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How necessary is all this "knowledge"?

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I apologize if this topic has been asked before however following our science lesson this morning I felt very frustrated at what my dc are "supposed" to learn. We are studying plants and it's going well, except for today. The lesson this week is about plants that don't use seeds to reproduce. Terms such as "propagation" were introduced and honestly I could care less if my dc know that term! As long as they know that potatoes reproduce differently than other plants I'm happy. Is that bad of me to feel/think that way? I've been schooling for 7 years now and each year I am amazed and a bit upset at what I am supposed to require my children to remember. Who cares about the terms, really? Are general concepts enough?? I probably err on the side of not requiring them to know enough yet I balk at having them memorize things that have no lasting importance in their lives.

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I use the vocabulary, and I think it is good for kids to at least hear the scientific terms. I do not expect my kids to remember everything I tell them, and I don;t go out of my way to have them memorize absolutely everything. But by hearing them they become aware of them, and begin to make other connections. It is like when you learn a new word and suddenly start hearing it everywhere. Now the word was always there, but now you are aware of it. Also because our kids have heard the words before, they won't be completely new terms when they hear them again in a few years. This means later on they will learn them with minimal effort.

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I apologize if this topic has been asked before however following our science lesson this morning I felt very frustrated at what my dc are "supposed" to learn. We are studying plants and it's going well, except for today. The lesson this week is about plants that don't use seeds to reproduce. Terms such as "propagation" were introduced and honestly I could care less if my dc know that term! As long as they know that potatoes reproduce differently than other plants I'm happy. Is that bad of me to feel/think that way? I've been schooling for 7 years now and each year I am amazed and a bit upset at what I am supposed to require my children to remember. Who cares about the terms, really? Are general concepts enough?? I probably err on the side of not requiring them to know enough yet I balk at having them memorize things that have no lasting importance in their lives.



The more they learn in grade school and junior high, the easier it will be to memorize the lists of terms they are going to have to know in high school. I wish I had pushed learning the terms more in the early years. Some chapters in biology have well over 30 words to learn and know in less than 2 weeks...and then the next chapter starts with another new list.


Each child is different. Some simply cannot learn all those terms in the early years. Do what is reasonable.



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Here's my take. Kids at the elementary age and younger are wired to learn new stuff and really can resemble sponges. Think about one of your kids and something that they are passionate about (sports, horses, Pokemon, whatever). They can probably tell you about it in excruciating detail. They can do the same thing with parts of a flower or terms for scientific actions or names of the kings of England or different types of Roman gladiators.


That doesn't mean that you have to quiz a second grader on science vocabulary or that there needs to be a cumulative list of terms to define at the end of elementary school. But it may mean that you don't shy away from using the correct term at the right time and thay you gently correct with the proper term. Just restating what the child said with more specific terminology is probably enough.

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I apologize if this topic has been asked before however following our science lesson this morning I felt very frustrated at what my dc are "supposed" to learn. We are studying plants and it's going well, except for today. The lesson this week is about plants that don't use seeds to reproduce. Terms such as "propagation" were introduced and honestly I could care less if my dc know that term! As long as they know that potatoes reproduce differently than other plants I'm happy. Is that bad of me to feel/think that way? I've been schooling for 7 years now and each year I am amazed and a bit upset at what I am supposed to require my children to remember. Who cares about the terms, really? Are general concepts enough?? I probably err on the side of not requiring them to know enough yet I balk at having them memorize things that have no lasting importance in their lives.


IMHO: The ability to understand concepts will begin to be hampered by a lack of understanding and knowledge of details.


Also-(wonderingly) how do you know what will have lasting value and importance in your kids lives right now? Maybe you have a future doc, engineer or botanist in your homeschool.



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I use the vocabulary, and I think it is good for kids to at least hear the scientific terms. I do not expect my kids to remember everything I tell them, and I don;t go out of my way to have them memorize absolutely everything. But by hearing them they become aware of them, and begin to make other connections. It is like when you learn a new word and suddenly start hearing it everywhere. Now the word was always there, but now you are aware of it. Also because our kids have heard the words before, they won't be completely new terms when they hear them again in a few years. This means later on they will learn them with minimal effort.


This was my thought too...The more wrods children know, the better they will be later on..now I wouldn't be testing my kids on the vocabulary (although they are 6 and 8), I would be using it around them! My kids amaze other people with their lexicon...I love it!

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I am, if anyone is, over educated--my father was so into academia, it was unbelievable--and so was I! What has it gotten me?


1) I have won every game of Trivial Pursuit I have ever played.


2) I have an amazing memory, or did, until I had dd, and she stole half my brain (that is why your kids are smarter than you, in case you didn't know--at least that is my theory).


3) My brain is now so clogged with crap, nothing else seems to get in, but ask me anything I ever learned in school, or any phone # I have ever dialed, including any Pizza Hut or Target in the land, & I can tell you in a second--if I dial it once, I know it!


So you see, it will all serve a purpose, one day. Just tell them to buy every version of Trivial Pursuit they ever see, and challenge everyone in sight ;).

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I apologize if this topic has been asked before however following our science lesson this morning I felt very frustrated at what my dc are "supposed" to learn. We are studying plants and it's going well, except for today. The lesson this week is about plants that don't use seeds to reproduce. Terms such as "propagation" were introduced and honestly I could care less if my dc know that term! As long as they know that potatoes reproduce differently than other plants I'm happy. Is that bad of me to feel/think that way? I've been schooling for 7 years now and each year I am amazed and a bit upset at what I am supposed to require my children to remember. Who cares about the terms, really? Are general concepts enough?? I probably err on the side of not requiring them to know enough yet I balk at having them memorize things that have no lasting importance in their lives.


:grouphug:Sounds like you've had a rough day. Yes, it is hard. Yes, it is worth it. Keep plugging on!:grouphug:

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