent the entire day running errands, and finally got to sit down, with a nice glass of wine, by 9 last night.  


Today I ran 4 miles (on my treadmill, it was cold but nice out, but I needed to be home because someone was coming over this morning. I hope tomorrow's weather is good).  I need to clean my poor house today.  Right now I enjoying my coffee and trying to decide where to start. 


I may have to try that ginger/tumeric tea.  I drink ginger tea.  My favorite brand is Tazo, which is pricey.  

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I know I asked before but I can't remember what was determined.   I have long hair.   I hate to wash it everyday, it's such a hassle, but I get disgustingly sweaty pretty much every single day.   My hair requires maintenance after washing, I can't just wash and go anymore unless I oil it, which there you go, oil and sweat.


 What do you do?


Help me.

I would try to wean your hair to less washing and find a hairstyle that hides it.  I had to slowly transition to more days in between washings- it took a couple of weeks.  I hid the mess by putting it up in a messy knot.  It felt gross and didn't look great.  I have below the shoulders curly crazy hair.  If I wash it when it's long more than once a week or maybe twice it dries out and gets frizzy.  Not to mention it takes forever to dry.


I sweat everyday too.  But my hair doesn't smell and it looks nice.  Since you do martial arts too you'll understand my exception: when I roll with someone else who sweats a lot or if I have my headgear on for sparring for an extended time. 


Try different  shapes and hair products.  I found a de-frizzer that makes my hair look better for several days if I put it in after washing.  I knot my hair on top of my head and uses hairspray during the last couple of days before washing.   


Or cut your hair?


Last night most amazing fun free rolling session after the adult class.  


Today: 2 hours jujitsu drilling with my sensei.

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7 mile run this morning.  I over dressed again, I was way too warm.  I should have worn capris instead of tights. Still, it was a good run.  


Lisa, I've had that happen with a dog 3 times in the past 6 years.  The first time was the worst. I was coming home from a long run, over 10 miles.  I live at the top of a hill (.15 miles up) I started walking and noticed a neighbor's bull dog got out.  I was a quarter of the way up, and saw him sitting there just staring.  He had never gotten out before (they have a fence) and he always barked aggressively when I passed.  He just stared me down.  He didn't come after me, he just sat in the middle of the street in front of his house.  I had to go around, which was farther and up an even steeper hill. I was so ticked at the dog. :)  But really, he had only got out that one time.  He never got out again.  They always took good care of the dog, and he was a beautiful bull dog.  But he would have tore me apart if I tried to pass their house.


The other 2 times just changed my route.  It didn't make it too much longer or stop me from getting home. :)   

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Yesterday I walked 6 miles in two parts.


Today I walked only (;)) 4 miles before dinner.


Tomorrow? We'll see if the weird twinges I'm experiencing become cramps. If not, I'll hit the gym for some weights, walking to/from if the weather cooperates. If cramps, I'll take a day off to enjoy ibuprofen and my kindle.


College Girl is home for break :)

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