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Ha, first "major error" discovered!


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Somehow, dd and I BOTH missed checking the "Early Action" box on one of her Common Applications! So even though she turned it in by the first of November... it went through as a Regular/Standard Decision application. According to their admissions department today, this means we won't hear until mid-February or early March (and, of course, there's no way to change it at this point). :scared:


I had to call today because the ACT scores still weren't showing up on the magical portal of wonderment. She fixed it on the phone (just made a note that it was included on her transcript, and hit submit... that was all it took! I should've called a week ago!). She mentioned that "there isn't a big rush for the scores since she's a Regular Decision, not Early Action," and my heart fell into my toes. UGHH!H!H!H!!H!!!!


I am seeing on CC that people usually hear back in 4-6 weeks - so HOPEFULLY that is more accurate! They are a Rolling Admissions school, but I'm thinking that after the Early Action deadline, the EA apps are processed entirely before they go back to the Rolling Admissions pile?


It's killing me that we both missed it somehow!!! And seeing their facebook/instagram message about starting to send out the "big envelopes" now... and knowing dds won't be on its way for either 4-6 weeks or until SPRING... is agony! :svengo:


I guess if she doesn't hear back until spring - we'll just take it as a sign from the Big Man Upstairs that it wasn't Meant to Be and move along. $100+ later (after application fees and ACT fees... :ack2:  )


Gah. CHECK THE BOXES!!! OH MY GOSH!!!! HOW HARD IS THAT!?!?!? :banghead:   :P

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Ugh, so frustrating! I hope you get a much earlier decision than you anticipate.


My daughter applied regular decision to one private school, because the rules for applying SCEA to another school did not allow her to apply EA to other private schools. However, she has already received a decision from that school, though their date for regular decision indicated a February notification date. Hopefully something similar happens for you!

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Thank GOODNESS this is a school that has an automatic scholarship she qualifies for - and doesn't have an Early Action deadline requirement for qualifying for said scholarship. (I think the deadline WAS November 1st... but it wasn't an Early Application requirement... just apply by Nov 1)


If that had been the case, we'd have both been in tears for the past few days - but right now, we just see the humor in it. We figured we were bound to mess at least ONE thing up (we're quite a team, lol!) - so we are just fingers-crossed that THIS was the ONE thing and that there aren't other, more grievous things, lurking.  :ph34r: 


So, we are just going to breathe and wait. She has a couple other things to tackle, so we'll just let this one just simmer off to one side. It will be what it will be. :)


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This almost happened to us.  We ended up applying Early Action at the last minute because we found out about one $4K scholarship that needed EA.   Then in the process, we found out about two more - larger - scholarships that also required EA.  Because of the time crunch, we ended up using the school's app instead of CA.


There was no EA checkbox.  We looked like three times.  Deadline was a Sunday - nobody to call.


I called first thing Monday morning and asked if there should have been a checkbox, and would she still qualify for EA?  Person said she didn't think there was, and that as long as the app was in by Nov 1st, we should be all set.


Then on Weds, dd gets an email - Did you mean to apply EA??  Apparently she did have to specify (still think there was a bug in their online app - there really was no box!)  But anyway, the email said if we contacted them by the 7th, we could still get it reassigned EA, so we did.  Whew!


You can't imagine how cranky I'd be if we rushed to get it in, called to make sure, was told it was fine, then ended up missing the deadline, and the opportunity for those three scholarships because they were confused...  Good thing they sent the email...

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