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Homeschooling vs. Traditional Schooling

Guest Olivia21

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Oh, wow, this is just.... lifechanging. Everything I ever believed must have been wrong. 


Also, I remember one group project at school. I got an A+, the other three members of our group got an F, and we never actually completed the presentation. The teacher intentionally put me with the disinterested kids because she knew I'd carry them through the majority of it without imput. 

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I was curious so I fed it through a plagiarism checker to see if it could find the source but it only came back to here. It's so weird to me that this was originally with a spam link. All the other ideas about it made sense - that it was some high school kid's assignment or something. But why would a spambot put this up? It's so bizarre. I do not understand the world of internet spam. 


Maybe she/it put it up with the link originally to try to keep it from being deleted within a few minutes? If that's the case, it worked.


It is weird though. 

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Yep. I think it's probably a homeschooler rite of passage to look worriedly at your floors at some point and ponder their structural soundness as you assemble yet another bookcase. 


My husband actually made us pay $500 for a structural engineer to come and assess our floors, because of my book problem.   :lol:  The guy said he'd never seen so many books, but so long as we kept most of the bookshelves around the edge of the house, it would be fine.

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I think this is a school assignment, such as the old write a letter to the editor type of thing we had to do. 


21 in her name could be her graduation year which would make her a 7th grader. 


Good grief. It's going to be the 20's soon. The TWENTIES! (Clearly I'm old. I'd rather be old than Olivia, mind you, but still...)

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Am I the only one who thinks that chemistry without experiments (or rather, demos, since the stuff you do in high school chem is usually a demo and not an actual experiment - search for Lewelma's threads to see a further discussion of the difference) can be interesting?


Teachers being better educated varies by area. In secondary school, most of my teachers had master's degrees in the subject areas they were teaching in, and then got teacher certification after that. Obviously, that was not in the US, but gives credence to the possibility of this having been written by a non-native speaker (<- I think Olivia's writing quality is rubbing off on me, but hey, at least we *know* English is not my first language).

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Good grief. It's going to be the 20's soon. The TWENTIES! (Clearly I'm old. I'd rather be old than Olivia, mind you, but still...)


It's still over 4 years away. I don't think of 4 years as 'soon' yet, so I guess I must be younger. That said, I do sometimes feel surprised at how old the books are I check out from the library without feeling they're 'old'. I was giving my kids a bunch of warnings about "The Story of Money" the other day, which was published in 1993. "And all these currencies aren't around anymore, they were replaced by the euro, er, forever ago, and btw, Czechoslovakia doesn't exist anymore either". I was surprised at having to give that many caveats for a book from 1993.

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It's still over 4 years away. I don't think of 4 years as 'soon' yet, so I guess I must be younger. That said, I do sometimes feel surprised at how old the books are I check out from the library without feeling they're 'old'. I was giving my kids a bunch of warnings about "The Story of Money" the other day, which was published in 1993. "And all these currencies aren't around anymore, they were replaced by the euro, er, forever ago, and btw, Czechoslovakia doesn't exist anymore either". I was surprised at having to give that many caveats for a book from 1993.


I'm always amazed, when I stop and think about it, that the 90's were 15-25 years ago! It still sounds "recent" to me. 

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