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Hive - how do I clean melted on plastic out of dryer?


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Help!!  My son (in response to my request for help) emptied the clothes washer into the dryer.  I had thrown a large picnic table cloth into the washer, along with some other things, intending to let the table cloth air dry.  But, my son didn't know better and he put in the dryer!!


None of the towels had plastic melted on them, but the back of the dryer is covered in it.  No one smelled it.


Any suggestions how to save this dryer?  HELP!


We have been taking turns peeling some of it off, but it is slow going, and a lot of it just has to be scraped with a sharp knife.  I NEED to use this dryer tonight and tomorrow.  Of course, it doesn't look like I can use it.

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Thanks for all the ideas! 


I went to my old friend Google, and learned that I should try running the dryer again until it heated up and then carefully try to pry any more off.  We got a lot off, but there is still some firmly attached.  We made certain all the holes are open, and then I ran it with a load of wet socks. The socks didn't get ruined (good news here!) and a lot of that stuff flaked off and was in the lint.  I read that I could use a little nail polish on it, but I haven't tried that.  I may just keep a close eye on it, while trying to scrape off a little more each time I use it.


There were no bad smells, so I think that's good.


I appreciate the help and ideas a lot!! 

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I wanted to update everyone who kindly offered suggestions to my call for help. 


We just got back from camping and I have a LOT of laundry.  Fortunately, the dryer seems to be working fine.  I put dark and less important stuff in it to dry first, and it worked fine.  In face, lots of little bits of the plastic that was melted on have been coming off and end up in the lint catcher.  It looks much better!!


I'm going to continue to use it with confidence.  Guess it wasn't as bad as I thought at first!!

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